
  • SlutinmyHead - Chick Crush — $10    

    This file promotes having a chick crush on your best female friend. You are submissive to her, happy to share your significant other and even willing to be pimped out so she can get backstage to meet the lead singer of that band she likes so much. It\'s incredible how much her friendship means to you. You have a chick crush. ==> ALSO, for more mp3s, mind control fiction and to leave feedback, please check out my new site at www.slutinmyhead.com. Thanks for your continued support.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 39:27
    Downloads: 172
    I like to reward feedback with intermittent reinforcement. Tanyaslave, if one of my pay files interests you, please let me know which one PM and I\'ll happily email it. Thanks for your comment :)
    high i would love to test out your files