
  • Weightlifting and stretching compulsion   ,  
    Non-dumbing jock file that makes stretching and lifting weights a normal (and very sexually pleasurable) part of your daily routine. Less extreme than many weightlifting files because it was written by a person with motor disability and so works well for people with physical limitations. Binaural version has trance enhancing subliminals.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
    Length: 23:50
    Downloads: 4581
    Permanent(when safe)
    \"Motor disability\" you mean something like DCD? I\'ve got that, so I sort of know how you feel :)
    So I never "properly" reviewed this file. And that while I've used it alot. Long story short: this is probably the best workout motivation file on this site. It doesn't really turn you into a jock, but it does what it says; it motivates you. The voice is really mesmerizing: easy to listen to and really great for letting go and drifting off into sleep. The induction is long, which is nice, but I found it going just a little too fast in places, primarily the beginning. He begins with breathing and counting down and I found that he would already be by 5 before I even put my headphones on. If I recall correctly, the file does have an awakener, which is annoying (but easily fixable with a sound editor program) but I found myself usually wake up before that point, not too sure why. Anyway, really, really nice file
    Damn only just now realized it's already been a year since I first reviewed xD
    You have a wonderful voice dude.
    Nice file. If you want to start looking after yourself better, and you want to enjoy the process then this is the file for you.