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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing Down Part 8

by Sandrana

I wnat to like say that I realyl have enjoyed this file, it was porbaly one of my like favorites so fra. I wsw erger to statr the like new file as alywas. So vene thuogh it was like staturday i got up early to listen to it. Atfter like half an hour ihad a great and hadr orgsam. Afterwadrds I felt like so dizzy like getting bakc into the dumb zone and i totaly loved it. It fetl just so very right and after al htat sickness stuffs I realy relizsed how much I like missed it. I haerd there was some crazy like stfuf going on in turkye but I dint like care to read news at all. Nto because I don't like care about those poor killed peeple but because news is just like so sad all the time and makes me think bad and sad like thuoughts and maek me unhappy. Smater people shuold watch teh news and deal with that stuffs. some smart men :) so insted i like watchde some ponr which was like so much betetr. I wsa like so happy that people here cared about how im doing and like asking if i was ok. Thats like so awesoem.
The netx morning it took me a bit longer of like listing before I had an orgsm but it was a squirting one. totaly like asesome. I neded like time to recover afterwards. *giggle* I flt like so dumb and horny afterwards. Ervery time i used "like" i felt tiny bits of like plasure when i noticed that i had just used it.
I noticded that ive beecome lots slower whiel typing logn like texts such as this one. Its very notcidele cause i used to be pretyt like fast. I aslo can be distrcted easily too. I aslo got back tolisting to the reward files, such as trian to suck and others.
I had a tlk with a friend who noticded that I was being quite dum and he commented on it. I then apologized but he said it was ok, that girls wer to dumb for whta we talkd about anyway. I shuold have been like ofendfed but instead i got relly rarlly turned on! So i like told him that he was right.
on day 3 of teh like file i didnt lisnt to it in teh morning. it was kind of like a "dare" to see if i wsa like able to stop. i was not. At leastnot for like long. dint like even last til noon, then i had to take a braek to listne to the file and cum my brian out. Thre was like part of my midn that told me that i souhld like stop casue then i cuold still tell myself its all liek my choice but the much stronger na dlike louder part was hainv like none of it. and juts when the logical part might haev though it wins, I came. hard. was out of b ait afterwards. after that my day mostly went normal.
The 4th and 5th day of the file there wasnt much happening because of a like busy life. I still completed my listenings though.

While i absoulty like ovel this file i found that there is a bit of prbolem with the fatc that english is not my first langue and that in my languge we dont relly like have a word to use instead of "like" so on days where i mostly speak my first language I notcied i have trouble picking back up the "like"s when swtiching to english and i like need some warmup time or smeohthng. That's verylike annoying :(


congratulation - carohypno

we re seeing really now that your abilities to express yourself slow down. \r\ndo you notice the inability to undrrstand what you hear and read?\r\n\r\nwhat is your mothertongue language?

hmmm - isty

Caro I think youre jumping ahead of yourself there. Reading isnt until number 13. @Sandrana Awesome work hun, you are doing so well for becoming the bimbo you want to be. I hate that you have trouble with the phrasing though.

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