Hey guys, so it’s been a while since I have really tried to go under so I figured let’s open the doors up and see if anyone wants to try help me. Basically tried many times to go under, be it video, Skype, file etc but even if I keel like I’m getting 5ere, nothing ever sticks. So if anyone wants to ...
Though I am sort of resurrecting the dead here, I do like the idea of wearing mens shoes. You cannot take them off for x time and your feet grow and grow the more you wear them.
https://www.facebook.com/notes/blake-ross/aphantasia-how-it-feels-to-be-blind-in-your-mind/10156834777480504?pnref=story So to put it simply, I am like this, and have struggled with hypnosis, never to date having a successful occurrence. I sort of thought I was normal until I read this and then had ...
So losing punctuation marks and making it lowercase could be a double edged sword. If the flash part for more cum, more dumb, is meant to make the user feel dumber, then it would get harder and more irrelevant to use said things. In saying that, a quick typer (Don't mean to brag) would find the job ...
So I have tried many files too no success over the years and thought I'd try here. 21 looking to become stupidly horny all the time. Any questions send me a pm I guess.
You best bet (assuming you find a trustworthy tist) is to try get them to do regular sessions with you. Here or the reddit hypnohookup I think are your best options.
The first half more defines slob files, which there are not too many of on this site. Jock files tend to be about intelligence, sex and sports with a hint of confidence here and there.
As for the second part of clothing, again sort of difficult to find something as specific.
That odd moment when you realize the last time you posted, your email was wrong.
Hairy young 21. Lets give this a shot I guess...
No scat/watersports or feminization. Maybe a few others but cant think of them atm. Lets see what I get.
- Need to log into forums as well as page - Names of accounts on the left under "My Account" have a mouse over, but no purpose as they are not clickable. - Forums (not sure if this was intentional) no longer change the URL, thus if you press back in the explorer, it takes you back to the page before...