Jackstock wrote:This is almost exactly the same as my Subby Hubby, Dommy Wife.
plywoodporn wrote:Check out ViVe's "Knight in Shining Armour" file - I think it's pretty similar.
SylviaBlack wrote:"There is no spoon." ;)
First person to name where that quote's from gets 50% off of any one of the listed sell prices (whether you want a techno-pagan mix or just good old fashioned hypnosis).
chase1 wrote:Sorry my mistake, the specific file I was thinking of was SCUM! By zapnosis.
diode168 wrote:Didn't you bring your pants back inside? I thought you said the chores were done.
Shai wrote:I've listened to the file just once, we'll see how far it takes me :D
diode168 wrote:People talking about American politics. I'm just going to grab the popcorn.
mistressvenusiana wrote:Hi guys i love so much hypnosis..my great passion..wanted to study more and more.. to put you compltely under my power a kiss