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[quote="macdaddy"]I have listened to the file in years past. I am now happily in a 'limbo' - don't really want to have sex with a woman but find them sexually stimulating as dommes, and feel very loving emotions towards them, but not sexual feelings anymore. Thats kinda how I am toward women now, I ...
by Nakedcubaz
March 29th, 2012, 8:22 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Forced Gay File question.
Replies: 16
Views: 18650

There are people who are happy afterward, but I know what destruction it can wreak, and I would never tell anyone to take a chance like that. My life has literally been destroyed because of it. Curiosity does the craziest things don't it? One minute it while you're horny and need to get off it seem...
by Nakedcubaz
March 27th, 2012, 5:32 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Forced Gay File question.
Replies: 16
Views: 18650

I know it's been awhile, but I have read some of the replies and I do appreciate the ppl who did respond. I decided to listen to curse forced gay last night. After listening to it, I felt guilty, I felt like wtf am I doing. The strange thing is, is I have always had bisexual tendancies since I was a...
by Nakedcubaz
March 26th, 2012, 1:42 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Forced Gay File question.
Replies: 16
Views: 18650

Hi Naked :) I know there's people who will disagree with me, but my view is that the file brings latent or buried desires to the conscious level. Kind of allows you to try something you've always wanted and/or needed. The only thing that concerns me a little is that you seem to want to try gay just...
by Nakedcubaz
February 13th, 2012, 9:12 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Forced Gay File question.
Replies: 16
Views: 18650

Curse Forced Gay File question.

I just read some of the forced cursed gay file on this forums but I decided to make another post, so I'm sorry if this is a bother. I am attracted to women, but I also have more of an attraction for men. I do like to get off to nude women and think they are sexy, but I just love watching gay porn. I...
by Nakedcubaz
February 11th, 2012, 6:59 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Forced Gay File question.
Replies: 16
Views: 18650

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