Hey I am sorry :oops: I did not mean to offend anyone out there
hope you find it in your heart to forgive my blunder
I do find that i like tg's more and more and i am really sorry if you get offended
After listening to this file for a month , I now find that trannies are so sexyjavascript:emoticon(':D') Very Happy I been looking at shemale porn chatting with trannies online and find that my desire for them is equal to that of gg's. If anyone can suggest any files that would increase my desire or...
I have been listening to the CurseHormoneChange file twice a day, and have looped the SuggestiveFeminization file so it is continuos. I seem to be having more of a feminine thought process starting, and as for physical changes, my nipples are more sensative and bigger. I plan on continuing to liste...