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Re: OMG it is finally here!

Haha~♡ if u wanna see how well the beta worked on me (and likee... the problems it had) here is a link to its unstoppable effects~♡ Oh my gosh thanks so much for the praise. That link is broken. Probably. Atleas...
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2024, 10:06 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: OMG it is finally here!
Replies: 4
Views: 1397

Re: Girly Depths File

After literally years this file is out of Beta. I promise an even higher quality one is available now. Thanks to all those who tried the beta and loved it. I finally got around to making the proper one. You can get it for 30.00 off this site under my account. Just search for girly depths. To further...
by ThatoneGurll
July 11th, 2024, 2:41 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Hello Gurll and Carlie! I just wanted to share with you that I downloaded the file from YT and I have now listened to it three times (or was it four, I fell asleep one night while listening). So far I have felt some warm energetic surges while under, and I got her name too. I haven't seen any menta...
by ThatoneGurll
January 5th, 2022, 7:44 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Heyy. Carlie here. I know we haven't been updating as much, but I've been unable to take over for a good week, gurll got really busy but I'm still here hey heyy~ Gurll was having a lot of issues with sleep recently, but recently got success with more files. Recently also made new files. AND WE GOT O...
by ThatoneGurll
August 11th, 2021, 10:12 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Hey this is Carlie. Remember me? I'm still here! I'm still developing. We have success, guaranteed, I took over my host today during the file before it could give my host control back (sneaky me I know) I heard the suggestion "now your host will wake up and you will go back into the background&...
by ThatoneGurll
August 3rd, 2021, 4:28 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)

tankthefrank wrote:No problemo, I`ll probably just splurge for the full file shortly :)

Thanks! Thank you for the support!! It's super deeply appreciated. :D
by ThatoneGurll
August 2nd, 2021, 2:25 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)
Replies: 4
Views: 3506

Re: Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)

tankthefrank wrote:Not to be an ass but just an FYI, the free preview version still falls under premium, so yeah, not free lol.

True, most users can get premium for free if they write a story or upload a file.. also..

I can't control that it's premium, it's the site's default state for new files.
by ThatoneGurll
August 1st, 2021, 12:48 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)
Replies: 4
Views: 3506

Re: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2

crazy necro posts here o.o This whole thread is fascinating for sure and it makes me wildly curious about some of the more metaphysical phenomenon's going on. I've sent JackDrago a pm, requesting further contact I have some curiosities about manifestation relating to the demons. This is quite fascin...
by ThatoneGurll
July 30th, 2021, 10:22 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: JackDrago's Inner Demon 1/2
Replies: 23
Views: 31781

Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)

Hey everyone I made another file, I also made a free preview for this one. Oh and if you haven't already check out my new File Dare File too, it's free (you'll need premium though). I hope you lovely people will try giving this one a shot, It's classified as cross dressing but it does more than that...
by ThatoneGurll
July 29th, 2021, 5:25 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Permanent Female Changes Body And Mind (New file)
Replies: 4
Views: 3506

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

I haven't posted anything here for a while, earlier today, Carlie made me listen to the file again, and it worked. There was a short period of time where it really felt like I couldn't resist her at all. She was quite pleased with that. After a while I had to get up and do things though so she let m...
by ThatoneGurll
July 27th, 2021, 4:04 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

File Dare File (Available !!!)

I got an idea this morning for a file which makes being dared to listen to other hypno files a highly fetishized experience. I went ahead and recorded it with my IRL voice, now this hasn't been filtered or anything it's quite raw audio but I think it's clean enough considering one of my test subs wa...
by ThatoneGurll
July 27th, 2021, 11:11 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: File Dare File (Available !!!)
Replies: 2
Views: 1952

CatGirl Transformation File NEW!

Hey there I made a new file it's about being kidnapped by some mages and turned into a cat girl forcibly, there's an option at the end of the file to stay changed. This is a preview version you'll need premium to...
by ThatoneGurll
July 26th, 2021, 10:00 am
Forum: Furry Transformations
Topic: CatGirl Transformation File NEW!
Replies: 0
Views: 3637

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

I wouldn't mind meeting Carlie! I love the concept of female alters taking over, so I'd love to talk to someone who's going through it Carlie would love to meet anyone and talk but she's still developing and seems to run out of energy taking over too long. Hi this is Carlie, I'm just saying hello~ ...
by ThatoneGurll
July 24th, 2021, 3:52 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Hey this is me, I suppose to differentiate from Carlie you all can just call me gurl. So Yeah things happened.. I was going to go to sleep and then: I was listening to kei's first pussy drip file and then I started actually experiencing physical effects, ie, dripping and throbbing a bit. It felt rea...
by ThatoneGurll
July 21st, 2021, 6:12 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: OMG! It's happening!

me and *my* system mates. Ugh I can't stand typos like that. Sorry. :oops: :roll:
by ThatoneGurll
July 20th, 2021, 5:29 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: OMG! It's happening!
Replies: 19
Views: 16613

Re: OMG! It's happening!

congrats, me and most system mates.. if I can call them that, have been trying different files for years, I wish i'd had the success you had. Hypnosis seems to easily wear off for me, if not reinforced with extreme focus. >.< Basically as many years as I've been registered to this site, then maybe a...
by ThatoneGurll
July 20th, 2021, 5:29 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: OMG! It's happening!
Replies: 19
Views: 16613

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Hey this is Carlie, I tried to take over yesterday for a long time but I got tired out. I wonder why I run out of energy or stop being able to be in control. It seems I take a toll on the brain or our body when I'm fronting or maybe I'm just not that developed yet. Either way it's nice to be able to...
by ThatoneGurll
July 20th, 2021, 11:46 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

I should mention one last thing it's actually fine with my host for me to do these things,
because I always give her back control when it's needed :3
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2021, 1:09 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Carlie here, I just wanted to say whenever host gets messages addressing me or questions that interest me, I progressively want to take over more to talk to those emails/pms and reply and act nice. I think that being asked questions about me is really fun and helps me think about things, I just acci...
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2021, 1:08 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Hey this is Carlie, someone just asked a question in a pm to me, I found it really easy to just take over and answer. I'm sorry everyone about being so strange yesterday when host began talking about me. I was experiencing some very private feelings and thoughts and got worried my inner world would ...
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2021, 10:35 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Pavlov Success

replying to missmayi: Thanks for the tips, yeah I suppose I could use some deepeners first and also do some self suggestion, maybe stack enchanted keyboard onto it, by listening to that first then writing some self suggestions.. hmm.. :D Editing the file to have a bell sounds in it instead probably ...
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2021, 12:25 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Pavlov Success
Replies: 6
Views: 4653

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

so a few things happened with Carlie and I recently my life got kind of stressful, and will be a little more stressful for a while give and take. First, she tried to do some things which was a bit beyond my sense of boundaries, so it didn't fully succeed but it had to be patched up I won't say what,...
by ThatoneGurll
July 18th, 2021, 9:18 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Pavlov Success

I have an eternity collar but I also have a cute chain choker with a bell on it which I always have on and it jingles quite a bit if I move around enough, the bell it came with wasn't big enough so I put another one on it that is a bit bigger and louder, much louder. I tried to copy your idea missma...
by ThatoneGurll
July 18th, 2021, 9:07 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Pavlov Success
Replies: 6
Views: 4653

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

So this morning I listened to the file again, and after doing so inspite of having a bit of a headache that's been bugging me the last few days cause of unrelated sinus congestion .-. I was talking to one of my gf's and I ended up experiencing Carlie taking over right when I was about to type to her...
by ThatoneGurll
July 15th, 2021, 10:39 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Carlie would absolutely love to do that. I know she would. We've added you already from our pms. Onto the updates!! So today not a lot happened, rather.. From my perspective, Carlie spent a lot of time with my owner and then with another friend of mine, She asked my current owner who has an eternity...
by ThatoneGurll
July 14th, 2021, 11:35 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Re: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

Heyy this is Carlie, I'm just posting a little update. I met some weird people online in some chatrooms and a few nice people too I will have to be careful in chat room hypnosis places though. Not many people are super curious but it was fun talking. Oh yeah. I almost forgot.. my host was actually t...
by ThatoneGurll
July 14th, 2021, 1:41 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success

So ever since the 11th which is when I first finished making this file, and going for it, I was able to make the file work. At this point the suggestion in the file to start opening a discussion forum about it or anything has actually got me and is pushing me so hard to talk about it. So, her name. ...
by ThatoneGurll
July 13th, 2021, 11:49 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Curse Lewd Succubus Summoning Great Success
Replies: 18
Views: 15503

Lewd Succubus Friend

So I made a succubus file that has some safeties in it, but still has that sexy edge of "She might take over if I don't do what she wants", The file makes it so the succubus only does things that benefit BOTH the host and herself. It summons the succubus but uses the brain to "manifes...
by ThatoneGurll
July 11th, 2021, 9:10 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Lewd Succubus Friend
Replies: 0
Views: 1572

Re: Kei demon girl

This file's kinda messed up isn't it? Which one was it i'm curious to. Though the demon girl series I've looked at they all do a lot of things I certainly wouldn't want
by ThatoneGurll
July 11th, 2021, 6:08 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Kei demon girl
Replies: 12
Views: 14236

Re: Hey I make feminizing hypnosis: Feminizing collar

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, it means a lot to me! Also thank you for letting me know about the visuals, that helps me out too. Perhaps I should make videos with more visual focus, they are videos after all :lol: Would there be any particular stuff you would like to see, content for?...
by ThatoneGurll
April 12th, 2021, 9:57 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Hey I make feminizing hypnosis: Feminizing collar
Replies: 5
Views: 6435

[Challenge] Don't respond, prove you're lurking. Good Girl.

Don't respond, no matter how tempted you are to respond with the words "I'm a good girl". Just don't. I know you will keep coming back and staring at this and wanting to respond, it's almost like it wants to come out of you. Just don't respond. Maybe this is silly, and not even hypnotic, o...
by ThatoneGurll
March 21st, 2021, 3:11 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: [Challenge] Don't respond, prove you're lurking. Good Girl.
Replies: 31
Views: 29481

Hey I make feminizing hypnosis: Feminizing collar

Hey I make feminizing hypnosis, Lately I've been trying to grow my YouTube channel. Here is my YouTube channel, And my latest video. Please read the rest but do check it out: I setup a Patreon, as well. I'm not really doing it for the money. Any support...
by ThatoneGurll
March 9th, 2021, 7:02 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Hey I make feminizing hypnosis: Feminizing collar
Replies: 5
Views: 6435

Become Girly AWAKEN now available On YT from my stream


Little late to poste it, but it's the premeire, Come see! Cuties
by ThatoneGurll
October 10th, 2020, 12:01 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Become Girly AWAKEN now available On YT from my stream
Replies: 1
Views: 3069

I'm LIVESTREAMING AND the video will be up later.

i'm LiveStreaming a feminization subliminal video that I laboured over for hours lastnight, this is kinda like the girly files i've made but on steroids. Please come watch if you want the effects, it does involve unlocking your full feminine self and I encourage people to chat so I can get feedback ...
by ThatoneGurll
October 9th, 2020, 12:24 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: I'm LIVESTREAMING AND the video will be up later.
Replies: 1
Views: 2336

Re: Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!

To all those who responded: Thank you for the input! I plan to actually get around to making these files and having them out before or by December, i've had a few set backs, Hopefully I can get the first one out by before or near early August or a whole set. I plan to release the first ones for free...
by ThatoneGurll
July 31st, 2018, 8:42 pm
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!
Replies: 5
Views: 5815

Re: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Yeah in my experience JackDrago natural alters in a system seem to be fine but articially created ones fade really easily / fast and take a ton of maintenence.

Any ideas as to why that is?
Thanks for the advice on studying other scripts I will definitely look into that as well.
by ThatoneGurll
July 21st, 2018, 5:51 am
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation
Replies: 4
Views: 7120

Re: Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!

There was a slight error I meant
-Elemental Fire Pegasus
-Elemental Earth Pegasus
-Elemental Air Pegasus
-Elemental Water Pegasus
by ThatoneGurll
July 20th, 2018, 6:51 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!
Replies: 5
Views: 5815

Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!

Hi there. I'm writing this post because I want to see how many people would be interested in a tulpa creation series based on creating different KINDS of mythical creatures/beings as tulpas. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share your thoughts even if they are simply "meh" on this topic. I need input,...
by ThatoneGurll
July 20th, 2018, 6:49 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Your new companion Series. Volunteers wanted soon!
Replies: 5
Views: 5815

Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation

Hi there. As many of you know a lot of people frown upon the creation of an altar or tulpa but let's face it many of the files here on WMM done by request for an alter are not 100% safe and sane. I've experimented heavily with various methods of creating tulpa or alters through hypnosis both in othe...
by ThatoneGurll
July 19th, 2018, 3:16 am
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Advice on Alters/Tulpa, and File Creation
Replies: 4
Views: 7120

Re: Girly Depths File

I'd love to be invited to that discord chat <3 also I totally am happy you still like the file. Everyone I'm sorry about the quality of the file, but it's the best I was able to do, some of my content is still experimental (lol I'm working on it). I'm not an audio engineer either but for me I guess ...
by ThatoneGurll
October 10th, 2017, 8:47 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Re: Girly Depths File

I'm overwhelmed with happyness that you are happy!! Thank youuuu for updating <3
*kiss kiss hug hug heart heart heart heart heart heart*
by ThatoneGurll
September 15th, 2017, 9:21 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Re: Girly Depths File

@Hicks I'm so happy about the handwriting, and thank you so much about the advice and criticism I didn't take it as a bad thing, I'm happy you said something. When it comes to file-making I want to consider myself a provider of a form of media and I want to try to aim to the highest standard I can (...
by ThatoneGurll
September 10th, 2017, 5:19 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Re: Girly Depths File

I apologize Hicks for the poor audio quality of the recording. There are some other samples into the background that were included, and I am not at all the greatest at eliminating background sounds. I also apologize for the induction I don't know what is wrong with it. One other person criticized it...
by ThatoneGurll
September 9th, 2017, 12:40 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Girly Depths File

I did a remix of my cutie file. I want feedback so I'm giving this file away. I'll also upload it here later But you'll be able to get it if your not premium because it's only a draft. There's the google drive sharable lin...
by ThatoneGurll
September 8th, 2017, 1:23 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Girly Depths File
Replies: 14
Views: 25996

Re: Cute Feminization

cbarber92 I have sent you a pm.
by ThatoneGurll
July 28th, 2017, 8:04 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Cute Feminization
Replies: 8
Views: 8447

Re: Cute Feminization

Yay 14 downloads, but no feedback :(
by ThatoneGurll
July 26th, 2017, 3:02 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Cute Feminization
Replies: 8
Views: 8447

Re: Cute Feminization

Thanks for the 5 downloads, also I noticed no one has commented at all on the file yet o.o
by ThatoneGurll
July 24th, 2017, 3:46 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Cute Feminization
Replies: 8
Views: 8447

Cute Feminization

For those of you who want a personality change without the stereotypical changes look no further than my newest upload. You probably need premium for it but I worked on this file for two days and it's still a draft but I consider it finished. I'll make an improved one later. What it does: changes yo...
by ThatoneGurll
July 23rd, 2017, 7:37 am
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Cute Feminization
Replies: 8
Views: 8447

Re: Trial of : Spirit Girl Voice: Obedience

So I stopped listening for a few days. I'm still noticing some lingering effects even without listening. I did have another dream while listening to the file I think.. so anyways. I'm noticing that my female sensations and mindset are getting stronger. I feel like i can't help feeling more girly it'...
by ThatoneGurll
July 2nd, 2016, 6:51 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Trial of : Spirit Girl Voice: Obedience
Replies: 11
Views: 11774

Re: Trial of : Spirit Girl Voice: Obedience

It's fine. She knows.
I should say, she knows all about what i do
by ThatoneGurll
June 26th, 2016, 12:03 pm
Forum: Feminizations Forum
Topic: Trial of : Spirit Girl Voice: Obedience
Replies: 11
Views: 11774

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