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ProfessorPig, I'm actually reading Trancework at the moment which is a great book I might add. I'll be sure to check out Hypnosis for Change. I recently read Mind Play which was surprisingly good I found. My question is more directed towards inductions specifically for transformations. As for the se...
by notreallysure
July 1st, 2015, 1:43 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Would anyone be willing to help me with transformations?
Replies: 2
Views: 2794

Would anyone be willing to help me with transformations?

I'd really like to learn some effective induction methods, and ways on how to guide them through the transformation. Any help would be wonderful and very greatly appreciated.
by notreallysure
June 30th, 2015, 1:05 am
Forum: File Ideas, Scripts, and Challenges
Topic: Would anyone be willing to help me with transformations?
Replies: 2
Views: 2794

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