I was listening to the body of either TrainExercise or IncreaseMetabolism and I could hear a buzzing sound. I noticed that this file caused me to proceed even deeper in to the trance. I tried listening to them while not in a trance and I can not hear the buzzing sound. I was trying to figure out whe...
I finally got somebody at CreativeLabs to respond with a reasonable answer. They say that the bit rate must be 48Kbps or higher to play back correctly. They say to use their software and convert the file with a more appropriate bit rate.
I have tracked the problem down further. The MP3 files that are not playing correctly have a bitrate of 32Kpbs. The MP3 files that play correctly have a bitrate of 24Kbps. I am waiting to here back from CreativeLabs on how to address this issue. When I get an answer, I will post it here.
Thanks for the response. I was playing around and converted the files to WMA with a constant bit rate. Now they sound the same as they do on the PC. I have an inquiry into CreativeLabs and I will be interested to see how they respond.
Thanks for the reply. I have not been able to find any such setting. The demo files that came on the player, play fine. For your info, this a Creative Labs Zen Micro Photo.
When I play the files on the PC, the tempo sounds correct. When played back on the MP3 player, the voice seems be slower. Any idea what I am doing wrong?