Hello, I'm looking for an assortment of files with positive feedback. I'm after a file for Breast growth and Butt/Thigh growth without the forced lifestyle/personality changes stuff that comes with the general files but is more intended for some that is after the fat female look. I know it may sound...
I think in this case the means to which the person becomes a cowgirl in this file is also part of the ends. The transformation into a big breasted milking cow anthro is just as important in this file as the end result of being one. So if I were to design the file I'd probably try to emphasize how g...
I've gotten interested in cowgirls yeah the anthro i think their pretty cool so I've submitted the following to the voting area its not added yet but i'm wondering what everyone else thinks because this could be kinda neat. [code:1:8a311ceb]When the trigger phase is said "Milk Me" the pers...
Well I've finally made my choose after coming back to begin my feminization process but have come to some snags. I went to my library and done some research on feminization and what I came up with was that the breasts will take awhile to develop, which can take up to 10 years even on hormones but I ...
I remember reading about that male fat is thicker then a womens and a womens have more watery content i was wondering if any of the files even effect this. Also is this right?
I was wondering if listening to both CurseBreastGrowthMale and Dream2Reality Breasts would allow Breast to reach i don't no 36JJ+ range? any more suggestions to reaching that size.
Well i am new to this site and i thought i would have started with something that would help me concentrate in the future. 1: Anyway after listening to it before i went to bed i had a dream that i was able to move things with my mind. 2: After waking up i had a slight headache all day and went to my...