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Dog food isn't gormet, but it won't harm you.

There are people who actually do it for a career - dog food testers. Why this couldn't be done by dogs I don't know - but they get paid for it. :)
by uk_guy4
June 9th, 2005, 8:24 am
Forum: The Voting Page
Topic: Vote Shout Outs
Replies: 34
Views: 36508

Yeah I believe we currently have 2 very similar chicken ones :(
by uk_guy4
May 26th, 2005, 4:20 am
Forum: Diapers and Incontinence
Topic: Minorities
Replies: 11
Views: 11230

Well said Linja :)
by uk_guy4
April 20th, 2005, 4:48 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Files that have worked exceptionally well for you!
Replies: 104
Views: 148503

Bigbust, there is a time and a place for everything. Although it was the place it wasn't the time. When everyone else is posting off topic stuff, you have to join them. But, what you should have done is just started a new topic, like the "ONLY Post Success Stories Here" topic. You sould do it, real...
by uk_guy4
April 20th, 2005, 1:37 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Files that have worked exceptionally well for you!
Replies: 104
Views: 148503

Self Trig

I was wondering if it is feasible, and/or desirable for the files to be filtered with 'Are Self triggerable' criteria. It's quite a hunt for them otherwise.

It would be of interest to myself, anyone else?
by uk_guy4
April 19th, 2005, 3:42 pm
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Self Trig
Replies: 5
Views: 4529

It's a big con - I'd imagine all you'd get for your $9 is the following information: "How to get lots of money for anythings - FAST!" Thankyou for giving me money. To get money yourself, like I have, go on to internet forums and post the following - then watch the money roll in... Hi guys, you can g...
by uk_guy4
April 19th, 2005, 9:41 am
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Cybernetic Transposition
Replies: 6
Views: 6761

Whilst I can't say it's something that appeals to me either, this forum is about sucess stories from listening to files on this website. As this website covers such obscure kinks then it is quite reasonable for Darkamber to post such things, maybe appealing to others on this site that have the same ...
by uk_guy4
April 16th, 2005, 8:47 am
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Files that have worked exceptionally well for you!
Replies: 104
Views: 148503

you might start thinking, "is my little police man gone yet," and thinking, isn't good to do, when you are trying to get in a trance. lol, do you get the picture?

That's probably why I haven't made it into trance yet. :D :oops:
by uk_guy4
April 14th, 2005, 1:31 am
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: falling out of trance
Replies: 30
Views: 27898

A lot of people report doing things to focus on the words help. Just affirm them in your head, repeat them or mouth them worked for me. If you browse similar threads other people gave a fair bit of decent advice. Files that suggest regulating breathing helped me too. I had to make a bit of an effor...
by uk_guy4
April 13th, 2005, 4:27 pm
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: falling out of trance
Replies: 30
Views: 27898

I don't think de-program works on Curses - wouldn't be a curse now would it. :)
by uk_guy4
April 12th, 2005, 5:16 pm
Forum: General Hypnosis
Topic: Please Read
Replies: 11
Views: 10948

Looking at your replies to other sections of the site, I know a lot of the files baffel you. I'm baffeled by most of them too, save for the Jock ones but I'm sure that's as weird an idea to you as the rest of them. Actualy, I'm aware at how odd the idea is myself, but I can't seem not to like it. I...
by uk_guy4
April 12th, 2005, 5:08 pm
Forum: Help with Files
Topic: Trouble With suggestions
Replies: 22
Views: 24788

Luck :D
by uk_guy4
April 12th, 2005, 5:03 pm
Forum: Success Stories
Topic: Limited Success-so far
Replies: 6
Views: 8091

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