My TTS sucks balls so here's a script that won't see the light of day otherwise. Feel free to play with it. Wouldn’t it be curious if we could change our bodies at will? What if we wanted to become fitter and stronger and once the desire was uttered our course would be set and we would just transfor...
Is it beyond the powers of all hypnotists to make a Humblebundle equivalent for hypnosis? People pay what they like for a collection of files with openly shown parts of the contribution going to the producers, the vendor, and to charity. As an added incentive not to be a real tightwad, there are bon...
A file that turns female requests (i.e. nagging) into opportunities for increased self worth, relationship growth laced with an undercurrent of sexual possibility, leading to being proactive about housey stuff.
Hey Buttli.. Just a minor note - Panty erection makes you get hard whenever you see a womans panties, anywhere! There needn't be a girl inside them. You might find that seeing panties for sale in a store makes you get a pronounced unhideable boner and having a look at some sissies in women's panties...
Mino. Whilst it would be great to have the luxury of constructing a team of awesome people to make a game that unscrews the head and pokes about in there, I think you are being a little unfair to the developer of the game. Your advice is sound, but maybe premature. In the production of anything succ...