I hadn't listened to it for a while but can't remember him sneezing but I do remember he says 3 twice in the induction did it make your eyes whizz round in your head under your eyelids?
I listened twice yesterday, the second time before going to sleep. When I woke up this morning I had images of penises in my head big ones that suddenly reduced in size and I masturbated using only the tip and had a great orgasm and my penis and balls feel funny inside as well
the bladder closes off before you are about to cum thats why it takes a while to pee after you cum.\r\nCertain medications or conditions such as diabetes can cause retrograde ejaculation where the cum instead goes back into the bladder and you pee it out
yes I have shy bladder as well
and would be good if someone did a file about learning to relax and able to pee like nobody is around even when you are surrounded by people like in a toilet in a pub/club
and I don't believe hypnosis can actually make anything physical happen to you because its purely psychological and the power of suggestion
that said it is fun and horny to listen to files that tell you your penis is shrinking
I would like someone to make a chemical castration file
one that takes you deep under and makes you think you have been chemically castrated and so the effects of such will start to happen to you
such as impotence and loss of libido