That's what the "Success Stories" section is for.tailspinner55 wrote:or if all of this hypnosis stuff is a bunch of BS.
Get an IRC client.tdkepsel wrote:dose anyone know what I need to do?
darkenedav wrote:Is it that the person is normal in human form and then bound in furry form?
Or do they enjoy being in the furry form then submitting and becoming a slave?
foxyxee wrote:I'm new to this whole furry thing but it looks fun so I'd love to become someones furry slave.
dougal wrote:how long does a file idea last on the voting page before its made into a file or deleted?
KHKYLE wrote:I have got the tf to work now, but im have been a furry for over a week now is this normal ?
whowantstobetriggered wrote:my yahoo id is animalman1976
whowantstobetriggered wrote:so contact me on my inbox or at yahoo animal1976.
Faldor wrote:for the next month.
ranmafan wrote:Accept that you are a Meerkat furry.
I'd like to refer you to a section of the forum that would most likely disagree:sleepy134 wrote:Doesn't everyone need a MASTER? Doesn't everyone
need to be controlled? Isn't this what hypnotism is all about?
KHKYLE wrote:Somebody know which one is working?
zapnosis wrote:After all, what have you lost?
Tyler_the_Kitsune wrote:The files you can't get here I got off of