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Thank you. I am realizing it is being controlled and changed that turns me on, not discipline (though if someone can succeed, that could be changed perhaps). Still would love to meet a great guy to brainwash me to his liking, if possible. If still in touch with family, I'd prefer unnoticeable mods ....
by NorthIowaCub
October 7th, 2009, 2:06 am
Forum: Meeting Grounds
Topic: GWM Interested in Being Brainwashed (slave? B/f? Other?)
Replies: 2
Views: 2878

GWM Interested in Being Brainwashed (slave? B/f? Other?)

I haven't had any success with hypnosis, but if anyone thinks they have the skills to brainwash a challening sub, I'd be interested in perhaps trying. I'm considered handsome/cute but have an average body - working out more would be cool. I also have debt/loans to consider... but perhaps a new ident...
by NorthIowaCub
September 23rd, 2009, 4:33 pm
Forum: Meeting Grounds
Topic: GWM Interested in Being Brainwashed (slave? B/f? Other?)
Replies: 2
Views: 2878

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