With all the requests from members requesting to be hypnotized, It seems to me that a talented hypnotist could make alot of money by doing live pay per view web cam podcasts or one on one video sessions. It would be greatly appreciated by many who want to improve themselves or explore a fetish. Thi...
The mind controls the body. Whether you consider it a placebo affect, or whatever you term it, it's worth a try. I remember a friend talking about how they were sun sensitive, and someone hypnotized them involving a beach scene. Within a couple of hours of the trance, they had a very real, physical...
BeMine wrote:Why not just keep using the Senna account, then? If you overwrote Nostromo, it seems like it would be more fitting to use your normal account, wouldn't it?
logic shows that Senna was just an elaborate troll...
Have a nice day
I'd just forget about regressing him for that memory. His subconsious might know so when he's in a trance state you can simply ask and get a few names.
I too have had a lot of trouble with the files. I've tried atleast 10 of them and I've had no effects at all. I get into trance, but still nothing when I get waken up. There is something I'm doing wrong and I don't know what it is. I've done inductions and other things to help it... but the trigger...
leu.excedo@gmail.com Just listened to the file and am about to take a shower, so if you email me right away, I may not get it for a small while. Nothing in front of my roomate or people I know. I just want to experience the effects of the file, as I haven't had anyone use the trigger. feel free to ...
I just had an idea for a hypnotic induction, will take lots of work, but make the induction a song. For anyone who could sing good this sounds like a good idea. I'm just throwing it out there to see what people think
On topic why a guido, majority of the people I've meet who are guido are just Jersey Shore posers (and I LIVE at Jersey) -_-. Being a tan, sex crazed italian with a New York accent isn't cool imo :roll:
I need to find some subliminal files to make it easier for me. I'd rather hear something that sounds remotely like music, rather then a voice on repeat.
I like the idea of a trigger being activated everytime you lose a battle. Will the files be subliminals, binaurals (is that how you spell it?), or straight up regular files? I think you should have the random battle system, if you make the monsters appealing it would turn out easier for you to get s...
troll is trying too hard :lol:. Why don't you troll another site? You fail epicly at trying this. Maybe start small like 4chan. I love it how people keep reviving this pretty much dead topic.
I'll trigger you. I won't be surprised if I can be triggered myself sinse I went really deep. Give me your MSN or YIM, if you want I'll PM you in chat.
Don't say you can't get into a trance, you CAN! Everyone does it all the time. Trancing with a file may take practice because everyone tances at a different rate. A session with a tist will do it for you.
Lol this stuff is (for the most part) just visual hallucinations. And if hypnotism is all snake oil, then why are there hypnotharapists. It's your loss anyway mate, not mine. Do some real research to back up your argument.
What happened to that guy is he fractured his mind. That's not good nor healthy for you. There is a furry companion file on furmorphed. That file does just about what you want minus damaging your mind. Please don't attempt to do this.
I don't mind just as long as I am not a slave, a baby, feminized,and/or dumb, and not perminante. Seeing a short skim of your writting I see you won't do mcuh of what I don't want. As long as you don't mind this then I'll be ok with being a sub for a bit. I'm more into temporary transformation and s...
I would wake up either in the suggestion of enchanted keyboard or the end of the accelerator. I have been haveing the blank style sleep. I want to note that I have, for awhile, decided to put a hold on hypnosis and re-entered my focus on lucid dreams and obes (I've chosen the WILDS method). Please c...
furmorphed has files like that. The only thing that sucks is you need to be over 18, post 10 good posts (no spam posts), and you need to be a member there for a week
It seems the topic poster is gone. Oh well, I wouldn't mine a second personality, but I don't want it to take too much control or majorly effect my social life. I just don't want it to come out in the wrong time, nor do I want people a little freaked out. Normally I am not ino furry stuff, but this ...
I've been having trouble with this file. I know it can work, but I fall asleep before I can hear a second of the file, it's either I am going really deep and I'm not waking up, I have the playlist on a loop so it will constantly play. I have only one other file with this one, the accelarator. Last n...