I want hallucinations...

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I want hallucinations...

Postby nattie » January 29th, 2006, 3:45 pm

I just watched Richard Linklater's "Waking Life". Really good stuff for the philosophical minded. In one scene the main character is talking to some organization of people who use lucid dreams to experience things that they otherwise would not be able to in reality and it talks about how really all your senses come from chemical impulses in the brain. For example, when you touch something the nerve sends an impulse which reaches your brain. Your brain then registers what you are touching as "hard" or "cold". During a dream you can experience this sensation because your brain can register the sensation without the nerve impulse.

My explanation may be lacking but I am confident that I grasp the concept. Anyways, this is what we hope to gain from hypnosis when it tells us that we see or feel things about our body differently. It seems like there is some barrier that is preventing us in our (semi-) waking minds from receiving the full effect of bypassing our sensory inputs and allowing our brains to create our reality for us.

At least that is what happens to me. I have had good success with the behavior modifying files but the ones that induce hallucinations or false sensations seem to be fleetingly successful at best. I know some people pick these up very quickly.

So my question is. Is there anyone out there who initially did not have much success with the hallucination files but thru time and practice developed their abilities? I use VisualizeHelp everyday hoping that it will eventually it will help but I am not sure if I will ever get there. Anyone have any advice, comments or success stories to share about this
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » January 29th, 2006, 6:00 pm

OK. The advice I am about to give goes for any file. It was a PM I sent to someone asking for help. Basically, it's general advice for doing the files.

I have had some success with the files. I don't prefer the files, but I do get good out of it.

Here are my tips for working with the files:

1. Be patient. Don't expect the files to work right off the bat. You may need to listen repeatedly over the course of a few days for simple files, to weeks or even months for something as complicated as FurryTransformation.

2. Pick times when you feel suggestible. Times when you are normally relaxed, suggestible, or if you are just in the mood for hypnosis are excellent choices for times to listen. Don't do it when frustrated, and most importantly, *never* schedule time for hypnosis. Do it when it feels good to do so.

3. Stick with one or two files at once. Overloading your brain with all sorts of suggestions can cause your mind to reject them all. If you have been mixing and matching, don't worry. Your mind is very forgiving. Give it a rest a short while if need be, then resume when you feel you are ready. You will soon enough be able to gauge when the time is appropriate for trance, and of what kind.

4. Make sure the file you are listening to is one you are willing to abide by. If your subconsious mind won't accept it, then don't bother trying. For example, I'd have serious moral issues with being gay. Out of curiosity I tried to make myself gay for a minute then back. It failed, I'm happy to report.

Basically, just relax, take it smooth. That's what the files want you to do anyway. Good luck!

I have not personally hallucinated anything yet, but I am working on a file that does exactly that. It hasn't been done enough to work yet. :)
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Postby asdf » January 29th, 2006, 8:01 pm

I don't want ... to hallucinate at any time. Safe hallucinations maybe.

Personally, to me, the effects of hypnosis are not "hallucinations" but actively modifying your physical body and reality through the power of the mind.
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Postby Jacara » February 1st, 2006, 2:25 pm

asdf, you may be thinking of "hallucinations" as the random LSD-type, but in psychology when your senses register anything that's not there (seeing / hearing / feeling etc) that's a "positive hallucination". If you have a trance session where you're made to feel someone stroking your cheek, that's a hallucination.
A "negative hallucination" is one where you don't sense something that is there (not seeing someone, or not feeling the dentist's drill, etc).

So don't get the idea that hallucinations are bad, they can be fun ;)

As for the whole thing about modifying your reality, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A delusional person who thinks they can fly will still fall when they jump off a building.
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Postby nuit09 » March 6th, 2006, 9:53 pm

Jacara wrote:asdf, you may be thinking of "hallucinations" as the random LSD-type, but in psychology when your senses register anything that's not there (seeing / hearing / feeling etc) that's a "positive hallucination". If you have a trance session where you're made to feel someone stroking your cheek, that's a hallucination.
A "negative hallucination" is one where you don't sense something that is there (not seeing someone, or not feeling the dentist's drill, etc).

So don't get the idea that hallucinations are bad, they can be fun ;)

As for the whole thing about modifying your reality, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. A delusional person who thinks they can fly will still fall when they jump off a building.

Good description of hallucination in general but i have a caveat. it is true that a delusional flyer will plummet according to the laws of physics asan almost certain fact. however religious ecstatics have been reported that according to witnesses did indeed fly. before you dismiss the power of the mind WRT to physical laws completely (and no I have never flown ;) )consider that i personally have experimented with deliberately willed hallucinations as part of a study of ceremonial magick. meaning here that i practiced until i could will certain hallucinations by dint of concentration, meditation, imagery and multipathed reinforcement of various sorts. my object was to explore macro-telekinesis. i succeeded. i lost interest after it became apparent that i could not progress beyond a pathetic amount of effect and my circumstances made further exploration problematic. but there *was* effect and i controlled for every mundane explanation i could come up with. i will say that in part from willing myself to see my telekinesis target obeying my will and actually overwriting the sensory input to the contrary i was able to move a telekinesis target at will, commanding clockwise and counter clockwise rotation, change of direction of rotation at will and up and down perturbations as well as stopping the target at will. the effect though seemingly at odds with the laws of physics never the less had a consistent set of physical characteristics of it's own. for example the motion always took 1.6 seconds to sart from my willing it. i controlled for photon pressure to include heat and convection currents, breath, air displacement and aerodynamics of my target , vibrations though the floor and furniture and even had someone else check to see if they could see the target rotating without telling them what i was up to.

A practicing ritual magician friend of mine who never the less will not admit direct objectiive results are possible from magick often quotes a famous occultist who said: It's all in your head but you have no idea how big that is. he says this when ever anyone asks him about achieving direct physical effects from occult practices. I, OTOH, say if it looks like a rose and smells like a rose it is most probably is a rose.

i have seen effects that that i am positive cannot be accounted for as purely subjective phenomenon. I have obtained information no part of me no matter how mysterious and granted perfect recall could know. i have had an encounter that i am certain was an autonomous supernatural entity though on this last i have no objective proof which i could put into words.

I have every reason to believe things impossible to the laws of physics which i hold in particularly high regard ( it is a hobby of mine) are indeed real. i will say that gross violations of the laws of physics are extremely rare and often irreproducible and nearly always when they do occur they occur in such a way that people cannot be collectively sure that something in violation of basic physical laws actually occured. it occurs in such a way as to leave the possibility of mudane causation open. in the case of willed changes; whenever successful they take the path of least resistance. there is never a "vulgar display of power."
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