Frequency of use...

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Frequency of use...

Postby StickyWater » March 1st, 2006, 11:19 pm

Are these files only effective if listened to regulariky or would I be able to just listen to a file every once in awhile and still expect results (though over a considerably longer period of time)

Also if anyone could recommend some good sound recording/editing software that I could use to splice some of these files together so I don't have to sit through multiple inductions... Prefferably something free or a trial that doesn't have any restrictions that would get in the way too much
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Re: Frequency of use...

Postby Hyp-know-fetish » March 1st, 2006, 11:31 pm

StickyWater wrote:Are these files only effective if listened to regularily or would I be able to just listen to a file every once in awhile and still expect results (though over a considerably longer period of time)

As long as you don't feel frustrated, you can listen to them as often as you want. Just be sure that you actually want to listen to them again. Doing it because you feel that you have to is never a good idea. You can also take as long as you want inbetween file listenings. Nobody is pointing a gun at your head. Do it when you feel like it, and I mean that quite sincerely.

Also, I haven't tried these, but Google gave me these programs:

Good luck. 8)
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Postby StickyWater » March 1st, 2006, 11:48 pm

it's not soo much that's I'm forcing myself to listen to the files... infact it's the exact opposite, I find it really hard to clear a half hour out of my day in which I can just allow myself to drift off with no distractions without being too tired to stay awake so I've pretty much taken a month break since last listening to the file and just wanted to know if I'd have to start from square one again...
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Postby Hyp-know-fetish » March 2nd, 2006, 12:12 am

In reality, there is no square 1. You can keep going until it works - or not. Your choice.

Also, it's safe to say the suggestions have worn off by now. :(
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Postby cardigan » March 4th, 2006, 4:53 pm

It's very interesting with hypnosis: with some people they only have to hear a file once, and the changes are there immediately. Others need to hear them a few more times, and it's there. And yet others can hear a file til their ears bleed, but nothing will happen! With some people the suggestions and triggers wear off - with others they stay with them indefintitely.

With hypnosis you never know - until you try. And just because some things work on you, it doesn't mean that everything will. For instance - I managed to cure myself from allergy to grass quite quickly - but I've been trying for a year now to change my collossal appetite for food - in order to loose some weight - and so far with no results. I've tried several approaches to loosing weight - but none have worked. This is probably because my subconscious really, really wanted me to not be allergic anymore, because this has always been loathesome to me. But I've always been fond of eating, so my subconscious does not want to give up this pleasure!

So - if you want to try if something will work for you with hypnosis - set forth and try. Do so with an open mind. See what happens. You might just get lucky!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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