Can't Relax Well

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Can't Relax Well

Postby MovZig » August 14th, 2006, 10:50 pm

I'm having a trouble in that I can't seem to relax enough to get the files on this site to be effective. Most of them are partly effective for a little while, but when I try to relax some more it breaks any of the effects. Transformation files feel like they're moving (muscles are tensing and sometimes feel like expandng) but when I try to relax to make sure it's working, it breaks.

I'm not sure what I need to do to help improve some of the files. Even the non-transforming ones seem to work very weakly, I think because I can't get deep enough even with a deepener.
mov eax. [zig] ; Take off every
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Postby AWA » August 15th, 2006, 8:05 am

Try lying down on your bed or a soft couch, and close your eyes, and think of cake or something other than the file. Also, relax your whole body first, and when he says to relax parts of your body, just relax them more. ON NO ACCOUNT move after he counts down.
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Postby MovZig » August 16th, 2006, 1:44 am

I have some issues with bad itchiness when trying to relax. Whenever I get close, my face itches and it's highly annoying.
mov eax. [zig] ; Take off every
mov eax, [GreatJustice] ; For
Posts: 15
Joined: July 18th, 2006, 12:00 am


Postby EMGPuppet » August 16th, 2006, 2:27 am

normally, if you itch, you rub the area without thinking much about it. you barely notice the itch. but when you are going into trance, you try not to move, and an unscratched itch just gets worse and worse. most people find that when they are in the trance, they don't notice the itches (just as when you are asleep), but the itching can be very annoying and disturbing when you are trying to become entranced. one useful trick is to give yourself permission, before you begin the file, to scratch an itch during the induction. do it quickly and then forget about it and return your consciousness to the words of the file.
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Postby Jacara » August 16th, 2006, 4:43 pm

Try to focus as completely as possible on the voice of the recording, and not on "whether it's working" or anything else. If you itch to the point where it's distracting, then scratch it, but don't really focus on it. Just absent-mindedly scratch while continuing to focus on the voice. Or you might try giving yourself a suggestion that the itch goes away. You might be surprised to feel it fade to the point where it doesn't need scratching :) (but again, don't shift your focus too much and think, "hey, that was cool, I wonder what else I can do?" - just go back to listening to the file with all your attention)
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