help imaginingg

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help imaginingg

Postby tipcy » October 19th, 2006, 1:25 pm

Well I seem to get into trance but I can not seem to 'see' anything in my mind. Should I try to concentrate harder or do the words bring pictures to one's mind that eventually work?
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Joined: August 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: help imaginingg

Postby homerj1620 » October 21st, 2006, 9:41 pm

tipcy wrote:Well I seem to get into trance but I can not seem to 'see' anything in my mind. Should I try to concentrate harder or do the words bring pictures to one's mind that eventually work?

You should try the file VisualizeHelp. It's in the "Other" section. Here's the description:

"Helps you visualize things better so other hypnosis is easier. Goes through a series of steps all the way to visual halucinations to help you visualize."

BTW, hallucinations is missing an "l".
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

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