Making Subliminals

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Making Subliminals

Postby Kanibal » January 3rd, 2007, 9:12 am

How would I go about making a subliminal file, when all I have is the Aduicity program.

I can get other progams provided someone could tell me a way of making a simple and effective subliminal file.

(+ I learn quick so once I know I could start making them for the site)
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Postby narkotic » February 8th, 2007, 4:55 pm

audacity should do well. you have two choices:
- get or write the text you want to hear and use audacity to record text-to-speech from winamp's plugin.
- record yourself reading the suggestions.

i'm planning to go for first and i'm mostly looking for a good female voice, even if its software one, not real one ;>

hope you make it.
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Postby ShadowSabre » February 8th, 2007, 7:34 pm

Once you get the text you want to make into a subliminal, it's really very easy. First you need a cover noise. You can generate white noise in Audacity, which sounds like static, use some free loopable sounds from online like the sound of a waterfall or running water (just make sure the sound is not copyrighted if you plan to distribute the completed file,) or even-- if you plan to use the file for yourself only-- use music as your cover sound. Then you just import both tracks into Audacity, repeat the cover sound enough times to last the length of the speech track, then adjust the relative volumes so that the speech track is barely audible under the cover sound. It's very, very simple.
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On making subliminals

Postby Mari4199 » February 9th, 2007, 12:17 am

There are many methods and even professional hypnotists can not agree on which is the best but here are some facts you may not know.

1) The concious mind operates at a speed of 450 - 500 wpm (words per minute), while the unconcious mind operates at a speed of 1400 - 1500 wpm. But i have found a speed increase of 200 - 300 percent is best.

2) The liminal threshold is defined as the lowest limit of understandeability or hearing by the human mind. In other words, if the subliminal is under the audible range of concious hearing or to fast or too slow to comprehend then it is under the liminal threshhold.

3) Some researchers think that the human mind operates with logic and rules on the left side of the brain while emotion and feeling is on the right. But remember that the left ear connects to the right hemisphere and vice versa. Standard EEG tests have shown great evidence to support this.

4) Another theroy to contend with is the overpower theory. This theory states that the concious human mind can only pay attention to from five to nine things at any given time. This would seem to suggest that anything not able to fit in that framework would go directly to the subconcious mind.

As for personal technique i usually write the subliminal. Record it with speech or computer generated voice. repeat it a number of times closest to the length of the longest track. Then stretch the sound while preserving the pitch. Most times accuracy is within three decimal points. After altering the length of each track to match the others i insert them into the mixer and alter the volumes to a satisfactory level. usually masking any audible part of the subliminal with carefully arranged sounds.

I hope this helps you and gets you on your way! :)
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Re: On making subliminals

Postby boomsmee » February 9th, 2007, 12:52 am

Mari4199 wrote:The concious mind operates at a speed of 450 - 500 wpm (words per minute),

Would you happen to have a reference for that? Either that information is incorrect, or (more likely) there is a tendency for variation with those numbers. (My read speed is around 800wpm, and i don't think that my mind operates slower than my read speed) Its possible that the lower speed increase works for more people due to the likely variation in operational speed fitting a larger demographic of the population.
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Postby Mari4199 » February 9th, 2007, 1:03 am

Actually, there is much contention about the speed of the human mind, and that statement is an average. Not everybody reads as fast as 800wpm. :) Your mind may operate faster than most. And the sources are lots of reading about how our minds work. there are no specific references, but i will try to dig a couple up for you. :) It may take awhile and i may have to really DIG as most of the material i got the info from is longhair stuuf i had a hard time deciphering myself. But i will say that the statement i made is not just made up and i actually did read up on the subject a great deal. :P Personally i understand what you are saying as i can read a 500 page book in a little over an hour.
Sound is the future.
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