Changing my Mindset

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Changing my Mindset

Postby jjlynn20 » February 22nd, 2007, 1:48 am

When I first started using some of these files, only ones that work are Cardigan(sp?)'s Horny, and off and on I come back to them. However, I've always had problems sticking to a file. I would listen to it for one night, wait a week, repeat. I can't seem to come back to the file, and thus they won't work. On top of that, I noticed I have a mindset that "Oh this won't work" and "Oh that won't work".

:roll: Any files that would help with my two problems?
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Re: Changing my Mindset

Postby VeryGnawty » February 22nd, 2007, 4:21 am

jjlynn20 wrote:

:roll: Any files that would help with my two problems?

Your problem is that you're not really in trance. You have too many conscious blocks to even try the files. There's no way you could possibly expect them to work.

There are two solutions to this problem:

1) Learn how to meditate/trance, to clear your mind of self-defeating thoughts.

2) Change your negative thoughts into positive affirmations. Anytime you have a thought like "this won't work" you should back up a second, and say to yourself "now that's just silly, I know it will work"

I suggest using both techniques. The effectiveness of the files, or any thought pattern, depends on how well you reprogram the subconscious mind, the part of the brain that runs instinct. If you have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, you will not achieve the results you desire. And that goes for just about anything in life, not just hypnosis.
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Postby Jacara » February 22nd, 2007, 11:34 am

Try to remember that some of the files here are very effective for some of the people that listen to them, and there's no reason why they can't work for you too. If you at least can firmly believe that it's possible (even if you don't know how likely), that'll be a step in the right direction.

As for being diligent about listening to the files, make a set time to listen to them every day, or a set daily activity to tie them to (e.g. right after a shower). Could it be possible that you're avoiding them because deep down you know they might work? ;)
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Postby jjlynn20 » February 22nd, 2007, 11:18 pm

Well I think it's because I only really desire to listen to them for pleasuring myself. It's a huge turn on, and whether or not I really want the effects to happen or not I don't know.

I'll try to be more positive, as for going into trance I think I do. At least while listening to the file I can get to a point of complete mindless-ness(does that make sense?), and afterwards some of the files work. Like, TrigFreeze worked, but the more complecated ones don't.

I really want to get TrigMas to work, but from all I've heard it takes alot of dedication to get the hallucinations to work, and you REALLY have to be believe they will :roll: .
Perhaps the Suggestiable file would help me out? I have it downloaded, though I don't ever listen to it.
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Postby jjlynn20 » February 23rd, 2007, 12:14 am

First off sorry to double post, but thought I would update this a bit.

I just listend to ShowMeYourCock file, and it worked. Extremly well. I tried having a positive attitude, and really did want it to work. That's why I think it did. :D I'll keep updating and see where I go. Probably going to try visualization while doing trigmas and actually keep up with it, and see what results I get.

Or should I try other "little" files that are easy to get to work, to build up confidence?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » February 23rd, 2007, 12:26 pm

Congratulations, jjlynn20. Doesn't success feel good? It really is a confirmation of trance.

If I could go back in time and give myself advice (as a newbie to hypnosis)...

    - Start by just going into trance and then waking. Down, then back up - nothing more. All future success depends on mastering the skill of reliably going into trance.

    - As a next step, work with simple suggestions. For example: ShowMeYourCock and Cardigan - Horny. Being successful in a small way gives the confidence & patience needed before tackling major changes.

    - Finally, work with only one major change at a time. If you've got 5 different MP3s for quitting smoking, that's great! Allow yourself plenty of time - maybe 3 weeks of regular listening. Be finished with this change before you attempt a change in some other area - EMG's Iron Shackle recordings, for example. :P
Again, congratulations on your success.
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Postby Ys » February 27th, 2007, 3:23 am

On a sidenote (as can be read from her posts):
Hypnosis works really well if you really want the result and expect it happening to you without a doubt in your mind.

Find out what you'd really like and make sure you are listening to the files with the correct mindset (aka something like "I like that and I know this will work for me!").

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