Trancing to Your Own Voice

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Postby BobbyS » April 16th, 2005, 9:09 am

If I ever self-hypnotise, I do it in my head.
I suppose the problem is if you want to give suggestions, that's not a good way to do it...
Try using files from someone who has been practicing hypnosis for a long time first, like EMG or Lady Rio.
Failing that, at least get some hints from them as to how talk during your induction.
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Postby loadedkaos » April 16th, 2005, 1:26 pm

I've actually heard that using your own voice can be powerful... However this does not mean it is for everybody, maybe you doubt your skills of being able to hypnotize yourself even though to me it seems like the only way one can be hypnotized is if they do it themselves even when you listen to emg you won't be hypnotized unless you want to be. You could also try copying some of the files on here and personalize them with your name and your manner of talking or maybe hearing someone else doing the hypnosis just works better for you hands down.
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Postby Cubeguru » April 16th, 2005, 3:37 pm

i got an idea try altering your voice during the inductions and just use your normal voice when suggesting, if you cant do other voices, sorry, but still there are programmes on the internet that can alter your own voice, good luck.
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Postby MsSophia » April 27th, 2005, 12:41 am

Another possibility is to alter your voice using software such as the audacity editor. eg. To convert a male voice to a more feminine one you can try:

1. Apply a High Pass filter to remove the very low frequencies (< 500-600Hz)
2. Apply a Low Pass filter to remove the high 'squeeky' freqencies (>1100Hz perhaps)
3. Finally, apply a pitch shift to bring the overall pitch up into a more feminine range.

By experimentation you should be able to disguise your voice. Just remember to keep a record of the various filters etc. you have applied so that you can repeat the process.

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Postby drowsydawg » April 27th, 2005, 9:27 pm

I've done almost the same kind of thing to my own voice, except to deepen it and make it more masculine, not more feminine. I only seem to be able to respond to deep, rich voices when it comes to achieving trance.

I used the free program Audacity... I'm sure there are others as well.
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Postby simplykei » April 30th, 2005, 11:15 pm

A hypnotic voice takes training. There is a method to speaking in a way that induces a trance. One thing I know is that whenever you are inducing a command if you are a male you drop your voice if your are a woman you actually raise you voice a little esp. at the end of your command. Are you trying to be a hynotist? It might be easier just to lower you brainwaves to theta mode or a deep trance by using the induction files and then use a visualization technique to bring to pass your desires.
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Re: Trancing to Your Own Voice

Postby mp » May 7th, 2005, 3:06 am

Stewie wrote:I have made myself a few files over the last little while, but, I seem to have trouble trancing and accepting suggestions from my own voice. Any suggestions?

I had some problems with the hypnotic files i try, now i use my own files along with brainwave music. The results are remarkable

Good luck
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Postby EMGsKink » May 8th, 2005, 6:17 pm

When I started doing hypnosis as a 'tist, I first practiced using EMG's focus induction as a guide to developing my "hypnotic voice." I recorded it several times, adjusting my pacing and the timbre of my voice. After finding several people to listen to it and having them tell me it put them under, I had the confidence to work on my own inductions though when I do in person, I use an "instant induction" that takes about 3 minutes to put them into a deep trance. But I've managed to record my own files for myself and actually have put myself under. While I've never liked my own voice, I actually discovered it's a pretty good instrument for hypnosis when I drop into my lower register.

But I think the major reason that it works for myself (and others) is that I now have confidence that I know what I'm doing. I also mix in nature sounds and a binaural tone at an almost subliminal volume to help achieve a deep trance.

Belief is very important for hypnosis. If you believe you will succeed.
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Raising Pitch by a Constant Frequency?

Postby maskedwomyn » May 9th, 2005, 11:38 am

MsSophia wrote:Stewie,
3. Finally, apply a pitch shift to bring the overall pitch up into a more feminine range.

i am guessing that you woud do this by raising the entire file by a frequency constant. i need to do this for another project and i am not exactly sure how you do it. Obviously you select the area you want to raise, you go to the dialog box for raising pitch, but in the frequency area i don't understand how to apply a frequency constant to the entire selection. Can you give me some pointers?

the masked womyn
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Postby drowsydawg » May 16th, 2005, 11:20 am

In the version of Audacity that I have, you have 3 choices for how to change the pitch.... you can enter it as a note ("from: D# to: A") or as a number of semitones (with 12 being an octave) or using the percentage slider (with 100% being an octave.) You'll have to experiment, but usually 7 or 8 semitones should be plenty.

It's easy for me to pitch shift my own voice to sound like a woman's, especially if I know in advance that I'm going to be doing that. However, not having a dry sample of my own voice handy, I just tried it with EMG's and the best I could do was "chipmunk". There are quite a number of gender-changing pitch shifter plugins out there but I haven't tried any of them, being quite content to listen to male voices. :mrgreen:
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