Help Creating Playlists

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Help Creating Playlists

Postby Wildscorp » April 25th, 2007, 2:16 am

Hi all,
I'm interested in getting the most out of multiple files without having to listen to inductions and wakeups over and over. What is the most effective way to create a playlist that possibly uses one induction, multiple bodies, and one wakeup command? Can I do this?
And... in the files' description, I notice that I can download Body/Subliminal/Binaural all seperately. Are these tools to enhance the files after listening to the main file or how should they be used?

Please forgive me here as I'm new here and hungry for knowledge to get the most out of the files in the shortest amount of self-programming time.

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Joined: April 22nd, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 25th, 2007, 6:42 am

Welcome to WarpMyMind, Wildscorp.

For someone new, you sure catch on fast!

You asked about the premium files - body/sumliminal/binaural. In general, "Body" files contain no induction, no wakener, and no binaural overlay. In general, "Subliminal" files contain the full file, but are remixed in a way that's difficult for a conscious mind to follow. In general, "Binaural" files will be the full file but with the addition of a binaural beat. (

You asked about creating a playlist. This note tells the method I use. I hope members who use some other method will share with you too, allowing you to pick from multiple choices.

    1) Trim the files that will make up the body of my file
    2) Select a favorite induction & deepener and add it to playlist
    3) add the 'trimmed' files (the body) to the playlist
    4) Select a favorite wakener and add it to the playlist

    Tools Used:
    - Audacity (shareware available from

    Detailed Instructions:
    1a) Open the Audacity program
    1b) Import a file that you want to trim (Project; Import Audio)
    1c) Select sections you don't want or need (induction / wakener) and cut them.
    1d) Export your work as an MP3, saving somewhere you can easily find later.
    1e) Close the file
    1f) Repeat steps 1b-1e as needed for each of your files

    2a) Open the Audacity program
    2b) Import the Induction you want to use (Project; Import Audio)
    2d) Save your project (File; Save Project As)

    3a) In Audacity, open the project you saved in step 2c
    3b) Import one of the files you trimmed and saved in step 1d
    3c) Align the trimmed file (step 3b) so that it begins playing after the induction (step 3a)
    3d) Save your Project
    3e) Continue adding files you've trimmed and saved. With each addition, align the new file to play in the right order. Save your work.

    4a) In Audacity, open the project you saved in 3e.
    4b) Import the Wakener you want to use (Project; Import Audio)
    4c) Align the wakener so that it begins playing at the end of the last of your trimmed files.
    4d) Save your project
    4f) Export your work as an MP3. using a name that gives you pleasure.
Wishing the best to you as you pursue your hypnosis goals and as you learn to build the training file you want and need. Please be sure to stop back to this forum and give an update, okay?
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Joined: September 21st, 2006, 12:00 am
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Postby Wildscorp » April 26th, 2007, 6:50 pm

Thanks for the informative reply, FriendlyGuy!

I'll need to make some time to download that program as I'm sure it will save me loads of time overall. I've been reading here and there and am I correct in my assumption that binaurals are soundwaves that put the mind into the most receptive state to accept programming?

I will play around with audacity for a bit and see what I can come up with. Is it easy to add a binaural overlay and do I overlay it over the finished playlist as a whole?

Do I understand you correctly?

1) Induction
2) Deepener
3) Bodies
4) Awakener

When is the best time to work in subliminals with my programming? During waking hours or during sleep? Inside trance or seperately?
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Joined: April 22nd, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 27th, 2007, 9:50 am

Wildscorp wrote:

I will play around with audacity for a bit and see what I can come up with. Is it easy to add a binaural overlay and do I overlay it over the finished playlist as a whole?

Do I understand you correctly?

1) Induction
2) Deepener
3) Bodies
4) Awakener

When is the best time to work in subliminals with my programming? During waking hours or during sleep? Inside trance or seperately?
Excellent questions!

You asked if it's easy to add a binaural overlay.
Yes, the Audacity application allows you to simply import one as a new (additional) soundtrack. If you choose to do this optional step, yes, I recommend it be added to the finished playlist. It will give continuity to the finished recording. As the recording progresses from segment to segment, the continuity of the binaural soundtrack will keep you focused - even if the hypnotist voices change. If you have difficulty finding a suitable binaural MP3, try substituting relaxing, meditative music you enjoy. Simply import the file, adjust the volume, and ensure that it begins (and ends) playing at the right spots.

Yes, you understand correctly.
1) Induction
2) Deepener
3) Bodies
4) Awakener

You asked about subliminals.
I can't give an answer, since I choose to not use subliminals.
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Joined: September 21st, 2006, 12:00 am
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Postby JessicaSlave2007 » May 8th, 2007, 6:36 pm

I have a question, how many main parts can one handle or should I say be most effective without over doing it?

Reason why I ask the other night I did some from waking up after each one... I felt the first couple took pretty well...

Then last night I got brave and did 7 mains and cut them like you said and I feel that non of them worked...

So I was just wondering

Sincerely Submissive,
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Joined: May 6th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby Draygone » May 9th, 2007, 12:52 pm

Personally, I wouldn't go more than two (if only because that's all I can hold on a cassette tape), and it probably works better if each of the hypnosis is related in some way (example, Lucid Dreams with TrainSleepReinforce). But that's just one guy's opinion.
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