To black out or not to black out.

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To black out or not to black out.

Postby mokillo » January 16th, 2008, 7:57 am

My doubt is that I dont know what difference makes to black out or not wherever i listen to a file. I'm listening the files, but I have never blackened out yet, so something tells me that i could be wasting my time. It is necessary to black out? Experiences are welcome.
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Postby BobbyS » January 16th, 2008, 8:48 am


Absolutely not. One of the biggest myths about hypnosis is that you will 'feel' different while under, or - if you've seen two many cheesy TV shows - that you will black out entirely and not remember the experience.

Blanking out and feeling 'in trance' are both very possible and likely and feeling different would be a very good indicator you're in trance and can yield stronger results. Then again, if you're anything like me you can feel the trance and still have to work for results.

However, for many people, trance doesn't feel much different to being completely conscious - you'll still likely be aware of noises around you, but if it's been done right, they shouldn't really bother or disturb you.

Blacking out I always think is kind of a double-edged sword; either it means you went really deep and were so intently focused you didn't bother remembering it (which will allow for extremely powerful stuff) OR you fell asleep. In which case you won't have had any luck as your concentration would have been all over the place.
(And please don't anyone say:"Hmm, you never know, hypnosis files while sleeping might actually help files go in." I've never heard anyone say this with any kind of evidence or proof. I wrote this post based on my past experiences - if you have experience of hypnosis while sleeping working, do tell. Otherwise, stick to what you know - the best solution in an area such as hypnosis that we know so little about.)
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Postby Henrique » January 16th, 2008, 3:15 pm

BobbyS wrote:
Blacking out I always think is kind of a double-edged sword; either it means you went really deep and were so intently focused you didn't bother remembering it (which will allow for extremely powerful stuff) OR you fell asleep. In which case you won't have had any luck as your concentration would have been all over the place.

The "trick" to know wich happenned is if you waked when the file ordered (ya 'no, the 1,2,3 refresh and awake) or if you wake up hours later.
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Postby BobbyS » January 16th, 2008, 4:36 pm

True, that.
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Postby testry » January 18th, 2008, 3:43 am

I'm a beginner and I have a lot of trance questions.

I've tried some files and except the wish of hearing them again I couldn't notice anything in particular. I am afraid also that I am a too rationally person. But I also like to daydream, from childhood I have the habbit to just look forward while thinking and imagining.

I got close to trance sometimes. Or close to sleep. But after few seconds I suddenly felt scary and become awake (same feeling I have when I dream and realise I have a dream, if I try to turn the dream for myself I suddenly get up). Was I close to the trance or close to sleeping? I also couldn't get very relaxed after and just listened to the tape while trying to calm down. Once I got up in the middle of the session. As far as I know I could never sleep with headphones on so probably is not sleep.

If I am tired from work is a good way of listen to a tape? Or it is better when I am not very close to sleep?

And: the effect is always better with eyes closed? Or can you enter a trance while focused on a spot or an object? I also like stereograms, they sometimes relax my eyes, are them useful too?
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Postby jooli » January 19th, 2008, 3:24 pm

I've tried a lot of files from this site and not had any noticeable success. I've never felt like I've 'gone into trance'; every time it's been an effort to lie still and hear out the whole file. Either that, or I've fallen asleep.

Until very recently. I tried LRWomanly, and 'blanked out' soon after the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 countdown. I can remember some of the instructions from after the induction, but not the end of the file or the lead-out part. The first time I was sure I'd just fallen asleep, but since then I've checked the file length and the time I was 'under' and they were about the same. I'm still not certain if I was just sleeping, but it's given me some encouragement that I'll get something out of this file.

Anyone think I'm finally on to a file that works for me, or am I just dropping off?
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Postby testry » January 19th, 2008, 6:56 pm

Reading on other topics: you cannot get into trance while you are afraid or don't trust the effect. I think I've discovered the main problem about me: fear. I get into trance but I wake up after a couple of seconds very frightened. I also get a bit frightened every time the countdown begins (I don't know why I associate it with something nasty), only once I couldn't remember the countdown but the phone woke me up. Also when trying Lutz file it seemed to work but I remember 2 seconds when you suddenly hear more voices whispering. At that point I felt like dropped dead into trance but woke up (after 1 second I think) frightened. The feeling is exactly like the falling in nightmares when you wake up before you reach the ground.

Please, any suggestion about this? And I use headphones: should I listen louder as usual favourite music or must I lower the volume to the point I barely hear the voice?
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Postby cardigan » January 20th, 2008, 10:07 am

Well, it's hard to tell when I don't know you better. But I'd say you were probably a "control freak" with a need to feel that you are in control of the situation. And going into trance you have to give up control. For some reason this freaks you out. Am I close?

My first thought was to have you do hypnotherapy to locate the cause and remove it. But I guess that would be hard!! You'd wake up pretty frightened every time you were about to go into trance. :-)

My next best idea is this: Choose one hypnosis file that you would like to work with. I'd recommend just an induction - like Deep Trance or something similar. Listen to the file a couple of times beforehand and without attempting to go into trance. The file won't hypnotize you, if you don't follow its suggestions. So you are safe. Then when you trust the file completely just try it. And try it once a day until you stop waking up in terror. It WILL happen eventually. When that happens you could go into hypnotherapy to find and remove the cause of your problem, or you could try a more daring file. But certain things about hypnosis or the results you want seem intimidating to your subconsious now, I think.

Good luck!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby bucketwarrior » January 20th, 2008, 11:14 pm

cardigan wrote:Well, it's hard to tell when I don't know you better. But I'd say you were probably a "control freak" with a need to feel that you are in control of the situation. And going into trance you have to give up control. For some reason this freaks you out. Am I close?

My first thought was to have you do hypnotherapy to locate the cause and remove it. But I guess that would be hard!! You'd wake up pretty frightened every time you were about to go into trance. :-)

My next best idea is this: Choose one hypnosis file that you would like to work with. I'd recommend just an induction - like Deep Trance or something similar. Listen to the file a couple of times beforehand and without attempting to go into trance. The file won't hypnotize you, if you don't follow its suggestions. So you are safe. Then when you trust the file completely just try it. And try it once a day until you stop waking up in terror. It WILL happen eventually. When that happens you could go into hypnotherapy to find and remove the cause of your problem, or you could try a more daring file. But certain things about hypnosis or the results you want seem intimidating to your subconsious now, I think.

Good luck!

I agree with this post entirely, that's basically how I started getting really into trance as well. You just have to start off with the inductions, and slowly and surely it will get easier for you.

and again, good luck! Not that I think you'll really need it!
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Postby testry » January 21st, 2008, 1:02 am

thanks Cardigan! you are right, I think it is something in subconstient. I checked some files before using them so constiently I am not afraid of the effect, even desire it while I try hard to listen. Its just something when entering the trance. But probably because I am at the beginning and need to get used a bit. And yes, I think I have a fear for not being in control (when overdrinking sometimes, probably related) but I don't constiently feel it while I try to get in trance.
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Postby testry » January 23rd, 2008, 4:51 pm

btw after another unsuccessful try but also reading reading a lot the files helped me somehow understand the reasons. Not sure, its just how I feel.

1) One is some kind of fear. Maybe was too tired and some changes in voice gets me afraid. Sometimes were enough 2-3 words spoken to make myself feel dropping deep but something inside pushed me awake.

2) Another reason: I think is because some effects caused by coffee (heart, etc you understand, I am not able to explain a lot due to I'm not an excellent English speaker). Not faint hearted don't worry. But sometimes its hard to relax entirely.

3) And third: I discovered myself being the kind of person that reads too much, believes in what he reads so become very analytic and something like "my opinion counts, only I am right". Probably a suggestion suddenly gives me the thought "why did he say that?".

I was fascinated of the ericksonian language reading something about but after it everything probably became too clear and I just get the real messages in mind and probably I think too much around (I can translate an induced message, I can't translate a simple one into ericksonian).

Can you give some advices in these, possibly what other file to try regarding those above? I am currently sticking to lutz induction, seems the files containing background sounds are a more effective in relaxing (even I felt myself awake all the time I suddenly felt myself getting warmer while the inducing was about being in the bubble).

And a question for the users. Many people say "this worked first time". It worked after you successfully played other files, after you got the trance techniques. I am curious how many times you tried different or the same file from start until the inducing of the trance and also keeping into trance took place. Btw I am 29you, some say the best age is until 20 then the capacity starts to fade.
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