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Okay, that's it!

Postby JHoffman » September 30th, 2007, 12:58 am

This has been getting on my nerves long enough. Having bitten the bullet over and over for almost a year and a half with little to no success, I can't help but feel that there's something really wrong.

I've got the mindset: I'm really deep whilst listening, I want the effects of a file, I listen to every little suggestion, I've tried.. millions of methods.

Many hypnotists I've tried have said it: You're insusceptible. You can't be given suggestions. That HAS to be a load of bull. I've heard second opinions that anyone can be hypnotized, no matter how insusceptible the target is. I mean, this doesn't make any sense. I'm deep, I'm relaxed, I'm as heavy as a rock, my eyes can hardly move.. but I CAN'T get affected at all!

I really don't want to give up on hypnosis just like that, but, this is getting ridiculous.. I have to keep on coming to WMM every day to look at tips, suggestions and the like from people.. taking their advice.. and having it go towards just utter failure, while others on here get decent success with many given files.

Is my problem unfixable? Am I what people call permanently insusceptible?
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Re: Okay, that's it!

Postby EMG » September 30th, 2007, 1:00 am

Which files have you tried?

JHoffman wrote:This has been getting on my nerves long enough. Having bitten the bullet over and over for almost a year and a half with little to no success, I can't help but feel that there's something really wrong.

I've got the mindset: I'm really deep whilst listening, I want the effects of a file, I listen to every little suggestion, I've tried.. millions of methods.

Many hypnotists I've tried have said it: You're insusceptible. You can't be given suggestions. That HAS to be a load of bull. I've heard second opinions that anyone can be hypnotized, no matter how insusceptible the target is. I mean, this doesn't make any sense. I'm deep, I'm relaxed, I'm as heavy as a rock, my eyes can hardly move.. but I CAN'T get affected at all!

I really don't want to give up on hypnosis just like that, but, this is getting ridiculous.. I have to keep on coming to WMM every day to look at tips, suggestions and the like from people.. taking their advice.. and having it go towards just utter failure, while others on here get decent success with many given files.

Is my problem unfixable? Am I what people call permanently insusceptible?
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Postby JHoffman » September 30th, 2007, 1:08 am

Everything, EMG, basically everything. The really screwed up stuff, self-help.. Even feminization files like SuperFemaleWhammy or CurseStrokeSissy (RELIGIOUSLY at one point, might I add, but no progress). Okay, not everything, but enough to know that I've tried enough variety to know that the most basic ones don't even work for me.

Heck, I even tested Lutz's Bubble Induction with a couple of files, but that didn't help, either.
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Postby Smfx » September 30th, 2007, 1:11 am

I tried taking him under, I used my longest induction with my most powerful deepening commends, but nothing worked. He said he felt completely relaxed in his body, but his mind just wouldn't take the suggestions I gave him, no matter how I worded it, and no matter how deep he was. I have a similar problem, so i though I could help, but nothing worked, and now I am at a loss what to do about it, for him and myself.
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Postby hellion0 » September 30th, 2007, 1:13 am

Everyone's got a point where they become susceptible, it's just different for some.

One approach I'd try is, if you can get yourself into trance, distract yourself silently while still allowing the training to sink in. Think about other things while you're under - housework that needs doing, creative ideas, or even what you want for dinner... anything and everything BUT the file. That should* actually allow the audio to sink in, while your conscious is nice and occupied.

* It works for me, so it could work for others.
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Postby JHoffman » September 30th, 2007, 1:18 am

I have already tried that technique, hellion, and it appears I go even less deep with that method than when I focus. If anything, I end up finding myself moving and kicking about halfway through the file with that method.
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Postby Draygone » September 30th, 2007, 12:41 pm

Act like it worked. Do it enough, and it'll eventually become enough of a habit that your subconcious will suddenly go "oooh, that's what I'm supposed to be doing".
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Postby tsd » October 22nd, 2007, 4:06 pm

curious... have you tried blinks basic induction?

i have a LOT of trouble with hypnosis and thats had fantastic results for me...
if not, id suggest it, after all you have nothing to lose but some time...
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Postby g00se » January 11th, 2008, 2:53 am

First post here long time viewer, I seem to be in the same boat as you, and I found weed is the only way i can rally get any effects( but it only really feel the full effects while I am high), just my 2 cents
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Postby bdbu » January 11th, 2008, 7:59 am

hey bro if u r kicking and stuff u r probly really deep, when im really deep in trance my body just starts moving a lot probly cuz my mind is seeing wut the guy is saying and starts to move my body along with it.

so if its just the post hypnotic suggestions that arent working its prolly cuz ur expecting too much. just let them happen dont fight them and soon enough u wont even think abou it.

i suck at goin under to i usually try to either repeat wut the guy is sayin in my mind or focus on how well i been doing the suggestions or both.
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Postby loony28 » January 11th, 2008, 8:29 am

You might want to try some suggestability tests. One is to lace your fingers together behind your head and imagine them fused together then try to pull them apart. Another is imagining a balloon tied to one of your arms and imagining it lifting your arm up.
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Postby homerj1620 » January 12th, 2008, 3:01 am

Try Cardigan's "Deep Trance". Cardigan's inductions simply rock. Put TrainSusceptable after it as well (leave the induction or edit it out).
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Postby Kharon » January 15th, 2008, 2:48 pm

Actually, and I hate to be the voice of denial here, there is a very small percentage of people who really are NOT suggestible or very susceptible to hypnosis. The number I've seen varies from small to incredibly small, which makes me think that while it is true, it's also rare. There is some chance I may also be among that small number, as I have tried numerous files and techniques, to no final avail but to be able to enter trance.

That said, I do not believe I am one of those people who is so insusceptible to hypnosis, and I am still trying. I have tried the "play along", as this was a bit of advice offered in a professional book my hypno-therapist friend let me borrow. Play along with the suggestions both in and out of trance. If you play along consistently, well... I've been told it takes about 3 weeks to consciously turn something into a habit. Brushing teeth, meditation or devotional time, eating healthier, etc. It takes three weeks of conscious effort on a daily basis before you START doing it as a habit.

If you want to convince yourself -- try this: listen to the TrigMasturbate file. If you can, make a recording of yourself saying the trigger. Listen to the hypnosis file every day, and make sure that the Trigger file will come up every day too. If you play along with the trigger every time, it should become a habit to react to it, to the point that if it randomly comes up you'll still react. Doing it under a variety of conditions will help you to reinforce the "anywhere, anytime" part of the trigger, too. While it needn't necessarily be TrigMasturbate, I think that may be one of the easiest (and most enjoyable) to use as your test-bed for playing along.

Getting into the habit will also help you convince your subconscious mind that you are susceptible to hypnosis and hypnotic training. It may take more than one file for you to truly convince yourself, but... The first step is often the most important.
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Postby Mino » January 16th, 2008, 3:38 pm

I just want to say that when people hear about that there's a small amount of people who are unhypnotizable they then think that they are in the small amount, 'I have some amount of difficulty with hypnosis therefore I can NEVER be hypnotized EVER" Oh noooo!!'
So remember, just because you hear that, doesn't mean it's you, the placebo fact probably will hinder progress you have against hypnosis so just choose to ignore things like these which don't have much evidence to support them.
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Postby mindlover » January 16th, 2008, 4:33 pm

Successful hypnosis basically boils down to trust. It is not simply enough to "Want" the disired effect, you must be able to truly and deeply trust that it will happen and trust the person who is telling you this. A simple idea that you may or may not have tried is use the Virtual Hypnotist software and make your own scripts, most of the files on this site can be had in text format and copied very easily into VH.

At that point, it takes the trust out of the game, assuming of course that you trust your self. That software also have several built in indution systems that may be able to help you enter your trance and reach the "suggestible" state you have been searching for.
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Postby azk1013 » January 30th, 2008, 4:34 pm

you could also try the freefrommentalbondage file, incase you are having trouble with placebo...(just a thought...)
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Postby busboy » January 31st, 2008, 2:18 am

For what it's worth, you're not the only one in this boat . . . you just may be the only one with the cajones to come out of the anonymous fog of the Interwebs and post about it.
I can go into trance fine, but that's it, and can't PHS no matter how many repetitions I go through. The closest I can get is my PHS to go back under . . . I'll feel a tingle, but that's it. I have to go all the way back through Induction and so forth to get back under. Can't say I've been trying as long as you have, but easily hundreds of hours at this point and can't get any farther.
Gotta say, hearing that you've been trying for more than a year is extremely discourageing. All this time I keep reassuring myself with "mabye I just need to put more time into it", but if it isn't kicking after a year then that little voice in the back of my head whispering "you're a fool . . . this is never going to work" just got a heck of alot more ammo (I shut him up pretty good once I could trance, but this thread won't help me beat him into silence).
If you DO find some magic bypass to this brick wall, please post it to give hope to the rest of us frustrated neophytes.

Good luck!
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Postby mindlover » January 31st, 2008, 2:48 am

This is strictly hearsay on my part, but I read once in a book on clinical hypnosis that the best way to test and train Post Hypnotic Response is with very simple "Stage Hypnosis" tricks.

Silly things seems to be more easily taken in by the mind as there is an attention loving ham inside almost all of us. Something really stupid like the next time you touch the refrigerator you will bark like a dog.

Dont know if this will help anyone, or even if it is valid, but anything is worth a try.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 31st, 2008, 7:35 am

it is trust thats the problem, either he doesnt trust himself(this can be deep in our subconscious) or he just cant bring himself to trust the guide(I.E. the files or the tists) what I'm saying in simple terms is, it is likely when your under you wont take the suggestions cause you don't trust what you will do with them no matter how simple they may be

Edit: I suggest you find a tist you trust that can convince you that the suggestions are something you can trust, if the tist is willing to work with you eventually the suggestions will stick
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Postby CycoMelody » February 4th, 2008, 9:03 am

Wildsprite wrote:it is trust thats the problem, either he doesnt trust himself(this can be deep in our subconscious) or he just cant bring himself to trust the guide(I.E. the files or the tists) what I'm saying in simple terms is, it is likely when your under you wont take the suggestions cause you don't trust what you will do with them no matter how simple they may be

Edit: I suggest you find a tist you trust that can convince you that the suggestions are something you can trust, if the tist is willing to work with you eventually the suggestions will stick

I agree with Wildsprite here. An Idea you may consider is recording yourself reading an induction of your choice and the train susceptible file. If trust is the issue, the one person you know you trust is yourself. So hearing your voice telling your subconscious that its ok to be suggestible may work well for you.
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Postby darkstampede » February 4th, 2008, 4:14 pm

Hey that's not a bad idea Theunknown1. If I do it I'll let you know how it goes.
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Postby crash_matrix » March 1st, 2008, 1:46 am

Theunknown1 wrote:
I agree with Wildsprite here. An Idea you may consider is recording yourself reading an induction of your choice and the train susceptible file. If trust is the issue, the one person you know you trust is yourself. So hearing your voice telling your subconscious that its ok to be suggestible may work well for you.

Heh, I can't do that myself; I hate hearing my own voice -- it seems nasally and bland :D

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