greetings Mistress's and Master's and Others that can help

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greetings Mistress's and Master's and Others that can help

Postby bbcocksuckingwhore » March 7th, 2008, 1:55 pm

I've been trying to listen intently to certain files, hoping i will feel or see the changes, but i'm not sure any of them are really working. Here is what i'd like to know or see happen. can you help me?

I get very into files that tell me and instruct me to do things, while I'm listening to them, i like the idea of being and becoming bi-sexual. and i really like being told to strip naked and do kinky things as suggested. repeated out loud words, that a Mistress or Master instructs me to say. something that really has me spinning is the fact that i'am married and my wife is not aware of my strong desires for sucking or fucking cocks. i do not think she is into it, i would love to somehow get her into the role of a mistress that cuckolds me, i watch her get dressed and all pretty for other men that she makes me find online that will come over and fuck her, or let her become a dominate mistress and she takes me and them and smacks are balls and teases our cocks until we are begging. i want her to become a mistress and also cuckold me, fucking big cocks right in front of me. making me suck them and help guid them into her. licking her clit while other cocks slide into her pussy, then they pull out and shove into my mouth and cum, she laughs at me and they both rest and have a smoke, while i watch and listen to them talk about shoving things up my ass or having other guys come over so they can watch me get fucked. having my wife cage my cock, punish my ass and humilate me in front of her lovers would be a great experience for me and her. i have got her to go along with the fucking other guys part so far, but nothing ever happens between them and myself, just us all fucking her.

i like to hear woman and men tell me, instruct me, give me orders to perform and do crazy kinky things. i want to hear more about these online trigger words that people email in messages to others? it sounds as though, i could have a relationship online only, where i simply open up a email message, and suddenly i'm under a trance and doing what ever the message says? is this correct? can that really happen?

I would love to call a number and have a mistress or master simply say a word or two and the next thing i know or remember is, i'm naked and covered in my own cum and lots of pictures have been taken by myself and posted on here for everyone to see, minus my face though.

can or could that hsppen, is there any program or file that will set me off, where i listen to it, and the person is telling me, i'm there slave.

as there slave, i will check my email daily for new commands and instructions, and i will follow them exactly as told to do so or else.

is there a program to hypnotize my wife into becoming my mistress?

making her use me as a cuckold or turning me into a anal pet, that she finds so enjoyable to make me fnd guys to come over and fuck me in front of her, while she laughs and takes pictures of it all, then afterwards talks to me about how great it felt to suck and fuck cocks in front of her?

how about it?

Is there anyone that can give me some advice or where to look?

thx, and i'm home daily monday thru thursday from 2-3 oclock alone, this would be the perfect time for just about anything to happen privately between me and someone else. I could be hypnotized during this time, say i open a email each day at this time frame, and it has those instructions i have read about on here, where i will read them but not remember being told to do them. during this time i could be told to strip and do things to myself and tske pictures to post on here. i could be told how to masterbate, instructed to do it in certain ways, like finding my wifes dirty panties and sniffing them, or using one of her big dildo's to fuck myself, maybe you or someone or theres a file that can suggest or make me do naughty things when i listen to them, open them up, or hear from others thru emails, i'm instantly theres and find myself doing what they suggest, is this possible and based on my fantasies, sucking cock for real, but not jeapordizing my relationship or safety or std's?

is it possible to just hear or see a file and i find myself stripping naked and repeating after the talker, say this and then do this.

then not remembering until i'am instructed again, to go to a site online, here or someplace and see ad's i have posted about finding guys to date, pictures of when i actually did find a guy and suck his cock or take it? is it possible to be tranced hypnotized and triggered to do something like this and not remember until told to remember?

i want to really experience a online affair with a master or mistress, that can lead me and make me do things my wife won't. maybe convince her to do them too, but not at the cost of losing her or wrecking my marriage. is it possible to just have a online sexual affair where i can be bossed around, made to do things and not jeaporized what i already have?

i do have her willing to have sex with other men, and she has been the sub in these encounters, even blindfolded and fucked by someone she'll never know who it was, that was hot. she was very aroused by that. i want to be submissive too, i think i have something here to work with.

i just need to figure out how to get her to go along with being agressive and taking control, i did manage to get her to chain me up securely one day, one day. but that one day was well worth it, she had my cock and balls in a tight ring, my arms secured above my head, completely naked and at her mercy, while she used a wodden spoon to smack my balls and cock and ass, she was very turned on by it all, and i felt and saw her power and could tell she loved it all, but she hasn't done it since then. that was so great, i was so thrilled with her, her words she used during it all, the way she controlled herself and didn't send me to the hospital. but damn near close and on the edge everytime she smacked me. she knew it was getting me off, because my cock was rock hard and she even stated, i've never seen you this hard before. she made me feel like i was in heaven. only thing she could of added, was a strap-on and took me.

she acts or says thats gross, and it's something we never talk about unless were both doing it in a joking manner. but damn it, i want her to take me, bend me over and fuck my brains out with her purple strap-on. why is it, that i can't get her to bring this up and or do things like this?

she'll fuck and suck a guy in front of me, she hasn't found or asked or said anything about finding me another girl, she says she is not into other girls, but maybe thats a front or her way of not talking about it do to embarrasment, i to won't tell her that i want it so bad up my ass. mostly by her, but i like the idea of being used by her, in a cuckold scene. told to get ready for him as well. forced by her to become a cumslut and cock sucker and anal whore. i don't want to settle any longer. i'm getting older and my mind is telling me to either do this and try it or stop it all together.

but everyday, each day i wake up, all i can look forward to is coming here, maybe getting a little pussy from her, or setting her up with a new cock. but never anything about me from her, she doesn't like to suck my cock, unless i have her restrained and being fucked by another guy. then she'll do it, she'll do alot of things when it's about other guys seeing her. when it's me and her, she acts like a dead fuck, no screaming or moaning or yelling or talking nasty or anything. she just lays there and breathes harder as i fuck her, then when she does reach a orgasm, she'll moan softly and work together with me to cum, but other than that moment when it's just us together, you'd swear she was dead. thats why i keep finding other guys, at least i can get a blowjob and see and hear her make some noise. i would love to see her come home from work and just take me into the bedroom, and pull my pants down. yank my cock out and lick it, suck it, squeeze my balls and finger my ass while she slams her mouth down on my cock. one hand squeezing my balls, the other being used to finger my ass, and her mouth wrapped around my cock.

hell, i'd love to see her do this for me daily! oh yes i would.

but at the very least, it would be nice if she's not going to do it, that i could see a email each day, from a Mistress or Master that i read and instantly i'm told to be seated and go through this scene somehow. by being hypnotized, it's as though she is doing it to me. that would work.


I'am home now, i want to hear from others.... pm me or reply. thx.
Posts: 3
Joined: March 4th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby Mirehn » March 7th, 2008, 3:25 pm

Yes it is possible. Considering your mindset it probably is pretty easy too, the only real thing needed is the amnesia which I think would work well for you. Find a competent hypnotist, and it can be done.

The things being done on your wife... well if she was willing it wouldn't be too difficult, if she was eager it would be pretty easy. If you are talking about doing it without her consent it both would be far too difficult to bother, and hopelessly immoral.

I wish you luck finding someone interested in giving you what you want, and that you have the confidence to ask them outright, although given this post I doubt you will find that difficult.

Does your wife know about this/would she know about this? Because you might find some people don't want to be the 'other guy/girl', even if it is just over the internet.
Posts: 10
Joined: February 21st, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby bbcocksuckingwhore » March 7th, 2008, 5:24 pm

Mirehn wrote:Yes it is possible. Considering your mindset it probably is pretty easy too, the only real thing needed is the amnesia which I think would work well for you. Find a competent hypnotist, and it can be done.

The things being done on your wife... well if she was willing it wouldn't be too difficult, if she was eager it would be pretty easy. If you are talking about doing it without her consent it both would be far too difficult to bother, and hopelessly immoral.

I wish you luck finding someone interested in giving you what you want, and that you have the confidence to ask them outright, although given this post I doubt you will find that difficult.

Does your wife know about this/would she know about this? Because you might find some people don't want to be the 'other guy/girl', even if it is just over the internet.

I tried my best to describe most of my desire, currently i have her or she has me, thats still up for wondering at the moment. but anyhow, i got it where right now, she is willing to let me find guys for her to fuck in front of me, or to cuckold me. she's made me wear a cockcage a few times now, and i played the woo is me porr little dick hurts, please take it off game with here, and she gave in. hoping this would send a red flag to her to really make me suffer and next time, maybe she might lose the key!

she gets off on being the sub, strange as this is. she likes to have me run the show and yet find her guys with bigger cocks than mine, this triggers me to think, she is really setting me up for her own secret agenda. after all, she likes or says she wants to be submissive, but yet she always seems to pick out the greatest looking guy with the hugest dick from the line up i find for her, hummm. i'm starting to think, maybe she's just going along with this until the right moment strikes her, or maybe she's hoping to find not only the right guy, but a guy that will take charge and suggest while he has her lifted up in his arms and resting on his hard cock, that maybe he should do a few things to me, teach me what it's like to see his wife satisfied and really fucked, and start teaching her husband what a REAL cuckold is and how he should act. i think this is what she has been waiting for, as she likes for me to set up and arrange everything.

i think she wants to find another guy just like me, but with a hot body and huge cock and a more demanding dominate role for her and me. releasing me from power and control, and him taking over. this is what i think she is looking for, hoping to find that excuse, or a way to use him as the excuse for what is happening. i really know she has a few secrets. but won't talk about them and neither will i, this is a strong downfall on both our parts, but we are both trying to open up to each other using fantasies or others to bring out our hidden desires. i like it when she is dominate, i tell her this and she hears me, she plays the Mistress sometimes, thru emails, texting and in person. but it's few and far from what she gets and wants and tells me, she prefers to be the slave. she likes to be controlledin the bedroom, and would rather allow someone else to control everything, to set the table and she'll play the game.

so, i guess what i think is happening, she's looking for a way to really see me set aside, used not only by her as a cuckold but humiliated by her new guys she meets, watching them decide what to do with me, and her using the excuse that she also is a sub and has no say in the matter. i think she is using this as a way to see where it will all end up, maybe she doesn't want to be the one after 12 years to suggest, honey i'd like to see you tied up and a guy with a huge cock, make you suck him hard so then he can fuck your wife right in front of you. and then fill my pussy with his cum, and again, shove your face into my well used cumfilled twat and make you lick it clean. that part i believe, is what she is looking for. it's not the same as me telling her to do it, versus a stranger, a hot guy with a huge cock, taking control of both of us, forcing me to suck him off, while she has no say in it, her watching me and me watching her, where we are both forced by someone else to do what they say.

that is what i think, plus after years of me being in control, her adding everything up. bigger cock guy, hot body and a strong demanding demeanor where she has to do what he says, i have to do what he says, together we are both his slaves, she is not at fault and niether am i.

if we could find a file or someone able to control us both at the same time like this, where we both sit down and listen together to something that suggests we both give in to our deepest desires and go thru with them.

where i think we are going to end up is, she finally finds the right guy, that lets her step away from being responsible and in charge, that she has succeded in tricking me into doing her dirty work, she finds the right guy and he without her suggesting anything, does what she has been wanting, releases her from me, knowing she has broken that bond, where now she no longer takes orders from me, rather now she only takes orders from her new found Master. sand knows that i as well, take orders from him. she has no guilt or blame. she can submit and wants to submit to a new guy, to become a cumslut to someone new, someone besides me or herself. to feel the touch of a man that has everything she has ever wanted, and yet to see and watch me degraded, turned into a slave after years of making her my slave. to watch her husband ordered around without a clue as to what is going to happen to me, knowing that it was once me that gave the orders, knowing that now she belongs to another man, who decides who and what she fucks now. and seeing me released from her and knowing now that my cock is not allowed to be inside of her any longer. that i'am just there for teaching her how a real man fucks her now, to be forced to watch her turned into a real cumslut and see as the time goes by, how she developes into everything he makes of her. she has admitted how great it is to be able to ride a big hard long fat cock, how she can slowly slide on top of it, or feel the power and threatening thoughts of a real man with a real cock, fucking her. this is something she talks about to me, how she can't ride my dick. it's too short, and will pop out. or how i can't lift her up and bounce her up and down on top of my cock. how she can hardly tell if i'am in her, when we do have another guy over, and they fuck then i get a turn in her and she just lays there. she doesn't breath hard or get goosebumps. she is tired of pretending to be aroused or faking that she likes my dick in her.

she likes big cock, strong guys and a guy that is really able to make her know that he is the one in charge. of her and me as well.

she does get off on beating my balls and slapping my ass with a belt, seeing me squirm or beg her to stop doing it. lately she has started sucking these guys off with a different attitude, then when it's me she is sucking while they fuck her, she doesn't even say anything. no oooo's or mmmm's, just the basic sucking, and she'll say outloud to the other guy fucking her, oh baby your cock is so huge and it feels so good. then she'll pull my dick aside and buck her hips and pussy into him harder and look at me and say, see baby. thats how i like it, oooooo he feels so good.

then she will lick my dick and say he's making me cum o baby he's going to make me cum, oh shit my pussy is going to cum. make me cum oh yea i'm cumming oh god oh god.

i think she is so hot, she loves me and all that, but wants to have something else that i can't give her, so i believe she is looking for a way to stay together, but use another guy to completely change things. to take my place in the bedrooom or in our sex lives, but keep me around for the stability. when it's time for playing around she gets so excited, hearing about the new guy coming over, staring at his body and cock pictures, hearing how he wants to do this and that, and will make me do this and that.

IS THERE SOMEONE THAT CAN OR COULD, take us both based on these explanations of us, and direct us to a file or personal one on one training. i think we are both looking for someone else to control us, together but to take away our ability to decide what happens during sex play. i know i want someone else in charge, it's always been me, and i'm bored. i want to be tied up, told what to do or see what happens to her bu someone else making decisions. i like seeing her fucked, she likes it too. i would like a woman instead of a man sometimes. but she won't go for that. no woman just guys. if i want to do this with her, it always has to be a guy.

i think it would be greast and a big change for me, and another strong turning point for her, to SUBMIT to a woman. a real DOMINATRIX. to switch the idea of a guy leading us around, instead a woman takes control of us. forcing her to do submit, making me submit and showing us how things will be. this would be nice, a online Mistress who takes charge of us, leads us in a direction where we both want to go.

anyone able to provide us or me or her with individual online hypnosis, where we are taken by a Master or Mistress and our sex games are directed solely by someone else, rather than me or her.

can we be told what to do together, and go along with it?

a simple program we listen to and the next thing we know, we are controlled sexually by someone else, our normal lifestyle stays the same, but when it's the weekend and the lights go out, we are subjected to someone else. making us have sex together,video taping it. taking pictures of ourselves, posting ad's for local guys and gals to have sex with, swinging. making us do things to one another without knowing what we are doing until it happens, if we are both willing willing to listen and take commands from a Mistress or Master, is there one to help us?

what can i do to make this happen for us?

I'am ready for training and submission, she is too. who wants to help us out. emails, pm's, files we can listen too? where do we go, we keep looking for people to help us make this happen. if she was told or i was told, i believe we would both go through with our instructions or orders. theres something that gets warm deep inside of us, reading or hearing about others controlling us. knowing we can both submit and just let someone else lead the way. never knowing what is going to happen, but understanding when it's over, it will just be me and her in bed and looking forward to another go at it next time. thats what we like, sleeping together, holding each other. knowing we will always be there for eachother, but letting ourselves go when it comes to sex.

i can talk her into listening to something together with me, or having a male come over and take charge of us and give us commands, hypnotize us on the spot, we just want something different. something a couple can do and really get off on without regrets or guilt. and i believe it is leeting ourselfs go, to be taken in by someone else, to look at eachother and realize we are not in control any longer, that we both have submitted.

now it's up to someone else, what will happen to us. what deviant, kinky or off the wall sex will we be forced to do, where will it lead to?
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Joined: March 4th, 2008, 1:00 am

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