Jock Help

Need help with the files, here's the place to ask your questions.

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Jock Help

Postby Klip » April 3rd, 2005, 10:35 pm

I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs support in this trasformation I want to go through, so I thought I'd get a topic going.

My first big question for the more experienced is about the order of the files. Are we supposed to listen just to TrainTotalJock 1 for a while before moving on the the others, or is it okay to put the three files in sequence?

I've been listening to all three together for many months now, and even threw in an additonal induction and deepeners between them. While I'm able to trance great finally, I don't seem to have lasting urges to follow through with the suggestions.

Any ideas?

It's also be great just to use this spot to chat with all you other wanna-be jocks to share progress and thoughts and stories.

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Postby dumbmusclejock » April 4th, 2005, 1:25 am

Same goes for me... would LOVE to become the stereotypical gay, dumb, sex and looks obsessed jock!

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Postby Klip » April 4th, 2005, 11:57 pm

Have you tried the files yet? How're you doing on them if so?
Like I said above, I don't know if there's a rule about how to listen to them, what do you do?

About becoming a looks obsessed jock: I think that as jocks-in-training, being we all aspire to be jocks, I doubt any file could make us more looks obsessed than we are already. Though I'd happily be proven wrong through further progress with the files.

Sounds like everyone here has made their peace with the 'dumbing down' aspect of the files. Though, even after months of listening, I'm no worse a speller or thinker than I was before.

If you don't want to share it, that's cool, but I'm always interested in what gets people to what to shift their lives. I posted my reason in my journal. What made you want to be a jock?

How important is this 'gay jock' thing to some of you guys? As far as I know, the Jock files don't go into sexulaity really. Are you including sexual orientation files with your Jock files? It doesn't bother me that some of you want that, I'm bi, but for me it's more thrilling that it'd be 'straightening' me out. Fortunately there is no overt sexuality demand in the files.

Anyway, that's my two pence

BTW: I don't intend to make this forum a deeply intelectual excercise, but while we still have the capacity to write about our experiences, why not try?
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Postby rugbyjockca » April 5th, 2005, 7:13 am

I'm not sure I'm the best one to give advice: I don't seem to trance easily or deeply (though I'm sure this is something that I could work on: just don't have the patience), so I tend to use the jock files a little differently than for hypnosis. I play them as background noise, mostly, and use some of the phrases ("You like being a jock," etc) as sort of motivational tools to help me become a jock, but for the most part I think I've come by my new "jockness" honestly; ie, through hard work.

I don't think it really matters what order you listen to the jock files in, except that the first one seems to be more introductory than the other two.

I think part of the key to getting them to work is to reinforce the suggestions by making conscious decisions and then rewarding yourself for it. If you surround yourself with the trappings of a jock, it'll be easier to act like one.

As for the gay thing: I'm already gay, and don't see any reason to change that. I would like to become more sexually aggressive, though, especially now that I'm getting closer to having the body I've always wanted.
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What I find works

Postby ricardo » April 6th, 2005, 5:37 pm

Yeah, I'm sure all of us need all the help we can get.... Anyway, what I've been doing is listening to Jock1 and Jock3 (bodybuilding) and the TrainWeightTraining. Also fould that TrainSleepReinforce works well. And that (for me) TrainReinforce is unnecessary.
Getting to the gym is what's necessary! Working my arse off is what I find works best! Suggestions for workouts, anyone?
Supplements I find work are: NO2 or NO-Xplode (nitric oxide) and protein powders. Creatine is good, too.
Maybe we couold all get together and pool our money to ask EMG to create a CurseJock file -- what all do we want on it? Besides the non-reverseable part.

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Curse Jock

Postby Klip » April 10th, 2005, 2:12 am

That sounds like a frighteningly good idea. Good, because I want that, frightening because it'd be so life altering, and good again because that's actually what I want to have happen.

Still, I'm not sure a curse would be worth the money. I still haven't had any luck beyond deeply trancing with the files. I've had no lasting effects. I feel tough and masculine for about five minutes after a long listen, but it wares off pretty quick.
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Postby ricardo » April 13th, 2005, 5:32 pm


I would appreciate others
1) voting for it.
2) letting me know what you think need changed, if anything.
*I exclued baseball and basketball as sports -- baseball is too slow and basketball has much too much scoring to need skill....

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Jock Competition

Postby Klip » April 17th, 2005, 12:47 am

It seems we've all been getting creative and submitting jock file ideas (myself included). i should note, i didn't know there was another file called Curse Jock at the time i submitted mine. I'm particularly interested in the Curse (or was it train) totalDumbJock file. Who's idea was that? I like it even more than mine. I aslo like the jock jersey one. I wish there was a way we could all merge our files into one single one. Because they're so many, I think it makes it hard for just one to make it up the list.

Just for fun, let's talk about making our ideal jock file. Let's see where it leads!
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Postby Klip » April 18th, 2005, 11:22 pm

Cool. We should define what we find to be the most vital parts of an ideal jock file. We may each need to compromise on one thing or another though.
This is how I see it: obviously the vital parts are a total obsession with working out almost daily, playing sports, and being agressive. Dumbness is the other major factor, but we all want it to varying degrees (0% (normal) to 100% (numb skull).

It seems this is where the factions lie. For instance, there's a file up now that sombody made because they want to be a dumb jock, but they still want to retain all their musical skill. We could all post suggestionss to keep the specific parts of our lives we want to keep, but that'd result in a ton of very specific files that would never get made. I suppose a suggestion could just be all inclusive though, simply giving you a choice of one aspect you can keep. Don't know how effective that would be though (i'm no expert).

I just lost my train of thought. Maybe the files are working after all.
Any ideas?
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Postby Klip » April 20th, 2005, 12:13 am

hey, what would you guys think about a jock file that not only made you work out a lot and get dumber, but also makes you forget what/who you used to be? you'd remember your name, family, maybe friends, and memories till about high school, but as you grew as a jock you'd begin convincing yourself that you were always 'this way.' i think this is not only hot, but it'd also help any of us with conflict forget their were ever any conficts to begin with because you 'know" you were always a cocky, muscular, sporty jock.


a file on sort of inspired this idea. it's a story about an average guy who gets hypnotised to have false memories. He wakes up convinced he'd been a wrestler and abandons his old life because it makes as little sence to him as it would have been for his old self to wake up in some jock's room.
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Postby Klip » April 20th, 2005, 2:28 pm

Thanks Stu!
I just took your advice and submitted it. It's called "Curse – TotalJockPast."

I got kind of excited while writing it, so it's pretty long. I hope EMG won't have to edit it though:

This file would complement the other jock files. It will make you convinced you are and always have been a total jock. It would encourage your mind to create an alternate past where you vividly recall your days as a high school varsity jock, right up to your current life as a total dumb muscle jock (or footballer, bodybuilder or what have you). As far as you will be concerned, you never had a very good academic mind to begin with, and sports were always where you thrived. The more you work out and follow your growing fitness regimen, the less you will recall about your 'actual' past. You will forget who your original friends were, or the value current friends hold and will begin to associate only with other jocks – the only friends you've ever been able to understand or associate with. Gradually you will completely forget anything about your 'real' past other than who your family are. So not to raise concern your mind will create acceptable excuses for your behavior to them if it seems unusual or out of character to them. These effects are irreversible unless you pay EMG. If action isn't taken early enough however, it would be unlikely you'll even remember what WarpMyMind or EMG was, as you'll never even have heard of them before. After all, why would you encounter a site like this when you've always been too busy lifting weights and tackling fellow jocks outside?
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Postby rugbyjockca » April 20th, 2005, 3:48 pm

I like that one...

One idea I've been toying with is the idea of having a "thinking cap", like a ball cap or something that the would-be dumb jock could wear whenever he needs to do some thinking or anything not jock-related. I'm a writer, and I'm loath to give that up, even in favour of sport, but I'd be happy to just put on a baseball cap and type away at the computer whenever I need to pay the bills or whatever. This sort of thing could be used for anyone, including the music-loving guy, and it wouldn't take away (in my mind, anyway) any of the "jockiness" of our new personas.
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Postby Klip » April 20th, 2005, 4:04 pm

great idea! suggest it in the voting area, or test it out a draft here… good call there :)
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Postby taylor3 » April 20th, 2005, 4:42 pm

I've been listening to the "jock" files for about three weeks now, I really haven't noticed a change ( mainly probably because I've only been able to go under once). Except that I have to listen to them, any succuess from you guys further along.

Great ideas btw
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Postby Klip » April 20th, 2005, 4:56 pm

I've not had much sucess myself. I've been listening on and off for about a year or so now, and I've only just recently been able to trance well. I can go in pretty deep, and listen only to the voice. Actually, just in the last two weeks, just shortly after listening to the files, I feel like I have to jump off the bed and do a bunch of push-ups and sit-ups … so I do! Still, I don't stay in that state long, and about a half hour later I'm a little buzzed, but otherwise back to normal. Afterwards I don't feel any less myself (or less smart ... not that that's a bad thing exactly). Anyway, I'm hoping I'm finally begining to see some kind of progress.

Like it's been said many times around here, it all depends on how susceptable you are to suggestions. I'm personally a very stubborn and skeptical dude, so it's hard for me to believe whole heartedly that these changes are possible. I'm told it's all in how much you believe it's possible. So, people who are less skeptical are more likely to succeed.

So keep up with them, and keep in touch with us, that's what this is for :)
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Postby rugbyjockca » April 20th, 2005, 7:55 pm

Sometimes it helps to get the ball rolling yourself. These kind of things sort of reinforce themselves over time. It's spring, so why not go out and join a local amateur sport team? At least get outside and a bit physical. Maybe it is because of the files, but I've really come to love being physical and active. I still have sloth days, which I think is normal and natural, but I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had to give up rugby, or suddenly couldn't toss a football around with a couple of friends.

I've been using the files for almost a year and a half (I think?), off-and-on. I don't achieve trance well* either, but I do notice an upswing in my motivation and libido when I'm listening to them a lot.

Even so, it helps a LOT to be surrounded by my rugby team and my friends who are interested in sports (gay and straight): I feel more like a jock when I'm around them, and more and more I feel like I fit in there.

Hope that didn't sound too un-jock-like. :P


*though I've been having some luck, maybe, by using a text program called "Grock" while I listen to EMG's files. I read a lot, and I think that'll be the key to getting me in trance more often and successfully.

Edited to add: Also, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it, but I think I may have caught the baseball bug the other night while catching a Philly vs Atlanta game on TV. I blame the hockey lockout and my impatience for the rugby and CFL seasons to begin.
Last edited by rugbyjockca on April 21st, 2005, 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Klip » April 21st, 2005, 12:27 am

Thanks for the advice Rugbyjock! I agree about needing to cast the first stone, and my spirits don't feel too far from doing as such.

Having said that, forgive me, for I just wrote ANOTHER file suggestion, which while it may never get made, it was at least fun to write:

Train Good Soldier
This file would increase your patriotism, sense of national pride, and ignorance. You will begin training your body rigorously, following military standards with a growing intent on enlisting and honorably protecting your nation (that is, if you are younger than 39 – otherwise you simply take on the lifestyle). You will maintain a strict upright posture at all times, obey orders, addressing everyone as sir or ma'am. It will simplify your line of thought and reasoning, making every situation appear to be a straightforward issue, black and white, right or wrong, good or evil. You will take a blind faith in your leaders, never questioning authority, in fact you cherish, excuse, and defend their every decision. You will develop a slight twang in your voice, denoting a southern decent. You will maintain a constant military-style haircut. Your favorite pastimes when not working out or playing sports, is watching NASCAR, football, listening to country music and drinking beer.
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Postby Klip » April 22nd, 2005, 8:43 am

alright, i'm out of ideas. i can't figure out where all the faux jocks have gone. a lot of people read this forum, but so few post and even fewer seem to vote for files.

where've you all gone?

if you've got some ideas that might make this forum more useful for our "community," let's get 'em going.
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The Jock Files

Postby one » April 23rd, 2005, 8:03 pm

Has any one actually listen too these file....
They are definately for straights.
Also could those who have listen describe the effect they had on jock strap wearing etc...
Any one noticed the suttle wording as well.. like the get hard on when not wearing jock strap where the seems to be a mistake in the 'script' of when you are wearing but changes to not wearing after.....?
Any others that have noticed this....
Also the second file is bad I believe if you are gay as it would cause conflict in perceptions because of the metion of women all the time....
The third one I wonder what the result is for your voice the way the wording of the file is constructed 'adjust your voice lower or higher'which would your mind take?
Third the metion of body builder would make the best 'mates'is interesting...if you take it litteraly you would come to the conclusion depending on how you mind again takes the info that they would be the best partners...

Any comments?
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Re: The Jock Files

Postby Klip » April 23rd, 2005, 9:12 pm

Well One, first I'd make sure you've read the older posts in this forum, because others have touched on similar questions. Second, I don't know that the files are necessarily for straights exclusively. True, the second file does add suggestions including women, but i think later on, it or one of the others mention you can have whoever you want 'man or woman', because 'that's just how appealing you will become' or something like that.

Now in my opinion, part of being a jock is having to live like a hetro dude. it's part of the jock condition, even if a jock is gay they have to conform to the ultra macho 'hetro personality.' jocks live in a tribe that is built upon conformity, they have to do everything alike; dress alike, talk alike, groom alike. they do everything and go everywhere in pacs, constantly modifying their behaviour to fit in with the rest of the hive. they have a collective consciousness, that doles out what is acceptable and unacceptable, what's cool and what's gay. in such an atmosphere, you have to at least appear straight. i don't see it as a bad thing…as role playing goes it's quite exciting.

Anyway, that's what I think anyway. If it's a problem for you, we've all been working on versions of the jock files and posting them to be voted on. Why not suggest one that excludes any specific gender preference?

It's great to know there's a new jock on the block. Hope you keep up with us, we jocks gotta' stick together.
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Postby Klip » April 23rd, 2005, 11:35 pm

by the way, i just got an irc chat app and intend to use it. obviously it's in the warpmymind room on the hypnonet server, and my username is Klip. i was getting too frustrated with the clunkiness of the java plugin. does anybody else here go on the chat room, and is it okay if i add you to the 'buddy list?"
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Why not start a new forum for Jocks???

Postby one » April 24th, 2005, 2:05 am

Why not start a new forum for Jocks???
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Postby one » April 24th, 2005, 7:11 am

any way any good jock coversions here???
I hope that I can say yes....
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Postby Klip » April 24th, 2005, 8:31 am

well, this is the jock forum. though seeing as we get pretty highly read, it might be useful to move it to the front of the forum page. but that's not my department, it's for EMG to decide what goes where.
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Any Military or ex-Military out there?

Postby Klip » April 24th, 2005, 7:17 pm

Not that it's on subject but I was wondering, does WMM have any Military, ex-Military, or wanna be in the military members on here? If your neither of the above, just continue talking about whatever jock stuff you want, i'm just curious. I sometimes think of enlisting, I'm young yet, 23, and really want to change my life, as this thread indicates. I'd like to know about the lifestlye.

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where are you all?

Postby one » April 30th, 2005, 4:53 am

so ma mant looks but no replies? :roll:
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Postby Klip » April 30th, 2005, 8:40 pm

Yes, it's an interesting phenomenon.

Just a quick note, I've actually made some progress. I made a pact with another jock wannabe recently, so that's helped. We set a weekly goal that promotes our jock development. If anybody wants to join the pact, get on the chat area sometime or PM me. It's a great way to find support, and I've found it gets me to do things i wouldn't have done without the mild 'peer pressure.'

Dudes reminder: If you've got any questions about the Jock Files, or just want to talk about things related to Jocks or wanting to be one, this is the place to post!
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Postby joe » May 22nd, 2005, 3:03 pm


that's awesome!!

thanks for the link!
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Postby sandy82 » May 24th, 2005, 5:39 pm

You can hear the subliminal words in the subliminal file?

Stewie wrote:Hey all I was just browsing some random sites and I came across two files on another webpage. One of them makes your muscles grow faster, bigger, easier etc. (not much help as EMG has one basically the same) but the second one is a subliminal file which repeats I am strong, My muscles are growing, My body produces testosterone over and over again for 10 minutes in the backround of some Rocky tunes. Anyway heres the link hope it helps.

<link deleted>
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Postby Agriff » May 24th, 2005, 8:58 pm

I can hear parts of the sublim suggestive file. I can hear EMG say "it is soo easy to blah blah blah, It is sooo easy to blah blah blah." (I can't understand the blahs)
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Smoking Jocks

Postby KoreNYC » May 30th, 2005, 9:18 am

I'm currently trying to undergo transformation into a jock(I've started a journal for those interested in seeing my progress). Anyway I currently smoke and was wondering if you guys think its unjocklike and I should quit as part of my transformation. I do remember some of the jocks in my high school smoked. Let me know what you think.
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Postby tirips » May 30th, 2005, 10:05 am

my personal opinion would be for you to stop smoking. It was one thing to do it in school, but i don't think most would continue into adulthood. It affects the breathing too much and therefore would have an effect on how long you could participate in whatever event.
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Postby Agriff » May 30th, 2005, 2:16 pm

Yeah true but get wasted a lot, thats a nice substitute for smoking.
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Postby Klip » May 31st, 2005, 12:39 am

I agree he should stop smoking. Jocks are dumb, but they're health nuts, save for the occasional party binge.

Interestngly, I came accoss a link on google while trying to find the lastest chapter to one of those "jocking" stories on the Evolution Forum. It's all about a sports conspiracy in the US. Oddly enough, after reading it, i wished i'd been one of the mindless millions the autor claims to have become sports zombies. He takes a negitive view, naturally. I'd bet he secretly would like to be a jock too. I once observed many of the things he did, but i've decided my angst against sports was my own battle with conformity... blah blah blah, here's the link:
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Postby joe » May 31st, 2005, 5:40 pm

hey guys.

i'm in the beginning stages of putting together a website (sadly, on geocities) that hopefully will serve as a sort of nexus for us (i hesitate to use the term "wannabe") .. jocks.

i have a fairly competent grasp of HTML & CSS, but i'm looking for help - ideas/content, and also in design, and putting it together.

if any of you have any ideas or want to help, feel free to drop me a private message or reply to this.

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Postby KoreNYC » May 31st, 2005, 7:23 pm

I have a pretty good knowledge of Java, CSS, HTML, databases, etc. So if you need any programming help I'm available. Unfortunately design, layout, and graphics are my weak spot. So hit me up if your interested. But maybe instead of geocites a Yahoo group is a better idea.
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Postby joe » May 31st, 2005, 8:56 pm

nice, Kore! all your weak spots are my strong points. i'll find you on YIM.
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Jock File Success

Postby TomJoe » June 1st, 2005, 3:10 pm

Hey Guys:

I have been using the Jock File 1 for about a year. I feel that it's been good for me.

I listen to all my local baseball (NYC - Mets) games when I can. I listen to the local sports station whenever I am at home. And I do this because I want to, not because I feel that I have to. I like talking to the guys at work about sports.

I have also cultivated the practice of cracking my knuckles (that just came out of the blue a few months ago), using profanities much, much too often and voicing my opinions before thinking about them.

I had never done any of the above before.

After initially listening to the Jock File 1 for a few times, I purposely located my local sports station, read the sports pages in the newspapers; read the sports articles on the web. I kept at it (listening to the file and doing the reading and listening) and slowly and surely I have become more and more obsessed with being a sports jock.

I just did not listen to the file, but did other things to reinforce the training.

But I feel that listening to the file kept on motivating me to do the other things.

Comments? Questions? Criticisms
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Postby Klip » June 1st, 2005, 6:58 pm

have you started working out and doing a lot of active things? sports?
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Postby Guest » June 1st, 2005, 7:22 pm

good or bad, I was working out before listening to the files. I now seem to have a stronger desire to work out and build muscles.

Haven't had any time to play any sports yet. But, lately, I have been thinking of ways to get involved. I live real close to a city park and they have some playing fields on them. What's bad is that I usually work afternoons and evenings and usually on the weekends as well. The plan would be to go over there and watch the games and get to know the players...

Postby TomJoe » June 1st, 2005, 7:26 pm

I am the Guest. I received a notice saying that someone had replied and they gave me an instant connect link. But when doing this I could not put in my username.
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Postby Klip » June 1st, 2005, 8:48 pm

just a raise of hands: how many of you jock-to-bees were/are super skinny and were/are staunchly individualistc?
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Postby joe » June 1st, 2005, 11:42 pm

both. but you knew that. ;)
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Jock Poll

Postby TomJoe » June 2nd, 2005, 6:37 am

Not skinny; have/had muscles, but I do raise my hand for individualistic.
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Postby taylor3 » June 2nd, 2005, 2:56 pm

super Skinny until 7th grade, worked out off an on since then, never fat, never skinny, but yes to question 2.
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Postby Wynfrith » June 2nd, 2005, 7:40 pm

Not skinny, not fat...slightly curvy? Working out for a while now.

And definately an individual.
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Postby rugbyjockca » June 3rd, 2005, 9:54 pm

I was somewhat overweight (260lbs, 46" waist at 6'), though I was making progress even before I found the jock files. The last time I weighed myself, I was at 210, but that was months ago: I've been lifting boxes for a living 45 hours a week and playing rugby for the last two months, so I'm pretty sure my stats have changed since then. 34" pants are loose-ish in the waist, but my legs and chest/back haven't shrunk much, judging by my clothes/shirts. I've been getting quite a few compliments lately, come to think of it...

I have a game tomorrow, so I really should be in bed, but I was reading a book on the history of science and suddenly I started hearing EMG's voice in my head. I shut it up pretty quick (because I really do want to keep some of this stuff in my head: I want to be a writer as much as I want to be a jock), but only by promising myself that I'd listen to the jock2 file before bed. I find it helps with my aggressiveness on the pitch.

As to individualistic? I was picked on a lot in junior high, so I read a lot, and I spend a lot of time in my head. Sometimes I feel like I'm a complete outsider, but other times I feel like I blend right in. I am really stubborn, though.
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Postby Klip » June 13th, 2005, 1:06 am

How does everyone feel about surrendering their individuality, conforming to the mainstream image and groupthink jocks subscribe to?

Dumbness aside, I believe that for one to be a jock, that your sense of self, and definition of individuality must be informed and inspired almost exclusively by external sources: TV, Magazines, Ads, and your friends. You're means of conformity to these images and attitudes brings your closer to the 'ideal.'
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Postby rugbyjockca » June 13th, 2005, 5:44 pm

I shouldn't have read this thread before leaving for work this morning; even though losing my individuality isn't something I'd say I was interested, when I was thinking about it this morning it did get me a little hard.

It's not that I necessarily like being unique and not always a "follower", it's just that I'm used to going my own way sometimes. It's comfortable for me to be different, at least a little bit...

But if I think about it, there's still something that appeals to me about being absorbed into a greater identity. I've never really experienced that sort of thing, until recently, and before I started playing rugby I used to say that I was sure that I'd never join a cult. It wasn't pride or anything, just that anytime I was a part of a large group, I'd feel seperate from them.

Rugby's a completely different, and new, situation for me. I lose myself completely in the game. I'm aware, in that I can still crack jokes or answer questions, but my attention is focused on what I'm out there to do, and while it feels like I can relive the entire experience, I always find out later that I've lost entire segments of memory, like I wasn't even there. I also find myself completely devoted to the guys in the club. There isn't a person on the team that I don't like, even though all of us have annoying habits, and after only 8 or 9 months of knowing them, I already feel like they're a critical part of my life. We're not at the point of donating an organ to anyone yet, but I feel like after I've known these people long enough, that level of trust is inevitable.

So, while losing individuality isn't something I'm directly interested in, I can see and have experienced (to a limited degree) its appeal. Maybe I'm lucky to have found a team that supports individuality and appreciates me for who I am (no matter who "me" is on any given day).

On a completely different subject, I kinda wish that I could(would?) let the "dumb" stuff take effect: it might make these posts a little bit shorter.

And speaking of that.,..any progress for anyone? Is it really true that once jocks-in-training reach a certain point, they forget about the internet? Maybe we should start talking about sports in the idle chatter room a bit to keep us interested? :)
Posts: 161
Joined: April 3rd, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby Klip » June 19th, 2005, 1:04 pm

I've not had any serious changes yet, but i may be on the cusp. just met a hypnotist online who seems to have made jock transformation his thing. I met two of his subjects, and as ever, we share a lot in common. Sounds like they've had a lot of sucess (working out, looking the part), so I'll keep you all posted.

RugbyJock, i second most of your sentiments. Though, I think my desire to get absorbed into a greater collective identity is most appealing. If i could, i'd like to completely lose myself in a pack of jocks, being generic, strong, and stupid.

At the same time, i'd like a toggle, so i could also enjoy the 'normal' me.

Oh the inner conflicts.

Any of you share these conflicts?

Say, we jocks should talk some time. PM me sometime with an IM or YIM id if you're up for it.
the only constant is change
Posts: 38
Joined: April 3rd, 2005, 1:00 am


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