Help with files, Cum torture

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Help with files, Cum torture

Postby heyheyhey » April 18th, 2008, 6:11 pm

Hi all!

I've been listening to cum torture 2 times already, but I can't get it to work properly. When the file ends, it works, I'm stuck where I am. Good! But I never orgasm after. I wait for about 10 minutes, then I get bored and decide to move.

For those who got it to work, how much time before your first orgasm? Any advice? Because I don't feel anybody bringing me close to orgasm. :?
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Postby Nameless » April 19th, 2008, 10:15 pm

Try not doing anything special. Just lay down in bed, and listen. Don't try to force it all, don't even really close your eyes unless told, just lay back.
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Postby curlygirly » May 8th, 2008, 5:58 pm

I actually had really great success with this file the 2nd time I listened to it. I was already really relaxed before I listened, and I didn't really go into it expecting anything to happen, but frankly, I just love the sound of EMG's voice. So, even if nothing did happen, I got to listen to him for 20 minutes, and that was reward in itself!

And it didn't work all three times, but I was so exhausted by the second orgasm, that I passed out and woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face. I even squirted, which is very very rare for me, but was an unexpected bonus!
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Postby Amaroq » May 11th, 2008, 10:23 pm

I listened to this one earlier today. It almost, aaaalmost worked. I had precum and everything and was about to orgasm. But I'm not home alone and my sister got up and walked around, so I moved, closed my door, and took care of business the old fashioned way.

I'm gonna put this on my video watch and listen to it before I go to sleep. No distractions should make success more likely~

Advice: You gotta have a vivid imagination. You have to imagine that they are doing that to you. But if you listen to the guy, he tells you to imagine that anyway. It doesn't happen on its own. You gotta listen to the guy and imagine it as realistically as you can.

But it's kinda weird like that. You're simultaneously trying to imagine it as hard as you can and simultaneously unable to stop trying to imagine it.
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