Help choosing files

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Help choosing files

Postby jockboyslave » April 24th, 2008, 11:38 pm

Was wondering if any of the experienced hypno'ees could give me some advice as to what files to use to make my playlist. Below are some facts/information...

1 - Believe I had my first successful "trance" (see my other post) using Lutz' Bubble Induction file a couple times this week.

2 - as you can tell by my signature line, i'm looking to become...
a - a jock - not necessarily a gymrat or musclehead, but at least inshape, if not somewhat defined physically.
b - aroused, excited, etc. by the smell, look, and feel of leather, jock gear, uniforms, etc.
c - keep my intelligence while at work, anyother time i ca handle the "dumbness"
d - total obedience to the one i call MASTER. Sir, SIR, and Master are different to me. MASTER is the one that owns me (i.e., my MASTER). SIR is a friend of MASTER and is given out of respect. Master is used when refering to someone (i.e., Master EMG said all slaves should be obedient). And Sir is used for everything else.
e - heightened sexual arousal when teased, used, engaging in sex, etc.
f - increase sexual appetite, sort of the male version of a slut
g - addiction to the smell and taste of the own who owns me (his cent, piss, cum, etc.)
h - increased pleasure from anal/oral sex.

3 - and anything else you all think would help me achieve my desire/need to be a "good boy". :)

I know this is allot, but I have read some of the files and notice they double up on some things, like the totalgayjock has the workiing out and addiction to gear. I also know some files work for some people, not all. But any feedback or suggestions you all have would be appreciated.
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Re: Help choosing files

Postby FloridaPuppy » April 25th, 2008, 6:07 am

jockboyslave wrote:a - a jock - not necessarily a gymrat or musclehead, but at least inshape, if not somewhat defined physically.

There are lots of files to help you enjoy exercising more/differently, but listening to a file and hypnosis alone won't substitute for going to a gym or working out in some other way.
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Re: Help choosing files

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 25th, 2008, 8:57 am

jockboyslave wrote: ...i'm looking to become...

Welcome to WarpMyMind, jockboyslave.

The first step in your journey is desire. Check!
You already know what you want and need. You've taken the bold step of publishing it publicly - a naked admission.

The second step is willingness. Pause.
This is real, jockboyslave. Willingness requires action. When the intensity-level of desire becomes overwhelming... a point where you begin taking action... all the rest can follow.

I don't know what change you'll make. I don't know whether you'll make that change next week or next month. But the GOOD BOY inside of you does.

Many members here will be watching the 'Success Stories' forum for your progress reports.
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Postby jockboyslave » April 25th, 2008, 5:57 pm

Oh, I 've got the "action" down. Since April 14th, I've eliminated soda from my life, well mostly. Used to be from the moment I got up til bedtime I drank nothing but soda, now I don't. The diet w/ exercise program I am on limits my calories to about 1500 per day and soda is just not allowed in it. Now the meal plan does allow me a glass of wine or beer for dinner, so I substitute just 1 can of soda for that, but that's it. Since April 14th, I've been drinking water every waking minute...getting tiring, but I'm still doing it. Since April 21st, I've been a member of California Family Fitness, a gym in my area, and been hitting the gym doing the required workouts on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday; with off/light workout days on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Leaving me Sunday to recoup, as per the workout program. So its not that I'm just sitting here thinking the files will magically turn me into what I am on the inside. I know its gonna take allot of work to get the outside to match.
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Joined: April 22nd, 2008, 12:00 am
Location: CA, USA

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