Another thread requesting for advice upon self-hypnotism

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Another thread requesting for advice upon self-hypnotism

Postby livelonger8 » September 11th, 2008, 9:36 am

Sorry for the threads, however, I really want this to work. I want to implicate a trigger-term into my subconscious mind, in which case, if I consciously speak out of think the term or if I imagine the term(That is; if I imagine the hypnotists voice, mine or anothers speak out the term), for my subconscious mind to create the affect, whether it be physical (My brain to induce feelings based upon memory or physical nerve endings to be stimulated by my subconscious mind) or imaginative to take over the perception of reality (To induce an alternate; subconscious reality based upon that sense of perception (Whether it to occur whilst I'm doing something, in which case, the area of sensation from the present reality (I.e. Myself to be able to see myself physically in a mirror as it would be logically; my senses; visually, would signal the data from reality to my brain to create the visual affect) to be affected upon segmentally (To view everything as I would in the present reality; normally, but to have the slight alteration, such as; to view myself as a female whilst I'd view the rest of reality normally (For a segment of my sensory perception to be filtered out by my imaginative; non-logical mind).

Anyway, I've tried listening to EMG's tracks before sleeping. I'd listen to a hypnosis induction, following onto a 5-minute orgasm track based upon a trigger phrase. However, I would hear the induction whilst I'm falling asleep, (Whilst I'm doing to sleep, I'd put my ear phones on to listen to the tracks whilst sleeping) in which case, EMG's voice would appear then disappear as my imaginative mind would kick in to induce a dream. However, the voice would prevent myself from sleeping properly, as I would transition from being able to hear his voice to not being able to hear his voice (That is; to falling asleep to waking up to hearing his voice (I think?)).

However, after the first night of trying this method, I had woke back up after 20 minutes, believing that I had the earphones still placed within my ears. However, I found it odd that I couldn't hear anything (30 hypnosis tracks on repeat), in which case, my logical mind had kicked in, leaving myself to find the earphones alongside with my MP3 player down the side of my bed. Anyway, I didn't hear his voice, so, presumably, the suggestions should have slipt into my subconscious mind as I wasn't conscious of what he was saying :P

I had tried again the night after (I had some success a few nights previous (I was conscious of what he was saying but could feel the suggestions; the words would inflict feelings throughout my body. The term "orgasm" would trigger off a growing sensation of pleasure)), falling asleep but had woken up after he had said (Now it's time to wake up on the count of 5). However, the trigger still hasn't worked and I haven't felt the 5 minute orgasm... :(

Please, can someone guide me to a successful self-hypnostism? I want to be able to have trigger phrases implicated into my mind, to induce the regulation of my sensory perception, whether it to be segments or complete regulation of; vision, scent, feeling and hearing. I'd want to view myself as a female with a male mind. However, I don't desire to inflict upon permanent changes but rather hallucinatory affects.

Help is much appreciated!

If you wish to contact me: (My hotmail address)[/url]
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Postby livelonger8 » September 11th, 2008, 10:32 am

Come on! Please?
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Postby Lunn » September 11th, 2008, 12:29 pm

Try using a small speaker, like the ones used for CD players placed behind or under your pillow. Headphones are a pain in the ass if you move around. OR, try using the headphones with the volume turned up behind or under your pillow. It will likely take more time and so on, but could produce better results. Also, doing such for an hour or so when you sleep will also produce some results, just don't have a good way to quantify how much.

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Postby Draygone » September 11th, 2008, 12:39 pm

I'm sorry, but this needs to be said.

Congratulations on showing your complete lack of patience. Not only did you create a confusing wall of text with too many parenthesis asides, but you expected somebody to come along, read that and respond within only 56 minutes' time. This is not like a dedicated chatroom, where somebody's guarenteed to be here to answer such a question 24/7. You have to wait around for somebody to eventually get online, see the question, and know how to answer it. I would recommend at least a 24-hour wait before checking again. By then, most of the daily folk around here will have had a chance to have seen this topic.

My biggest pet peeve with web forums...
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Postby livelonger8 » September 11th, 2008, 3:31 pm

Thanks for the responses, much appreciated. And sorry about the wall of text and impatience (I apologise for the quick reply "Please"; I'm really wanting this to work, well, to escape reality for a bit :P)
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Postby hypnostudent » September 26th, 2008, 3:42 pm

livelonger8 wrote:Thanks for the responses, much appreciated. And sorry about the wall of text and impatience (I apologise for the quick reply "Please"; I'm really wanting this to work, well, to escape reality for a bit :P)

have you tried going into trance using email slave or some other trigger file ?
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Postby Lunn » September 27th, 2008, 1:14 pm

livelonger8 wrote:... to escape reality for a bit

Develop your imagination and read good books. Free, portable, and mind building. Listen to self development tapes and books on tape or CD. Listen to the great speaches of man on tape or classical theater and so on.

Not to disuade you from your work, just to add some dimensions to your quest for escapism. And who knows, you might learn something that elevates your life so that you don't want to escape.

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Postby pyroid » September 27th, 2008, 11:12 pm

Don't feel bad Live, I am the same, results now patience later. It can make us seem arrogant, but its more that you want the reward without the work. I suggest not doing before bed, but an hour before bed. It sounds weird but it help me. When your tired you tend to actually miss things, at least I would. So do it when your more relax but not tired. Take a hot bath, read a good book, watch a relaxing movie, listen to soft music. Forget all about that you want to go into trance.

Try using a small speaker, like the ones used for CD players placed behind or under your pillow. Headphones are a pain in the ass if you move around. OR, try using the headphones with the volume turned up behind or under your pillow. It will likely take more time and so on, but could produce better results. Also, doing such for an hour or so when you sleep will also produce some results, just don't have a good way to quantify how much.

Like Lunn said, head phones tend to do more harm then good. I like to use computer speakers set on low volume. It softens the voice and allows me to listen yet free my mind.

The moment where you awakened with the head phones off proves that something happened, I don't know what exactly, but something lol. I have had similar cases where I wake up and I've taken off my shirt or even gotten a glass of water; all of which after listening to a hypno~file. I guess that its your mind a total ease. It is at the point where small tasks are meaningless to remember, but its only a hypothese.[/quote]
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Postby livelonger8 » October 27th, 2008, 11:06 am

Hey! Thanks for all the replies, much appreciated. I apologize for not replying for a while. Some triggers are taking affect, only minor but they seem to have an effect increasing the more I listen. Thanks for all the help guys!!:D:D

You all rule. :)
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