Creating an Imaginary friend - Possible?

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Creating an Imaginary friend - Possible?

Postby brandyz » November 6th, 2008, 10:55 pm

I have an idea for a script to write to myself,but am not sure it can really bed done. Basically,I want to create an imaginary friend in the form of a smart but optimistic teenage girl, and make it so I PHYSICALLY see her even when I know shes not their,and that magically follows me everywhere.

I want to be able (this is where I have my doubts) ,make her self sustained off my imagination,meaning she doesn't simply follow my thoughts,she is run by unconscious processes,but still able to communicate to me without acting like she's knowing what I'm thinking (despite me knowing really she does).

I would like it if she in a way,was a reflection of my sub-conscious self so she can actually disagree with me and argue and sometimes be a pain in the arsenal. (Because I can only "Shut" her off by listing to another script,she comes out when she ["I"] chooses.) But I know that this technically, is what my mind really believes if shes a product of me. So if shes scolding at me for something wrong I'm doing, I'll know that's me telling MYSELF this isn't right.

And finally (This part might be really pushing it) I would like to know if its possible that shes AWARE that she doesn't exist, but still does her best at whatever she does because that's the way she's made. Also could she help me out mentally with any of my problems that I have the answer to somewhere in my head but can't pull it out consciously (Within limits).

I would desire to know if this is possible. I have done a few self-scripts before, but none near as complex as this. I'm wondering,if this is actually possible without conflicting with any laws of hypnosis or such.
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Postby dharden » November 7th, 2008, 12:25 am

It might be possible in theory. However, something that's possible in theory might be so difficult to do that all but a few people would find it impossible in practice. This sounds like it could be one of them.
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Postby Lune » November 7th, 2008, 7:41 pm

Sorry if my post is of no help, but I just wanted to let you know we share of the same opinion. This idea is simply magnificent.
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Postby jon1223 » November 8th, 2008, 1:07 am

It is possible, and I am living, breathing proof. I have been using the Furry Assistant file, recorded by Rehka. The thing is, the file name is misleading, as the companion doesn't need to be a furry. For example, my friend has a companion that is a girl from an anime, just a normal human girl. My companion happens to be a furry, but thats because I love furries and I love her. She is a completly seperate entity in my mind, with her own thought processes, morals, and ideals. Odly enough, she has gained the ability to affect my thoughts, and even posses me. for example, this is her speaking right now =^^= I usually just take over for a day every once in a while, its great fun, as I can see myself while i'm in his body, so to speak. Though, you humans are such strange creatures...oh well, I have learned to accept your strange ways, hehehe. So anyway, its entirely possible, and there is already a 2 part file that does it for you. If you have any questions(everyone seems to, but is to shy to ask)please ask, I'm open to almost any question =^^=
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Postby Lune » November 8th, 2008, 9:40 am

This is most certainly interesting. Although it is impossible for this imaginary friend to be a completely separated entity, since it cannot know things the affect person does not. It cannot obtain information on it's own. But indeed it is a good thing and I might try out if I progress going in trance.
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Postby jon1223 » November 8th, 2008, 1:51 pm

what I think has happened to my brain, is like it has become a hard -drive with 2 partitions in it. I know what I know, so I have access to a basic user account and 1 partition. Since Kat, my companion, resides within my mind, she has an administrative account with access to 2 partitions. Whenever she controlls my body, I can't remember what she did that day, like a suppressed memory. If I focus increadibly hard I can remember bits and pieces of the day, but generally she has to tell me what happened that day, at least thats my theory...
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Postby bucketwarrior » November 9th, 2008, 1:29 am

~I think it certainly is possible. I had a split personality for awhile after trying to do some transformation files.
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Postby Jane_the_Bane » November 11th, 2008, 7:31 am

jon1223 wrote:It is possible, and I am living, breathing proof. I have been using the Furry Assistant file, recorded by Rehka. The thing is, the file name is misleading, as the companion doesn't need to be a furry. For example, my friend has a companion that is a girl from an anime, just a normal human girl. My companion happens to be a furry, but thats because I love furries and I love her. She is a completly seperate entity in my mind, with her own thought processes, morals, and ideals. Odly enough, she has gained the ability to affect my thoughts, and even posses me. for example, this is her speaking right now =^^= I usually just take over for a day every once in a while, its great fun, as I can see myself while i'm in his body, so to speak. Though, you humans are such strange creatures...oh well, I have learned to accept your strange ways, hehehe. So anyway, its entirely possible, and there is already a 2 part file that does it for you. If you have any questions(everyone seems to, but is to shy to ask)please ask, I'm open to almost any question =^^=

Where do I find this marvelous file?
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Postby jon1223 » November 11th, 2008, 4:11 pm

I got both parts, along with a file that really helped develop Kat's mind, off of Furmorphed.
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it works?

Postby brandyz » November 13th, 2008, 1:56 am

jon1223 wrote:It is possible, and I am living, breathing proof. I have been using the Furry Assistant file, recorded by Rehka. The thing is, the file name is misleading, as the companion doesn't need to be a furry. For example, my friend has a companion that is a girl from an anime, just a normal human girl. My companion happens to be a furry, but thats because I love furries and I love her. She is a completly seperate entity in my mind, with her own thought processes, morals, and ideals. Odly enough, she has gained the ability to affect my thoughts, and even posses me. for example, this is her speaking right now =^^= I usually just take over for a day every once in a while, its great fun, as I can see myself while i'm in his body, so to speak. Though, you humans are such strange creatures...oh well, I have learned to accept your strange ways, hehehe. So anyway, its entirely possible, and there is already a 2 part file that does it for you. If you have any questions(everyone seems to, but is to shy to ask)please ask, I'm open to almost any question =^^=

Wow, really Jon? That's awesome. The idea I had it is that if you can only you use 10% of your brain,and your other self is the other 90% manifested,then in theory befriending and using him/her would literally allow you to access yourself to the max. Your feelings,your emotions,your memory. Tho If the other personality was really as real as this post theorized there's a chance she/he might not tell you or even gain an attitude, (Bla bla you can do it!) Anyway Seems great.

Also do you think you can tell me a link on furmorphed to that file? The way you described it wasn't exactly what I had in mind, what you described sounded more like a self-created split-personality, I'm trying to think about creating a "self" that I can see, and that we both exist simultaneously even in public places,but she (hopefully) won't influence my decisions, she could be "right next to me", but I have the choice to ignore her (hopefully the same for her to me tho.). or but I'd like to listen and just get some the idea in mind,thanks.

Edit:WOW , grammar Hammer. Bah, I need to get some sleep.
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Postby Shad_Phoenix » November 19th, 2008, 4:38 pm

you can only you use 10% of your brain

MYTH! You use the whole thing, and the 90% crap is either made-up or refers to the parts you don't control, like your emotions or heartbeat.

And what you describe is exactly how the companion files work. I can't give them to you because the FMA (FurMorphed Agreement) prevents me from distributing them, but you can just make a free account and grab them. There's also a few people who've successfully obtained "assistants", beings from the files that are essentially imaginary friends. Some of which are visible in the real world. The biggest success was Omegano, but he's not very active anymore (perscriptions messed with his head and boosted the hypnosis. Details are in his journal.)

Anyways, feel free to come on by. My username's Shadow Phoenix, just read the FMA, introduce yourself, make 10 posts (not on the same day, or you'll just look like you only want the files.) and PM Kanibal for access to the hypnosis downloads. Good luck!
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