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Please Help

Postby Hypno_Freak15 » November 19th, 2008, 8:59 pm

Okay, so I've tried about 5 hypnosis files since I came here. This was my first time ever really trying actual hypnosis. I found some cheesy ones on youtube but didn't really think they had their full effect (but weren't that good anyway). Only 2 files worked here, but very mildly. Then both went away the very next day, even the one I listened to twice.

But my problem is that i can't EVER fall into a trance. I know this because I'm always 75% or more awake, and have trouble relaxing or feeling the "heaviness" in my arms/legs. I want to get the effects but they just don't seem to accept them; as if my conscious mind is blocking them out. I really would appreciate tips on falling into a trance. Oh, and also, when I hear the deepener counting (5-1) or awakener counting (1-5), neither have any effect because I don't fall into a trance, therefore I also can't wake up. Please help!

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Wanted to know if TrigMass, CurseMuscleBound, or TrigWerewolf (or train I can't remember) actually work because I was thinking about trying them out.
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Postby whatthe75 » November 19th, 2008, 11:49 pm

Firstly if you got the files to work in one listen then you are doing well.It takes a few listens at least with MP3 hypnosis to start to get good results.

I will quote you.

I wasn't in trance.SO the count from 5-1 didnt work because i wasn't in trance so i didnt wake up.WAKE UP FROM WHAT? You said you weren't in trance.See the paradox.

Why not explain to me here in detail what you think trance would be like or what you would like it to be like.
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Postby PantherDream » November 20th, 2008, 2:27 am

Hello, Hypno_Freak15

May I suggest that you try files more suited for begginers? like Blink's Basic Induction or Cardigan's Focused Induction. Those should help you achive trance better, and after you done that, you can move on to harder files.
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Postby Hypno_Freak15 » November 20th, 2008, 1:59 pm

Okay, thanks both of you.

@whatthe75: Maybe I was a little confusing in what I wrote. Okay, so you told me this:

I wasn't in trance.SO the count from 5-1 didnt work because i wasn't in trance so i didnt wake up.WAKE UP FROM WHAT? You said you weren't in trance.See the paradox.

Why not explain to me here in detail what you think trance would be like or what you would like it to be like.

The files tell you to go into a trance about 10 minutes in, so I was talking about how at the end of it, the file also wakes you up. When I said didn't, I meant there was no need to, because I hadn't fallen into a trance in the first place.

To all:

I have tried TrigMass last night 3 times, but I did it three different ways to experiment because the "normal" way didn't work (The one the video suggests):

1. Watched Tv and was on the computer, while kind of listening to the words.
2. Studied for a test and read things on this website while I kind of listened.
3. Sang a song in my head while I barely listened, but didn't any of the words after I was done listening.

I am not sure if I have felt real results, but when I said "Gain 10 lbs of fat", I didn't feel anything. So I kept going higher until eventually, I said 100 lbs and i felt a little tingle in my legs but I don't think they got fatter. My face and arms definitely stayed the same, but I wasn't sure if my stomach got bigger (maybe a tiny, tiny bit). Please tell me if these ways are okay to do for future notice (like if they will work), and if not, better ways to help me fall into a trance.

I will be trying an induction file today probably and then try TrigMass again.
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Joined: November 16th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby whatthe75 » November 20th, 2008, 2:23 pm

As panther said - i think your trying to run before you can walk.Start with a few beginner files first.Try trig freeze and test yourself with that first.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » November 20th, 2008, 11:55 pm

Hypno_Freak15 wrote:I have tried TrigMass last night 3 times, but I did it three different ways to experiment because the "normal" way didn't work (The one the video suggests):

1. Watched Tv and was on the computer, while kind of listening to the words.
2. Studied for a test and read things on this website while I kind of listened.
3. Sang a song in my head while I barely listened, but didn't any of the words after I was done listening.

Those three are almost certain to fail at producing useful if any results. If your mind wanders that's fine, but if your making your mind do things consciously then your conscious mind can't wander off out of the way of your subconscious while it chases something shiny and meaningless.

I am not sure if I have felt real results, but when I said "Gain 10 lbs of fat", I didn't feel anything. So I kept going higher until eventually, I said 100 lbs and i felt a little tingle in my legs but I don't think they got fatter. My face and arms definitely stayed the same, but I wasn't sure if my stomach got bigger (maybe a tiny, tiny bit). Please tell me if these ways are okay to do for future notice (like if they will work), and if not, better ways to help me fall into a trance.

I will be trying an induction file today probably and then try TrigMass again.

Without having listened to the file, there are a lot of reasons why this is a terrible file to start with. The body of any living creature lacks the ability to spontaneously gain a given amount of weight without going through proper steps (building muscle over time, stocking up fat from excess calories, etc) simply because it's impossible to create it out of nothingness. Without experience with simulating false sensations, trying to start with one that tries to instantly simulate something that happens over a long period of time is doomed to failure, do you even know how you think it would feel if you suddenly gained that much weight in your legs or whatever? Finally it sounds like you expect instant physical results of an impossible nature and quickly shatter even the slightest of tiny grips on marginal success when you open your eyes and fail to see anything.

There is a story about a guy clinging to a log in a flood praying for god to save him, soon after an inflatable innertube raft thing floats by and he ignores it because god will save him. Not long after his log floats nearby the roof of a house with some people on it trying to get him to swim over, but he refuses again saying that someone else needs the space more because god is going to save him. Eventually someone comes by in a rowboat offering to help him, but the guy tells them to go away because god will save him and he doesn't need their help as much as some other people. A few hours later a rescue chopper comes by and lowers a rope ladder for the guy, but he waves them off shouting how god will save him. Finally the guy can't hold on to the log anymore and drowns. After he's dead, he asks god why he doesn't save him. God points out the innertube, the house roof, the rowboat, and the rescue chopper he sent for the guy and how the guy needed to take the next step and save himself once things were in motion.

You've had at least two people tell you multiple times to start with some other file aimed more towards people starting out and gain some experience before trying to swap the training wheels for a jet engine... but you keep trying the same file and ignoring them. You need to take the next step... Personally I suggest starting with something like LRFemale orgasm just because it's rather well done, something everyone has some experience with even if it's slightly different than the sensation they are used to, and isn't something most anyone here would find to be too far outside their comfort zone... plus it's kinda fun :P
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Postby Hypno_Freak15 » November 23rd, 2008, 3:51 pm

FloridaPuppy wrote:
Hypno_Freak15 wrote:I have tried TrigMass last night 3 times, but I did it three different ways to experiment because the "normal" way didn't work (The one the video suggests):

1. Watched Tv and was on the computer, while kind of listening to the words.
2. Studied for a test and read things on this website while I kind of listened.
3. Sang a song in my head while I barely listened, but didn't any of the words after I was done listening.

Those three are almost certain to fail at producing useful if any results. If your mind wanders that's fine, but if your making your mind do things consciously then your conscious mind can't wander off out of the way of your subconscious while it chases something shiny and meaningless.

I am not sure if I have felt real results, but when I said "Gain 10 lbs of fat", I didn't feel anything. So I kept going higher until eventually, I said 100 lbs and i felt a little tingle in my legs but I don't think they got fatter. My face and arms definitely stayed the same, but I wasn't sure if my stomach got bigger (maybe a tiny, tiny bit). Please tell me if these ways are okay to do for future notice (like if they will work), and if not, better ways to help me fall into a trance.

I will be trying an induction file today probably and then try TrigMass again.

Without having listened to the file, there are a lot of reasons why this is a terrible file to start with. The body of any living creature lacks the ability to spontaneously gain a given amount of weight without going through proper steps (building muscle over time, stocking up fat from excess calories, etc) simply because it's impossible to create it out of nothingness. Without experience with simulating false sensations, trying to start with one that tries to instantly simulate something that happens over a long period of time is doomed to failure, do you even know how you think it would feel if you suddenly gained that much weight in your legs or whatever? Finally it sounds like you expect instant physical results of an impossible nature and quickly shatter even the slightest of tiny grips on marginal success when you open your eyes and fail to see anything.

There is a story about a guy clinging to a log in a flood praying for god to save him, soon after an inflatable innertube raft thing floats by and he ignores it because god will save him. Not long after his log floats nearby the roof of a house with some people on it trying to get him to swim over, but he refuses again saying that someone else needs the space more because god is going to save him. Eventually someone comes by in a rowboat offering to help him, but the guy tells them to go away because god will save him and he doesn't need their help as much as some other people. A few hours later a rescue chopper comes by and lowers a rope ladder for the guy, but he waves them off shouting how god will save him. Finally the guy can't hold on to the log anymore and drowns. After he's dead, he asks god why he doesn't save him. God points out the innertube, the house roof, the rowboat, and the rescue chopper he sent for the guy and how the guy needed to take the next step and save himself once things were in motion.

You've had at least two people tell you multiple times to start with some other file aimed more towards people starting out and gain some experience before trying to swap the training wheels for a jet engine... but you keep trying the same file and ignoring them. You need to take the next step... Personally I suggest starting with something like LRFemale orgasm just because it's rather well done, something everyone has some experience with even if it's slightly different than the sensation they are used to, and isn't something most anyone here would find to be too far outside their comfort zone... plus it's kinda fun :P

Thanks, and I've actually heard that story before. I can't believe I didn't think of it because I'm usually good with oppurtunities but everyone makes mistakes I guess. Um, that file you suggested I think I will pass on (guy) lol. I did try the Itching Foot because I kept seeing that it's a good one to start with, but it didn't work even the slightest. I was away for the weekend so I'll try to listen to it again, and I'll try the Induction file again. Thanks for the advice again :)
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Re: Please Help

Postby bigfatjoe » January 31st, 2020, 4:23 pm

Trigmass reminds me of a similar youtube video, I once experimented on with limited success. Trigmass really can only work on a purely mental level, even though it does advertise real results. The trick is to imagine what it would look and feel like to gain a specific amount of weight before you try the Trigmass. It works best when you are winding down for sleeping time or before napping. The dreams you'll get will make it feel real when it happens. But reality wise, if you want to get that big, you'll need to try gaining or padding Once in a while, out of the corner of your eye, you might briefly see your body appear to get fatter. When that happens, don't look directly at it. Just enjoy looking at it indirectly.
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