Awareness over suggestions - hypnotism

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Awareness over suggestions - hypnotism

Postby livelonger8 » October 30th, 2008, 5:58 pm

I've started to have some success but only minor with hypnotism. However, as a result of trialing more often, I almost orgasm'd over some file last night! It felt amazing but one thought had bugged me since last night. I'm completely aware of the suggestions of which are spoken from the hypnotist - i.e. EMG.

Am I supposed to not hear the suggestions, in which, he should be speaking to my subconscious mind? Whilst I rest unaware of anything of which he speaks? I may hear him but not understand him - similar to a crowd of laughter, people talking or going through one ear and out the other?

I remember hearing EMG mention the following prior to the countdown he begins...

"I am going to count down from 5 to 1, through which you will not return to consciousness normally upon reaching 1."

He mentions myself not being conscious? I'm slightly confused; not sure if I'm going through loops - receiving no effect or only minor.

Once he reaches 1, am I supposed to fall asleep into abyss, a dream or whatever he plants into my subconscious - my imaginative mind?

Can someone explain a little please? Confused; I really want this stuff to work! I love the idea of this stuff and have heard many success stories and also want to fall into all the suggestions!
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Re: Awareness over suggestions - hypnotism

Postby dharden » October 30th, 2008, 7:40 pm

livelonger8 wrote:Am I supposed to not hear the suggestions,


In any given session, you may or may not hear them, or might hear some and not others. You might be so much "in the moment" that you hear them when they're said, but don't really remember them later.

Don't worry about what is or isn't "supposed" to happen. Let what happens, happen.
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Postby hexagon77 » October 31st, 2008, 5:01 am

There seem to be a commom sense that hypnosis needs to be "blanking out" like. All people are individuals, and everyone experiences a trance differently.

True, there are those who "blank out", and do not reember anything, who may even experience a "timejump". Yet there are just as many, who are fully aware of the hypnosis session, about every word that was said, yet the effects work just as well for them as for others. Often those people also have a remarkable memory, and can remember things quite easily, even those that happened way back. It is not a proven fact, but my personal experience is, the closer a person is to a photographic memory, the more aware they are about their hypnosis sessions too, even when they go really really deep.

Also the outcome of "commands" from hypnosis may be different, some experience them as "force" they have to obey, others just feel that it may be "a good idea" to do what the command/suggestion wanted them to do.

Fact is, that the hypnosis session is experienced differently by everyone, yet the result may be the same.
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Postby steve14 » October 31st, 2008, 7:02 am

i probably fall into the aware but deep category and suggestions generally seem to work for me, my question is what about files that are supposed to erase or block memory (some of the more interesting ones to me) i have not found much success with this type of file yet . the file designed to block memory of the next file you hear was a complete failure (i found the safety measures distracting and the wording to be choppy) the other files with memory blocking suggestions i have tried work except the memory part. i am starting to think blocking memory is in the "tough to achieve" category for hypnotic achievements, any suggestions for getting results?
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Postby livelonger8 » October 31st, 2008, 6:41 pm

Hey guy's, thanks for the replies!

I'm usually completely aware of the words spoken from the hypnotist throughout the files but the words of which are spoken do take upon some kind of affect throughout my mind and body. I seem to be slightly restricted; my body feels heavy or lazy; takes 5 minutes to lift my arm - I can control it; it's not as if the blood circulation has stopped but it's mostly the will; my subjective mind refuses to motivate my body?

Sometimes, I also feel as if I'm sleeping but aware of reality at the same time - to hear external sounds, the hypnotist but to also feel asleep simultaneously.

I'm kinda lost on how to get a full affect - whether to listen to each word individually and to not think of what the hypnotist speaks or to think of each word - sentence or anything of which is spoken by the hypnotist?

When the hypnotist requests for me to imagine something, am I supposed to consciously imagine something as I would in reality? Or am I meant to leave it to my subconscious mind - to not imagine but rather to allow myself to imagine automatically? If so, will I be aware of the images or will they go completely unconscious?

Also, last query...

Ultimately, is the full-affect supposed to reduce upon the conscious regulations within the consciousness - for the conscious mind to reduce upon logical filtering, allowing the subconscious to take it's role in producing reality, similar to a dream as to where no conscious regulations take place in producing the consciousness - your perception of reality?

I mean... is it supposed to just reduce it towards a given state, such as; to be able to listen to the hypnotist but to go completely unaware of anything else whilst conforming to the words of which are spoken by the hypnotist; for the subconscious to produce the illusions?
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Postby livelonger8 » November 13th, 2008, 11:24 am

I mean, is there a general principle to the effects of hypnosis - the most common feeling of a deep trance state, through which you can achieve altered concscious states or perception (I.e. to visualize yourself as a girl)?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » November 13th, 2008, 1:49 pm

livelonger8 wrote:I mean, is there a general principle to the effects of hypnosis - the most common feeling of a deep trance state, through which you can achieve altered concscious states or perception (I.e. to visualize yourself as a girl)?

The altered state of trance is different than the effect of hypnosis.
The altered state is cause which leads to an effect of perception change.

And the feeling of what it's like when one is in the altered state of trance is yet another thing altogether.

Wouldn't it be lovely if it were logical?

Yet logic is a function of the conscious mind. And those who pursue a change in perception must be prepared to bypass conscious, critical thinking.

How much effort does it take to gaze out at the sky and daydream?
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Postby livelonger8 » November 25th, 2008, 8:54 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:
livelonger8 wrote:I mean, is there a general principle to the effects of hypnosis - the most common feeling of a deep trance state, through which you can achieve altered concscious states or perception (I.e. to visualize yourself as a girl)?

The altered state of trance is different than the effect of hypnosis.
The altered state is cause which leads to an effect of perception change.

And the feeling of what it's like when one is in the altered state of trance is yet another thing altogether.

Wouldn't it be lovely if it were logical?

Yet logic is a function of the conscious mind. And those who pursue a change in perception must be prepared to bypass conscious, critical thinking.

How much effort does it take to gaze out at the sky and daydream?

Okays, thanks! Your all great!:)

I've achieved more success but.. I still have that slight uncertainty remaining inside me. I'm still unsure as to whether I should listen to the hypnotist, follow instructions and believe in them? Even if I believe in them, my conscious mind knows the effects aren't real; how can I bypass this barrier? How can I temporarily stop my conscious mind from preventing the effects from taking place?
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Postby cardigan » November 25th, 2008, 11:41 pm

You need to NOT concentrate consciously on what the hypnotist says. Sort of listen in a casual way. The more you concentrate on the words, the less likely it will be, that the conscious mind agrees to "go out to lunch" - which is what we want it to do.

So just sit or lie down, relax your body and try to empty your brain of thoughts for a while, as you just listen - as you would to a radio in the background playing "feel-good" music! And if your thoughts start to wander a little - just let them. Don't stop them from doing that. That's the moment when your conscious might decide to pack it in all together.

Trance to many people feels almost like sitting or lying down with your eyes closed - nothing special. And the less you probe your feelings the easier you will also go into trance. You see - when you wonder if you are in trance and you try to find out how you are feeling, you are actually bringing yourself a little OUT of trance to activate your conscious mind - which is the part of your brain that can investigate and analyze how you are feeling and compare it to your normal feeling of awareness or bodily feeling. So just trust that you are in trance - and let go!

A hypnotic story - like Victorian Girl or Female Orgasm - is probably best experienced in a light to medium trance - because then you still have some conscious thought available, that will help you remember the experiences later - after waking up. If you go too deep, then you probably won't remember the file afterward. The file is designed to have you feel the sensations and to watch what happens in your mind's eye - your inner movie theatre.

Good luck!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby livelonger8 » November 26th, 2008, 6:29 pm

cardigan wrote:You need to NOT concentrate consciously on what the hypnotist says. Sort of listen in a casual way. The more you concentrate on the words, the less likely it will be, that the conscious mind agrees to "go out to lunch" - which is what we want it to do.

So just sit or lie down, relax your body and try to empty your brain of thoughts for a while, as you just listen - as you would to a radio in the background playing "feel-good" music! And if your thoughts start to wander a little - just let them. Don't stop them from doing that. That's the moment when your conscious might decide to pack it in all together.

Trance to many people feels almost like sitting or lying down with your eyes closed - nothing special. And the less you probe your feelings the easier you will also go into trance. You see - when you wonder if you are in trance and you try to find out how you are feeling, you are actually bringing yourself a little OUT of trance to activate your conscious mind - which is the part of your brain that can investigate and analyze how you are feeling and compare it to your normal feeling of awareness or bodily feeling. So just trust that you are in trance - and let go!

A hypnotic story - like Victorian Girl or Female Orgasm - is probably best experienced in a light to medium trance - because then you still have some conscious thought available, that will help you remember the experiences later - after waking up. If you go too deep, then you probably won't remember the file afterward. The file is designed to have you feel the sensations and to watch what happens in your mind's eye - your inner movie theatre.

Good luck!

Hey, thanks! :)
I've been listening to a few of your files, and most recently; superhuman mind remix. I have gained some effects but a little uncertainty still remains within my mind;

-When the hypnosist asks me to imagine, am I supposed to imagine something of which they describe?

-Although I've figured by leaving a file playing in the background whilst playing a videogame or such won't increase upon my susceptiveness or effects of a file; presumably due to my conscious mind being active at problem solving or such; should I listen to the hypnosist but not intrepet his/her feelings?

-How could I not interpret the speeches? I.e. If I'm listening, my mind is still going to persue whatever it is that he/her is saying; or am I supposed to listen or is their an alternative method?

-Whilst in-trance (Presuming I've already fell into one many times before; I have experienced effects but I still remain uncertain as to how I should do so - sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't - uncertainty is acting as my constraint in falling into trance - am I supposed to imagine; obey consciously; and to interpret his/her speeches? :S:

All help is much appreciated, I really do full appreciate the advice in going into trance and achieving affects from a file. Currently, I'm wanting to achieve the effects from triggers; mostly sexual. :)
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Postby livelonger8 » November 28th, 2008, 6:43 am

Could anyone clarify the remaining constraint please?
All help is very much appreciated; you guys are great!:D
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