Various Questions

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Various Questions

Postby Mortality » December 1st, 2008, 2:28 pm

Hey there, i am new to hypnosis and i have a few questions.

1. Last night while trying a trig file i had the problem that after a while saliva started building up and i had to swallow, would this mess up the trance? (i had my head propped up on a pillow to try to avoid this problem)

2. Last night while trying i noticed my limbs getting tingly and eventually i kinda lost feeling of them, i knew they were there but they felt detached, and hard to move, after a while for some reason i had a weird spasm where my whole body just kinda..spasmed i don't know if it was from being scared about the feeling or what, is this normal, and does that limb feeling mean im close to/in trance?

3. What is the best position to listin to these files in, laying down, sitting, what?

4. I have a few files i want to try and im curious which of these has the highest success rate, or is most likely to work:

Bra Filler
Magical Lingerie
Trig custom boobs
Trig horny school girl (i tried this last night and ended up falling asleep halfway through after the weird spasm)

thanks a bunch!

Edit: One last question, during the trig school girl file it said "visualize your body as the girl etc" am i supposed to do this in first person or 3rd? I got mixed up because i would see myself as her in first person but that limits me to her view, so i cant really see all her features, but as 3rd person its hard to think of her as me because it's outside, can someone clarify?
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Joined: November 22nd, 2008, 1:00 am

Re: Various Questions

Postby demigraff » December 1st, 2008, 3:58 pm

Mortality wrote:1. Last night while trying a trig file i had the problem that after a while saliva started building up and i had to swallow, would this mess up the trance? (i had my head propped up on a pillow to try to avoid this problem)

You know if it distracted you or not.
With a bit of practise, you should be able to reach the stage where you swallow automatically without thinking about it - then it no longer matters.

Mortality wrote:2. Last night while trying i noticed my limbs getting tingly and eventually i kinda lost feeling of them, i knew they were there but they felt detached, and hard to move, after a while for some reason i had a weird spasm where my whole body just kinda..spasmed i don't know if it was from being scared about the feeling or what, is this normal, and does that limb feeling mean im close to/in trance?

The spasm is probably a myoclonic jerk. (spelling?) Its common while falling asleep, but you don't usually notice it - just part of your brain going "I'm not feeling anything from that leg/arm/whatever - is it still working?"

I'm not sure, but my experience suggests this is a good sign for entering trance, as long as you can manage to ignore it.

Mortality wrote:3. What is the best position to listin to these files in, laying down, sitting, what?

Whatever you're most comfortable with.

Some files refer to you sitting or lying down, though. I find that if I'm in the wrong position for those it distracts me.

Mortality wrote:4. I have a few files i want to try and im curious which of these has the highest success rate, or is most likely to work:

Different people respond to different things. If you have trouble entering trance after a bit more practise, I'd suggest trying one of the Induction files, or Deepener, for a week or two before going back to your favourite 'effect' file.

Mortality wrote:Bra Filler
Magical Lingerie
Trig custom boobs
Trig horny school girl (i tried this last night and ended up falling asleep halfway through after the weird spasm)

From those, I'd recommend horny schoolgirl. Changing your physical features is one of the hardest things to achieve for most people. Feeling horny is the easiest - and feeling part of what a file suggests can often make it easier to feel the rest.

As with all things hypnotic, though, it can be different for different people. Trust your instincts :)

Mortality wrote:Edit: One last question, during the trig school girl file it said "visualize your body as the girl etc" am i supposed to do this in first person or 3rd? I got mixed up because i would see myself as her in first person but that limits me to her view, so i cant really see all her features, but as 3rd person its hard to think of her as me because it's outside, can someone clarify?

Whichever seems natural. I sometimes suggest imagining her in front of you and then "stepping into" her body.
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