Count your Ins and Outs

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Count your Ins and Outs

Postby pyroid » January 18th, 2009, 1:37 am

Ok, I thought I try to distract myself while in hypnosis and it worked. I listen to the file while I counted every inhale and exhale I made. The cool thing is that I made to 140ish and then I was at 323 and then at just under 500 when the file said walk up and enjoy. I then tried the trigger from tenticle rape and at first it didn't seem to work but then I felt stiff like a board and pressure built up around my arms and lower legs, and a tickling sensation covered my chest and then my groin and other body parts. It didn't last long but it was so weird that it caught me totally by suprize. I thought this fit better in help because it seemed a good hint for other people like myself who over anyzle and over think simple things counting helps you stop thoughs random thoughts which can take you out of trance.
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Postby Ladon » January 18th, 2009, 2:14 pm

Thanks, I'll have to try that. :)
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Postby MacGyver » January 18th, 2009, 7:06 pm

basically, what ya done is rhythmic breathing, which is a big help to us analytical types, now me, i dont count the in and out, i count how long it takes to take air in, count to hold, and count to let the air out. in for 2 seconds, hold for one, and out for 2. when i am able to keep this thought going, i tend to enter trance fairly quickly, if i dont count, i may have to listen to a file as much as 5 times before i can even get into trance and then wont be able to hold it very long or get deep.
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Postby hellfiresystem » March 18th, 2009, 10:29 am

Just want to say thanks for this tip, i tried it last time i went into trance, and it really helped.
I found myself losing count, and even forgetting to count at all sometimes whilst almost certainly going under
I have a problem with jerking out of trance for no real reason, but by using this method, i managed to easily sink back down.
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Postby CovertAgent » March 19th, 2009, 7:15 am

I can confirm this working for me. I didn't count in's and out's, but just breaths, and the first time I went deeper than I had ever gone. One trigger I had in my lineup actually worked. I listened a second time and actually blacked out during one of the files. Thanks for the help!
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » March 19th, 2009, 10:30 am

I'm paying attention. I consider your discovery important. And, I'm asking for your assistance.

Several of you have discovered that counting breaths during trance is helpful. It seems to be unimportant whether each in-and-out is counted, or whether the duration of each breath is counted. The important thing is to feel yourself breathing and to count in a way that correlates with what you feel.

I recently began an experiment for breathing technique. On February 10th, I uploaded a hypnosis mp3 with a sound-effect pattern that correlates with slow breathing. I did this because I'm curious whether a sound-effect can non-verbally influence a listener's breathing pattern; enhancing trance along the way.

The study is unscientific. I'm merely watching the way listeners rate the mp3.

If you've discovered that counting as you breathe is effective, I'm inviting you to listen to 'Shore of Relaxation' and then rate it anonymously. The verbal part of the recording is spectacularly bland. The words simply invite a listener to enjoy relaxing.

Regardless of whether you assist with the experiment, I'm grateful to you for sharing your discovery.
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Postby Ladon » March 19th, 2009, 11:33 am

From my (limited) understanding, anything pacing a subjects breahing tends to encourage trance. Combining that effect with an overload, like counting breaths while listening and visualizing, seems like it would tend to be very effective.

Trance Formations describes a complex overload induction, having the subject turn in circles while counting down from 1000 by threes. I don't know how well it works, but it builds upon the idea that we can only hold so much in our attention at once. Anything else will be processed by only the subconscious, the conscious will be too busy to pay attention.
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Postby MacGyver » March 19th, 2009, 12:33 pm

yep, i have that file just not ever gotton around to listening to it, things have been a bit busy for me lately, and have found i have not even had time to trance let alone enough time to myself. but will give the file a go soon as i possibly can.
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