Curse PrePubecent

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Curse PrePubecent

Postby dixon » March 6th, 2009, 6:33 am

not sure if anyone has posted on this file yet, but here goes: I am trying to decide whether or not i want to use this file, i just saw it when i was browsing the files and was wondering if anyone else had used it, if so, how did it work and are the effects noticable, or just in your mind? Total newb to the forums here at WMM so if i posted this in the wrong spot feel free to move it. does this file actually reverse the aging process like on the curse body of an 18yo? or no? Well that is about all the questions i have so far, please give me some feedback so i know what i am looking for before i actually go and do it, help would be appreciated, thank you much.


also i was wondering if anyone had any tips for someone who is a total newb to the virtual hypnosis subliminal program, if so then do you have any pointers / ideas on how to form scripts? kindly messege me. thank you again,

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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby Leo_W » May 4th, 2009, 8:36 pm

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - I'm more of a N00b than Dixon, having just joined WMM this afternoon. I would be thrilled beyond words to be wrong in this instance. :)

Logically, something like a PHS won't create actual physical changes in people. From a quantum perspective, there is no reason why it wouldn't. Time isn't quite as linear as we thought, nor is our travel therein limited to forward at the rate of 1 second per second. But this is theory and while research suggests that it could be true, the jury's still out and probably will be - pardon the expression - for some time.

But logically, if someone had found a way physically to reverse the aging process, we'd have seen it as a very expensive thing that only the very wealthy could enjoy, or we'd have at least seen it on the cover of the National Enquirer.

That above bit of pessimism notwithstanding, I have just downloaded the Prepubescence curse. It would be truly wonderful to return to physical childhood, even with the social and logistic issues such a miracle would entail. But even an inner impression of childhood would be very enjoyable - an opportunity to behave in a manner that I have greatly missed for decades. I'll be grateful to return to prepubescence, even if only virtually and only for a while. :)
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Joined: May 4th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby dixon » May 10th, 2009, 10:16 pm

That makes enough sense ;) It is good to see that someone is going to try it, keep us updated as the file grows on :) I would like to try to see what the results of such a file would be :)
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby CycoMelody » May 11th, 2009, 9:10 am

Put simply, the mind is the most powerful tool we possess. That said why can't this be possible? Just because scientists say this or that, does not mean they are right. You are only limited by your own mind. There are 2 rules when it comes to hypnosis. What your mind can accept, and what your mind can't accept. If your mind can accept a suggestion to regress to 18 and your body to change to that of a female, then it is fully possible. It just takes time. In other words, McDonald's fans won't be pleased as its not a fast process, you are going to go to sleep one night looking like a lumberjack and wake up the next morning Cindy Crawford. Over time your body can feminize, skin can become more youthful in appearance, and so on. So I must say, don't write off anything, there is too much possible.

You define your reality!
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