Weight loss

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Weight loss

Postby homehacker » May 15th, 2009, 3:00 am

Hi all,

I wonder if its possible to let a user who spends a lot of time in front of the tv and computer to listen to a file without his or her knowledge? Is it also possible to encode and mix it in mp3s or movies causing to keep looping and also achieve the effects?

Posts: 2
Joined: May 30th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby davelowe1977 » May 15th, 2009, 9:17 am

The short answer to this is yes. It is possible to insert subliminal weight loss messages into an mp3 file - it is also possible to create a seemingly blank mp3 using the same techniques - the listener would be unaware that they were hearing anything at all, though in both instances they would have to be listening to the file wearing headphones (not speakers). I have the software and know how to do this.

The flip side is that however well meaning your idea is, I (and I suspect others) would regard covert hypnosis to be morally wrong and would need to hear a very convincing argument as to why you would want to do this. Your username does not inspire confidence.

Although 'spiking', say, your partner's files, because he/she is overweight might seem like a helpful thing to do, you offer no guarantee that the mp3 file might not be listened to by minors, or that others with mental health issues who are already underweight might also get to listen, or the files might be distributed all over the planet.

Hopefully you can understand my reservations. Also worth bearing in mind is that I understand from others on this forum that purely subliminal messaging often needs 80 or more hours of listening before effects begin to take place.
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Postby homehacker » May 15th, 2009, 10:35 pm

Wow, I've never thought about that. You're right though, it is possible to abuse this method and if it ever gets away from the intended target, the effects could be uncontrollable, if not causing massive damage everywhere. I thought up of this on my own and I haven't told my friends of this idea yet in case it doesn't work out.

This is the story though. I've a friend that has a weight problem who is currently worrying a group of us. He has also been recently diagnosed with diabetes and his doctor advised him to work it off asap or regret it for life. The problem is, he doesn't seem to want to do it, and even rejecting our invitation to follow us every weekend to the gym. From what I can tell, his parents have already given up on him and just allows him to keep watching japanese cartoons daily on the tv and the computer.

Anyway, what if a trigger was inserted, lets say to "lose xx pounds by xx days", or maybe also inserting some kind of safeguard password in the event that it accidentally gets triggered? Would that be safer instead?

Btw, my nickname originated from the irc days when I was part of a group and leading several eggdrop servers.
Posts: 2
Joined: May 30th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby pliable » May 30th, 2009, 4:17 pm

There is free software called the Subliminal Blaster that you run from the computer. I am telling you this because you seem to have good intentions, and also because it really can't be used without your friend's knowledge and consent. He will have to start it himself when he gets on the computer. It comes with around 30 or so ready to use subminal messages--one of them is slimming sensibily. In addition it is very easy to add your own categories or to add messages to a category. There's also self eesteem ones, which may help him want to care for himself better.

What it does: flashes the text of a message very briefly every 4 seconds. You can see it flash, but you get used to it very quickly. It's far too fast to read with your conscious mind. If he finds it annnoying, the interval between flashes can be changed.

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Joined: May 25th, 2009, 12:00 am

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