Semi-New To Trance - Need help

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Semi-New To Trance - Need help

Postby Itachirumon » May 18th, 2009, 3:03 am

Hey, I'm fairly new to the site (I came originally to find scripts for Virtual Hypnotist). I'm trying to learn to trance out deeply using the program but I'm not sure whether I am or not. I modified several scripts and I use the VH voice Mike usually on 150-170. I'm confused about a lot of things, One of those is when I actually start closing my eyes, the induction script I use never prompts me to so I spend half of a 2.5 hour session with my eyes open staring at kaa's eyes trying to trip out.

I notice myself get kind of lucid like my head's a bit foggy but haven't gone much deeper than that. I worry that if I don't focus on the spiral my mind might wake up on me (probably a newbie mistake) but I'm just not really sure. I can't seem to completely follow the files when I try to listen but I do notice I'm listening too hard so I'll try to not do that as much *has been reading other posts first to try and find a similar one*, anyway I notice the commands don't seem to want to work for me. They say focus on the spiral and the room will slowly begin to fade, and it kind of works but my eyes still dart around. I suppose it's because I don't get to trance enough, maybe once a week or a month for the last six? I'm going a bit deeper but I'm not sure. Do I need to have the spiral to assist me?

(note I'm 20 and living at home and my room has basically been redacted to the storage shed so I don't really have a place I can do this in for more than 4 hours at a time and I have to be careful not to exceed that at risk of being busted).

I'm very interested in that milking file for men, it seems like it would be a lot of fun to be milked for three hours inside my head while fantasizing about some hot cute guy doing it. I'd also be open to some other visual-fantasy kinkyness (stuff like the hardontime file where I see erotic stimuli in front of me - which reminds me when I had my eyes closed or even with them open in the back of my mind I can kind of see the images when I try that but they're fuzzy and they fade).

Basically I guess I'm asking for a lot of help huh? lol! Anything would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
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Joined: December 5th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby zapnosis » May 18th, 2009, 5:50 am

Hi Itachirumon,
I think I can give some useful advice. Firstly I wouldn't try trancing for more than an hour at a time, to start with. I'm not sure if there is a definite limit on maintaining trance, but personally I've never managed more than an hour or so at a time. For someone relatively new I'd recommend 30 minutes as being a good trance time to aim for.

Basicly, trancing is something that you learn. The more you do it, the easier it is for you to do. Personally I believe that the easiest way to trance is in a normal sleeping position (i.e. lying down with eyes closed), I'm not sure about what others have found (anyone?). Spirals and the like are only useful because they give the eyes something banal to stare at and stop you getting distracted, but in the sleeping position, your eyes can close and that has always been better for me. Once you are used to going into trance, trancing with visuals etc will probably be a lot easier.

As with most learning processes, I would assume that frequent practice is best - every day if you can.

It's easy to forget that trancing is a relaxation exercise - if you're not relaxed, you're not in trance - so whatever you can do to help yourself relax, do it. This could come down to simple things like body posture or complicated things like using brainwave frequency beats in the background.

If you need something to concentrate on, try repeating the words you're hearing with your internal voice. I found that that helped me a lot.

For someone new to trance I'd recommend listening to human voice files rather than computer synth - it is far more natural on the ear.

In a nutshell, I'm got going to say "don't use VH", but... I used to use VH, and it never felt natural the way that purely audio trancing feels natural, so I never really went under. But that could just be me, because everyone is different with this stuff. Oh and if you have an analytical mind, avoid using software because unless you're pretty damn good at it, it gets way too predictable.

Anyway, hope this helps some, best of luck...
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Re: Semi-New To Trance - Need help

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » May 18th, 2009, 6:41 am

Congratulations, Itachirumon. Your progress is better than you realize. You're doing very well.

I know you're doing well because you want trance. You're curious about it... you feel a desire for it. And you know it's true too, because you browse the Web to find it.

And that leads me to the next factor that confirms you're doing well... you're taking action to get what you want.


In the past, your action has been private - a secret known just to you.

    - Browsing the Web in private
    - Downloading & configuring VH in private
    - Trancing in private
When you posted your note in the forum here, you did something new. You made contact. You're in contact now. You're in contact with others who love trance.


It's a confirmation that your mind understands there's MORE.

It's true! There's MORE waiting for you.

You'll probably continue enjoying trances with VH. And now that you've made contact... now that you know there's more - maybe you can begin imagining the possibilities of stepping outside the storage shed door.

Be good to yourself.

I'd like it if you'd use VH a little less and use the time to explore beyond the boundary of the storage shed.

It's unimportant whether you explore virtually or in real-life

Because now that you've made contact... now that your mind understands the excitement of MORE, you might find VH is starting to be little stale.
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