MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Ready for good news? The twitching you're feeling... it's a positive sign for beginners.
Many guys just getting started with hypnosis report their bodies respond to hypnosis in one of two ways.1. Itching - usually the nose
2. Arousal
Since you've asked about twitching, that's what this response focuses on.
- One alternative is to flex the muscle for the twitching limb and move on. You just do it and forget about it.
- Another alternative is to feel the twitch fade away and stop. In the focus of your mind, you have the power to count from five down to one, and as you count, the twitching fades and disappears.
The observation about itching is one I often hear from beginners who are listening to hypnosis MP3s for long periods each day. If that's your situation, consider listening less. By listening for 20-30 minutes in the morning and again 20-30 minutes in the evening, you can leave your mind wanting more.
The best to you!
I get Arousal. Does this affect my susceptability to files? Cos it's kinda hard to focus fully on a trance while I'm pitching a tent, so to speak.
Also, I get a little bit of twitching, but nothing that distracts me. Just little muscle twitches, which I've put down as the day's stress leaving my body.
Sometimes I feel like I have something around my throat, is this normal? I've always been a little sensitive about things around my throat.
Actually, I do get itches sometimes. Though they usually don't appear after I'm in the trance.