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Postby Hank01 » June 9th, 2009, 7:22 pm

I have downloaded and used the Bubbly TrainSleep file about 4 times now. I know that while listening to it there is a mention about dreams. Well, the file must be working because each night I have had the most bizarre leaning towards nightmare dreams. I stopped listening to the file and those dreams went away. Is there anyway I can listen to the file again and not worry about the dreaming again?

The dreams were odd in that they had people from my past in them, i.e, my parents who are both gone now, an old lover from an abusive relationship that I thought I had put behind me, and another situation with someone who I wasn't really happy with in my life from a while ago. I did find myself being stronger in each dream and facing the realities that the dream brought about. I am happy about that as I was a very timid person and let many people run over me when I was younger. In the dreams, I did not let that happen and actually stood my ground.

I guess I should be happy with that, and should start listening to the file again, but I don't want to have bad pasts come back to haunt me, not that my life was all bad mind you.

Any advice?

Thanks for reading and responding.

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Deep Stuff

Postby Calimore » June 9th, 2009, 9:59 pm

Since that is "kinda" one of my files (my mix, but originally an EMG classic), I wish I had some professional advice to offer, but sadly I don't.

It sounds like the file was having an almost therapeutic side effect, but experiencing such things outside of therapy can be pointless, counterproductive and can even lead to other problems without guidance from a trained professional, which I am not.

Until you receive advise from someone more experienced and preferably with more training in psychiatry than college Psych101 or Soc101 (my "qualifications" in this field), the best advice I have is to give is to stop listening to the file, for now. You may or may not experience something similar with other dream-oriented files. If so, I, personally, would avoid using them as well.

Now, if I had to make just a semi-educated guess, I would say that your subconscious might be telling you that you may be ready to deal with some of the issues brought up in these dreams. If you also feel that may be the case, now may be an excellent time to seek counseling, if available.
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Postby Hank01 » June 12th, 2009, 6:48 am

Wow, I didn't realize that hypnosis could be that powerful. I may just follow your advice, thank you. I know that I do feel better about things now that I have stopped and realized that I did stand up and handled things in my dream, but maybe some professional help would help me get over that mountain and take care of things once and for all.

I did listen to it again the other night, before reading your reply thinking to myself, what the heck, let's just see what happnes. I did have another dream, but it was a something that was happening at work presently, not a bad dream, but a problem that needed to be solved and I stepped up and solved it.

Thank you so much for your kind respectful and kind reply.

I wish some of the other files I listen to over and over would have an effect on me as this one did. I know, that will will all come in time.

Thanks again,
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