Multiple Subliminals at once

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Multiple Subliminals at once

Postby Jeshi » June 29th, 2009, 1:19 am

If I were to listen to multiple subliminal files at the same time looping would they still work?

Or would they make what they're saying impossible to understand to even to my Subconscious mind.
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Postby User517 » June 29th, 2009, 7:59 am

My guess would be that it would depend on which subliminals are used and how they are setup. Files which are a single track, without a Binaural or background noise to enhance the effect, and are dealing with similar content and format, would probably have the best chance for having any effect. Have to remember that for subliminals to work, they have to be something which you can hear, and should usually be simple. Having multiple voices might help cause some confusion for the conscious mind, but the unconscious mind should be able to put it together well enough if the files are setup right.
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definition of subliminal

Postby Calimore » June 30th, 2009, 10:13 am

"..Have to remember that for subliminals to work, they have to be something which you can hear.."

Subliminal messages by definition cannot be perceived by the human mind. Project: -subspace 15- has 4 tracks all talking at once, repeating the same loop of suggestions, all at different points in the loop, encoded into the binaural beats tones and pink noise of the file, yet it has proven to be quite effective for those that have tried it.

If you could hear those four tracks being played all at once like I have, you would most likely be able to make out one or two of the 14 suggestions employed, but mostly it would just sound like a garbled mess of me talking on top of myself. Still your subconscious mind can make out every suggestion by storing it aside and analyzing it whenever it gets a chance.

My point is, your subconscious mind is more powerful than your conscious mind in regard to picking out suggestions and filing them away. As general as the original question is, I cannot possibly frame an appropriate answer, so instead I will just say "do not underestimate the power of you subconscious mind" and suggest that you not pile more on it than you feel it can handle.
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Postby MacGyver » June 30th, 2009, 1:07 pm

question about somethin in the post about not piling on more than ya feel ya mind can work with, if someone has a higher than normal i q, would that mean that could stack on say 10-15 things and thier mind would put it all in place and analyze all 10-15 suggestions when it has time and start working on them?

just a bit curious about this now.
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Re: definition of subliminal

Postby User517 » July 1st, 2009, 9:53 pm

Calimore wrote:"..Have to remember that for subliminals to work, they have to be something which you can hear.."

Subliminal messages by definition cannot be perceived by the human mind. Project: -subspace 15- has 4 tracks all talking at once, repeating the same loop of suggestions, all at different points in the loop, encoded into the binaural beats tones and pink noise of the file, yet it has proven to be quite effective for those that have tried it.

While this is true, I was basing my definition more on what has been found through studies and trials. As I understand it, things which exist beyond perception don't seem to have as much impact as things which are just on the threshold. That was what I was suggesting. Suggestions or phrases which are just barely within the range of conscious perception, but are not clear enough to really hear. I could have probably done a better job explaining what I meant.
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