Normal vs curse file?

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Normal vs curse file?

Postby ShadowStallion » December 2nd, 2009, 6:31 pm

First of, I'm sorry because this question has surely been asked hundreds of times before, but I couldn't find anything relevant with the search, so I'm afraid I have to ask this one more time:

In what way is a curse file different from a normal hypnosis file? I've been very interested in one but I just don't have the guts to do it, yet.

Is it the suggestions that tells you stuff like this and that will happen and that it can't be removed... or are they are recorded and scripted in a completely different way that normal files?

If you have any additional info about curse files, I'd be happy to hear about those to:)


Shadow Stallion
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Postby dottie » December 2nd, 2009, 11:18 pm

Well, basically, the suggestions include not being able to undo the result, and addiction to listening to the file.
While the wording may be more severe, I wouldn't say that they are otherwise different.
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Postby Jeshi » December 3rd, 2009, 12:37 am

Don't listen to a curse file unless you're 100% sure you want the results. Curses can't be removed and they cause you to be addicted to them.

Regular hypnosis files can sometimes have suggestions to get addicted or listen to it a lot, but not as strong as a curse.

Almost half of a curse file is spent making sure you listen to it again and can't remove it.

It's a curse pretty much.
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Postby Liminality » December 3rd, 2009, 12:47 am

Just like dottie already explained, curse files are designed in a way that will make it harder to remove. Rather than just embedding a trigger or behavioral change, they are a designed in a way they will encourage repeated listening and addictive behaviors. Also, they may suggest that they are permanent for life, or only removable by the creator.

This should form a cycle that strengthens the effects with each listen, while encouraging you to listen more. Suggestions may also be added that increase their own effects and rewarding the user with each use. Eventually this could change your 'desires' to such a state where you wouldn't want to remove the curse, sealing its effects.

From the description of 'Curse Stroke Sissy' (Considered Highly Addictive)
"When the subject orgasms, the orgasm triggers the desires and changes to lock in at that current level, which can never lower and will increase each time, and with each listen. Until your forced to be a total crosdressing sissy."
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Postby ShadowStallion » December 3rd, 2009, 5:47 am

Thanks for the answers, you guys pretty much confirmed what I had guessed, so thanks again!
I think I'll wait a while before I try one of those curses, but sooner or later, I'm afraid my curiosity will get the better of me. Better save up for those fifty bucks until then however, just in case;)
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Postby cardigan » December 3rd, 2009, 11:38 pm

The reason curse files are more effective than normal files is, that they bypass the critical factor more easily than normal files. As many of you may have heard, hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor, the creation of mental expectancy and the acceptance of acceptable, selective thinking. This is the clinical definition in our days of hypnosis. (As you may notice it says nothing about being relaxed. Hypnosis can easily exist in you even if you are not physically relaxed, and even if your eyes are open).

A number of things can bypass the critical factor. For instance anything a doctor tells you about yourself goes right in, and you accept it as the truth at once. If you are not strongly opposed to doctors, that is. (I had a wife like that once.) The doctor is an authority, you see. In the same way superstition can bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind. If you know that this or that person is a witch, then you are liable to accept anything he or she throws at you - like a spell - to be able to happen. Then the mind makes it happen for you. The same with hypnosis. If you are being told, that this is a curse and you can never get out of it, and you believe the hypnotist to be an authority - then - because of our tendency to be superstititous, we are liable to accept it as an absolute truth. This makes it bypass your critical factor, and the suggestions go right in. Especially if the suggestions are of a nature that your subconscious can and will already accept. The suggestion about the curse is usually one of the first direct suggestions in the file - in a long line of other suggestions too. The first suggestion is always the strongest.

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Postby bugmenot22 » December 14th, 2009, 8:49 pm

If someone gets cursed by a curse file, is it possible to just stop listening to the file(perhaps by removing access to the file and blocking this site and therefore the person can't listen to it) and after a while they become uncursed? :?:

Being cursed sounds fun, but I'm afraid I'll be cursed forever, which is why I haven't tried any of the curse files (even though I haven't even been into a trance yet :( ) especially since there aren't any (free) curse removal files... :oops:

P.S. Maybe EMG or Calimore or someone with good curse files will be nice enough to post one or two free curse removal files so people who are afraid of being cursed forever can try a curse file. 8) Or maybe it's just wishful thinking :roll:
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Mistaken identity

Postby Calimore » December 15th, 2009, 12:03 am

If I understand correctly, EMG and other authors usually sell the removal files for their curses. In that regard they are almost like pay files with money back guarantees - if they don't work, you lose nothing, but if they do work, you may have to pay to be rid of the effect.

I have not personally ever made a Curse file of my own. I have modified more than a couple of curse files, including Cal's Curse, which is by the author littlecaltoy. BTW: cal also has an induction file that is quite well done and a chastity curse file that I won't even listen to, as I like his style so much and fear it may work all too well...

Please note that I have been a victim of Cal's Curse on three separate occasions and for me it has always worn off, given time. That period of time tends to grow longer and longer with each occasion, though. I suspect if I keep playing with this file too often it could become permanent.

Knowing all of this, I always advise file users to listen to a curse file only if they would not mind the curse's effect becoming permanent, because I have seen several other users seem to get over a curse file, only to return to it later to have it effect them even more profoundly than ever before.

As Dad always told Greg, "Caveat emptor."
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Postby bugmenot22 » December 15th, 2009, 4:25 pm

Oops, I seemed to have mixed up Calimore with littlecaltoy since both of you have cal in your name. And both have released Cal's Curse or a modified version of it.

So I guess my original post would be referring to littlecaltoy and not Calimore :oops:

Hmm... the reassurance that it can wear off is only slightly comforting and as you said it "may" come back. Though I don't really want to be "cursed" I do want to be subjected to some of the torments that the curses do...just not permanently. Perhaps for a week or a month.

I guess for now I'm gonna work on getting into trance first. I am always either completely awake for the whole thing, or I fall asleep during it(because I'm doing it right before I go sleep).
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Postby ablackcloak9 » December 16th, 2009, 10:20 pm

I have a question with stopping a curse file while editing it will it still work. Like stopping then play it then stopping it and play it or will it just become permanent while u edit it.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 23rd, 2009, 8:09 pm

ablackcloak9 wrote:I have a question with stopping a curse file while editing it will it still work. Like stopping then play it then stopping it and play it or will it just become permanent while u edit it.

It should affect you if you don't listen to the induction. Just skip the induction and find the point at which you want to start editing.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 23rd, 2009, 8:19 pm

bugmenot22 wrote:Oops, I seemed to have mixed up Calimore with littlecaltoy since both of you have cal in your name. And both have released Cal's Curse or a modified version of it.

So I guess my original post would be referring to littlecaltoy and not Calimore :oops:

Hmm... the reassurance that it can wear off is only slightly comforting and as you said it "may" come back. Though I don't really want to be "cursed" I do want to be subjected to some of the torments that the curses do...just not permanently. Perhaps for a week or a month.

I guess for now I'm gonna work on getting into trance first. I am always either completely awake for the whole thing, or I fall asleep during it(because I'm doing it right before I go sleep).

You can usually escape the curse files if you've listened only briefly, but note well the "usually" and "briefly"! These files have strong compulsions to listen repeatedly and it's easy to go too far. At the very least, you should be willing to entertain the possibility that the change will be permanent.
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