New/Top 10 list

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New/Top 10 list

Postby ftslave67 » December 29th, 2009, 7:17 pm

Can we not post 10 files at once to knock everyone off the New list? I think that's really obnoxious.
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Postby Jeshi » December 30th, 2009, 2:27 am

I agree. I hate having to load the entire files page(TWICE! Because you have to reload it sorted by date) just to see whats new!

If you have lots of files to upload just do them one at a time. One or three a week, so that other people can at least have a chance at being seen.
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Uploading Guidelines

Postby Calimore » December 31st, 2009, 2:40 pm

A while back, feeling elated that I had recently made so many files to share with everyone here, I uploaded 11 files in one fell swoop, only to realize I had just bumped one of my own files off the Top 10 page in the process.

I was quite angry with myself because I knew that the file that got bumped was likely to go completely unnoticed. Being the kind-hearted, empathetic person that I am, I quickly realized that I had bumped everyone else who had been on the top 10 new files, as well.

By this point new files had started to roll in to replace my recent "bumper crop", so rather than choose which files to remove, I instead vowed that this was a mistake I'd avoid making in the future.

Perhaps there should be a set of guidelines on the file upload page? Such a list could include reminders already present elsewhere on the site and could expound upon some of the rules to clarify them.

In that vein, I'd suggest we open this topic up and ask what other rules or guidelines authors and other users might like to see posted. So besides posting not more than 2-3 files at a time every few days, what other uploading guidelines sound good?

While we are at it, what else could make the Top 10 list more interesting or useful? Many people seem unaware of the sorting options available on that page - should we maybe have a FAQ on how to use the 10 Ten and/or the general file list? Think back to when you first got here and ask yourself "what confused me the most about WMM then?" You may be surprised at how many people your one insight could help.

BTW: Don't be surprised if this thread gets trimmed and moved to Improving WarpMyMind - this is exactly the type of feedback that helps us all have a more enjoyable experience here.

Calimore Callierionde

PS: Have a Happy and Safe New Year!
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