A month with no luck going into trance

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A month with no luck going into trance

Postby ohnoes123 » January 21st, 2010, 5:55 pm

Well the title says it all. I really don't like making these threads since WMM is full of them but I have read through the existing threads and it doesn't really ease my mind.

Now at first I tried loads of files at once trying out each one and seeing how I react to each one so i'd imagine so many files at once did not help. But now I am limiting myself to 1 or 2 induction files.

I do feel some of the familiar feelings of tingling, lack of concentration, heavy limbs etc... but I have had these feelings for a while but I don't seem to go into any sort of trance.

Unfortunately this is a bit disheartening really which in itself makes it harder to into trance since I just stress myself out about it.

I know I am thinking too much about it but of course telling myself not to think about it is not easy.

I have a analytical mind but I find it difficult to picture things in my mind (so I attend to avoid all inductions involving imagining going down stairs or picturing something since it just throws me off).

I cannot think of anything else that may help apart from before I began I had the common misconception that hypnosis is a rather "scary" thing that I should perhaps guard against so that I don't act like a chicken when I didn't want to. I now know better but this may have stuck in my mind.

There are some intelligent people on here, I am sure someone here will have some insight. Please share :).
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Postby iamli3 » January 21st, 2010, 6:39 pm

then we seem to be in the same position , along with a ton of other ppl......

but if you were to go take a look at my jurnal , someone actualy commented on it and he said that he thinks we are "trancing"
idk go take a look for yourself.......
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Re: A month with no luck going into trance

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 22nd, 2010, 8:05 am

ohnoes123 wrote:I have a analytical mind but I find it difficult to picture things in my mind (so I attend to avoid all inductions involving imagining going down stairs or picturing something since it just throws me off).

I cannot think of anything else that may help apart from before I began I had the common misconception that hypnosis is a rather "scary" thing that I should perhaps guard against so that I don't act like a chicken when I didn't want to. I now know better but this may have stuck in my mind.

There are some intelligent people on here, I am sure someone here will have some insight. Please share :).

Welcome to WMM, ohnoes123. Thanks for posting an articulate and thoughtful request.

You're about to experience trance.

Simply reading this note, you're going to experience trance.

Would you like that?

I hope you 'feel' a yes response. You already know it's unnecessary to say 'yes' out loud when you like something or you want something.

It's normal to 'feel' skeptical too.

Trance is something you feel. And that's the first lesson.

Your life is filled with trance. I don't know the exact ways. But you do.

Take some time to examine how you spend your leisure time.

    A man could spend hours and hours and hours watching flickering lights and listening to repetitive tunes. It doesn't matter whether he believes he's in trance. He's drawn to it over and over -

    Flickering lights, repetitive music and complex movements of the hand that reward him and make him happy.

    Hours just seem to fly by - it makes him happy

    That's trance
So, take some time to evaluate events and behaviors in your life. Evaluate for the common, everyday events where time seems to disappear.

    - Maybe you commute to work on public transportation, and you close your eyes

    - Maybe you watch TV, movies or play Wii

    - Maybe you read
Your life is filled with trance. And that's the second lesson.

I once had a maintenance guy demonstrate his caulking technique for me. I had asked him to show me, because he was good at it, and I wanted to learn.

He showed me.
- He held the caulk gun with both hands; holding it at an angle.
- He squeezed the trigger with constant pressure.
And a smooth, even bead of caulk flowed as he moved the nozzle in a confident line

But before he showed me, he gave me a piece of advice. He told me: Squeeze it out like someone else is paying for it.

It was great advice. It made a big difference. And that's the third lesson.

And now, it's confirmation time.

Did your mind access memories of a caulk gun? The action of caulking?

If the answer is yes, then you just experienced trance. I didn't ask you to remember anything. I simply told a story.

Trance is that simple.

Some people reading this will be skeptical. It's reasonable to ask the question: The act of remembering something isn't trance. I can remember my phone number anytime I want to, and that sure as hell isn't trance.

Yes, there's a difference between accessing memories and accessing trance.

Now that you've learned three lessons, you know the difference.

If you were in the same room with a hypnotist; trancing face-to-face; he/she would be watching for small signs of trance formation. And when those signs are exhibited - eye movement - facial smoothing - change in posture - they would encourage you. They would tell you That's right. It would make you confident that You're Moving in the Right Direction.

Listening to hypnosis recordings is different. It's up to you to encourage yourself.

    - Does the recording bring memories and images to mind? If yes - that's good!

    - Do you feel an interest in returning to the recording? Listening again? If yes - that's good!

    - Does the recording make you feel a 'yes' response? An I want that response? If yes - that's good!
And this encouragement.... you heard it from a hypnotist.
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Postby sarnoga » January 22nd, 2010, 8:19 am

Well done, MN_FriendlyGuy. I had read ohnoes123's post and wanted to tell him those very same things but was hoping that If I waited you would come along and do it better. I was not disappointed. We are lucky to have you here. Thanks for all the help you provide to those with questions.

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Nicely stated!

Postby Calimore » January 22nd, 2010, 10:26 am

Like sarnoga said, thanks Friendly Guy. :wink:

Some trance easily, but most people require practice to easily, reliably go into trance with files. Daily use for a week or more with inductions only or files with simple effects (itching, "freezing" in place, etc) is usually the best way to start. Once you begin to experience desired effects you can move on to deeper levels of expertise, kind of like progressing within a sport or a tricky craft or hobby.

But the thing you need to remember is that dedicated repetition is key. Great athletes and artists develop the discipline to practice nearly every single day without concern for their mood or other activities that only seem more appealing at the time. They have learned that in order to enjoy anything to it's fullest always takes some level of commitment and sacrifice.

Luckily, you aren't trying to become a "professional subject" (are you?), so you don't need to practice as diligently as a professional. But to become a happy "amateur", you need to see progress and that can only come with a little time and dedication.

Do you really want to experience hypnotic effects? Can you just let go and let the hypnotist guide you wherever they wish for you to follow? Are you willing to put in the necessary time? Can you be satisfied with small results at first, knowing that you have to learn to crawl before you can walk?

If the answer is yes, ohnoes, I'm guessing you are more than halfway there already. Try playing with the various authors' confusion-style inductions or the more Ericksonian stylings available from authors like Blink and littlecaltoy, and try using files with binaural beats and other effects, as well.

Many analytical types have to practically fight tooth and nail to get a good, reliable hypnotic response, but those of us that have been able to get into a deep state of self-hypnosis usually say it is well worth the effort. We also often seem to say that it was when we about ready to give up, to quit trying, when it just suddenly happened.

In fact, I was ready to give up before I had my first recognizable trance, but an important part of me said, "Wait a minute! If this is so hard, why can so many other people do it?!" Mind you, I am no mental Superman, but I can usually master the other things most other people learn to do. It was then that I decided to never stop trying to master hypnosis, ever. I told myself that I was going to practice every day, 2-3 times a day until it happened or until I died. Two days later, I unexpectedly experienced my first deep trance.

Go figure.
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Postby ohnoes123 » January 22nd, 2010, 6:02 pm

Thank you for some amazing responses. I feel very positive.

Yes I have never skipped a hypnosis session, every night without fail I play an induction and I will continue to!

And I absolutely agree, I have many minor trances most every day. I absorb myself into an activity and suddenly 1 or even 2 hours have passed!

I may update this thread in the future with my progress/successes.
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Great info!

Postby mikeyshea » January 23rd, 2010, 8:08 am

I'm brand new here and full of curiosity and questions. But this thread has answered many, confirmed some ideas and has been very helpful.

I tried at first to listen to too many different files. That causes confusion, discouragement and failure. I know realise I have to start small and work up to it. To start expecting all sorts of amazing experiences without first building belief thru small successes is impatient and naive.

Thanks for the posts. I'm excited about learning this new area of my mind.
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Postby Inanenoble » January 26th, 2010, 5:20 pm

I am in an odd situation where I am not even sure I have been going into a trance (In fact the original reason I got onto this site was to find "Trance Training" audio which was oddly difficult to find... Plenty of do it yourselves and fakes) and even though I started thinking I knew what a trance was and felt like (like my head was swimming, falling, or even blank) everyday I just don't know. It is like I forgot what a Trance is and have it confused for something else.

When I started it was pointless and RIGHT when I started to get anywhere, actual sensations during hypnosis and two moments of refreshment, suddenly I am getting worse and worse.

Sometimes Ill feel odd things here and there during hypnosis and sometimes I thought I was close to actually fulfilling what was said... but I never actually succeeded at any file no matter how simple. The strongest feeling I ever experienced during hypnosis was intense, nearly overwhelming, relaxation in my legs and that was it (which was more powerful then the hypnosis implied which was just waves of relaxation which also was just the induction so it wasn't a success). I know that my mind alone can force physical feelings on myself (I can trick myself into thinking I am chewing gum) without hypnosis so I am not even sure if the hypnosis is doing anything.

Another thing I am concerned about is during hypnosis I think I break trance constantly. Ill gasp all of a sudden (for no reason) and I think it breaks my trance and it happens almost everytime. As well sometimes when a trance is particularly relaxing it can even force my mind to wander. Lastly often when I do feel something during hypnosis I'll break it (which is apperantly common)
-I am sure 2 of the 3 can be fixed with practice. The Gasping though is either I breathe too shallow or I am subconsciously breaking hypnosis.

I think my self-doubt is counter productive and I don't think anything I said requires and different advice then you given anyone else.

I do have a question though:

How exactly am I supposed to be listening? I've heard passive listening, active listening, and even intent listening. Am I supposed to reflect on what has been said? Repeat everything in my head as it is being said? Honestly I am so confused.

Often I think the only reason I havn't given up so far, other then I think it is neat and the stench of failure, is that the hour or two I spend trying to go under hypnosis is rather relaxing and if done right, and my mind doesn't wander, it actually considerably calms me down.

Ill try some of what you suggested. A clearly defined, and simple, goal will be good so I guess that will help. I don't know if I have an analytical mind, what does that even really mean?

Oddly enough I am almost the opposite of the topic creator. I have an incredable (if a bit numbing/not vivid enough) easy time picturing things. I just get distracted by what is said sometimes if it sticks out such as stuttering or bad/wrong pronunciation often correcting it. (I also sometimes finish sentences before said)

Ps. Incredably sorry for the sporatic way this message is typed, I am not typing it from top to botton, and any spelling mistakes that may be inside. That and I am editing and adding more info. Though I think I said enough.
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Can not get any of the tracks I download to work

Postby Jenniegirl » January 28th, 2010, 6:57 pm

I have been using hypnotic downloads for years off and on and I still can not get anything to work. I have tried to lay there and listen and go into a trance, making subliminal music out of the downloads and playing the same track over and over while I sleep. Does anyone have any advice? I have tried a bunch of inductions and none of them seem to work for me either.
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