Lucid Dreaming

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Lucid Dreaming

Postby cf05 » June 27th, 2005, 8:00 pm

Alright, this is freaking me out. What are the reprecussions of doing it wrong?And if I have a lucid dream every night, doesnt that mean I wont be able to rest? will it render me insane?
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Postby makidas » June 27th, 2005, 8:52 pm

There are none, no and no.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby Shadowmancer_292 » June 28th, 2005, 12:30 pm

The absolute worst that can happen is that the dreams become nightmares. But being lucid means you can easily face this, therefore as long as you are in control there are no negative effects to lucid dreaming.
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Postby BobbyS » June 28th, 2005, 1:20 pm

Lucid dreams are a good way to face fears, as shadowmancer292 said and I am currently practicing achieving them now. (You can do it without hypnosis - )
However, if you're referring to the CurseLucid Dreaming file, personally I'd avoid it. Simply because even I'd get sick of one every single night. However, if you've lucid dreamed before and want it every night, there's no reason not to listen.
You may want to try other less obliging methods first though.
Finally, it seems unlikely there are side effects. Lots of people who are into lucid dreams and good at them have one every single night.
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Re: Lucid Dreaming

Postby loony28 » June 28th, 2005, 10:03 pm

cf05 wrote:Alright, this is freaking me out. What are the reprecussions of doing it wrong?And if I have a lucid dream every night, doesnt that mean I wont be able to rest? will it render me insane?

:twisted: Why are you worried about lucid dreams making you insane? I tend to control my dreams and I get plenty of rest and I'm not insane (though some may think so). Controling your dreams is a great feeling. when you become lucid you don't have to worry about nightmares because your in control, you can fly which is a great feeling of freedom, you can do anything in dreams. My favorite things to do while lucid are to fly, breath underwater, and pass through solid objects. I've only had a couple of nightmares my entire life. They were times that an outside influence attacked me in dreams. I seem to have drawn the attention of certain things. This goes more into the occult than what this site is about though. Don't worry about being attacked by an outside influence. I don't think it happens very often and then only to certain people. If you're lucid and this happens to you then you have a better chance of fighting it off. :twisted:
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Postby ttbob » June 29th, 2005, 1:48 am

Instead of a new post for only two question, I'll just add on here.

For those of you who have lucid dreams...have you ever ran out of ideas for dreams?

Also, can you choose some nights to have normal dreaming, rather than lucid?

Edit: One other question popped in my head; For those who had success with the lucid dream files, how many times did you listen to it until you had success?
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Postby --Luigi-- » June 29th, 2005, 7:47 pm

I listened to the file about 5 or 6 times then atleast once or twice everyday after that and i've had lucid dreams all the times. Trust me, you don't get bored. The guy says you have more and more control over your dream each time. So at first you won't have total control. Its actually quite fun, knowing each night you'll have more and more power.

Edit:Why would you even want regular dreams? They're no fun.
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Postby ttbob » June 30th, 2005, 12:36 am

Well, the regular dreams question was closely tied to the question about running out of ideas.

For example: If I had Lucid dreams all the time, and there was a night were I didn't have any ideas, then I could just let my subconcious do it.

Also, one other thing occered to me. A lot of times, in the morning, I can never remember my dreams (or don't have one, witchever), will this "no dream" thing effect the lucid dreams?

(Sorry for all the questions, I just want to get all the info I can before I start doing it.)
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Postby --Luigi-- » June 30th, 2005, 1:05 am

The file includes telling you that will remember your dreams. So if it works, you will remember. I honestly don't think you'll run out of ideas. I mean you really can't. Think about it. You're always thinking, thinking about something. You can't turn your brain off.
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Postby ttbob » June 30th, 2005, 1:34 am

Yea, as I read your last post, I thought about it, and there really is almost endless ideas. Plus, you learn at least one new thing everyday, so that my help to.

Thanks for your (and everyone else who helped) help, I think I'm ready for the lucid dreaming. ^^
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Postby --Luigi-- » June 30th, 2005, 2:01 am

Thats good. I would make sure to listen to the Induction, deepening, and maybe the SublimTrainTrance a few times before trying another file. You've probably already done that, though.
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Postby --Luigi-- » June 30th, 2005, 4:25 am

Actually it said, you can play along with the dream if you want. BTW, you'll have to pay to stop them from happening.
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Postby BobbyS » June 30th, 2005, 6:47 am

I don't know how helpful the file is at helping you to remember your dreams, but keeping a dream journal will help you to remember your dreams, hypnosis or no. Also, you'd be surprised at what you remember - I have since discovered very real recurring dreams where I am stuck in the (fully working) body of a beautiful woman!
Again, I want to stess the alternatives to the curse file. EMG already has a non-cursing file on the site that should also work, but without the possibility of shelling out $30.
You can also hypnotise yourself (HILD - Hypnosis Induced Lucid Dream). Also, try having five hours sleep, reading lucid dreaming material for an hour or so before sleeping again. You'll fall straight back to REM sleep and have a 20x increased chance of having a lucid dream. This known as the Wake Back To Bed method and is scientifically proven to work.
No matter what you do however, it is important to honestly believe you WILL have a lucid dream, because you can. If you are doubtful, this greatly reduce your possibility of having one.
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Postby ttbob » June 30th, 2005, 7:12 am

See, what I ment on the not being able to remember a dream thing was that, like when I wake-up, I have no memory of anything happening as I slept, were-as someone would wake-up and remember a dream.

Me, I usually have no memory, or a very scratched one.

Of cource, my memory isn't so good in the first place. Ha!
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Postby demigraff » June 30th, 2005, 8:33 am

I remember reading once that the average person has more than a hundred distinct dreams every night, but that you only remember them for a minute or something. So if you remember a dream in the morning, its because you woke up very shortly afterwards... natural for some people, but not for others, depending on your normal sleep cycle.

I believe reference was made to a study showing that if someone else wakes you up or you have an alarm go off in the middle of your normal sleep, you're more likely to remember your dreams.

I can't remember where I read this, so I can't say it was a reliable source, but I know I always remember my dreams if I'm woken up unexpectedly in the middle of the night (and never if I wake up naturally).
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Postby BobbyS » June 30th, 2005, 1:56 pm

Demigraff, what you're referring to is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is when the majority of your dreams take place. (Dreams during non-REM sleep tend to be the weirder, hazy ones.) As for the experiments, participants woken up during REM sleep were significantly more likely to remember dreams than those woken up later, I think because they were woken up during the dream. The precise number of dreams an average person remembers is 5% of all their dreams per night.

ttbob, even if you can't remember any dreams yet, just trying to remember will make you begin to remember them. If yopu can't remember a single dream, just try every morning. Once you remember your first dream, keep going. Once you're comfortable with one dream a night, try two. There's bound to be dry spells, but keep at it and you'll soon begin to remember.
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Postby ttbob » June 30th, 2005, 11:31 pm

Thanks! I appriciate you all helping me out. ^_^
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Postby BobbyS » July 1st, 2005, 8:24 am

No prob :wink: :D
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Postby asdf » July 1st, 2005, 9:29 pm

I took a combination of Calea Zacatechichi (caps)/B12/Melatonin/Valerian Root last night. I didn't have any lucid dreams or any dreams that I remember, but I did have some very vivid waking hallucinations.
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Postby ttbob » July 2nd, 2005, 1:32 am

Yea? Were did you get all of them funny-named herbs (I'm assuming)?
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