Can't quite get into trance (I don't think).

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Can't quite get into trance (I don't think).

Postby Boredsomeone » June 4th, 2010, 12:58 am

I've been trying for a few weeks now to get into a trance, and to get some files to work. I've had minor success' with maybe 2 files.

When I try and go into a trance, I (try) and relax all my muscles. I then start clearing my mind and I slowly feel like my body and limbs start to vibrate and then go numbish. But it doesn't go past my neck.

My head feels normal, my thoughts are still coming and going, and I'm still conscious. I can easily move and the feeling in my limbs and body go away quickly

(Sorry if I gave a bad description)

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Am I not tired enough, trying to go into trance a way that doesn't work for me?

Posts: 1
Joined: March 21st, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: Can't quite get into trance (I don't think).

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » June 4th, 2010, 6:46 am

Hello, Boredsomeone -

I want you to imagine something.

I want you to imagine that your first posting here in the forum asked something different.

It's great that you asked about improving the effectiveness of your trances. And I'll address that topic in a moment. But to start, I'd like you to imagine that you asked for something different.

Imagine posting a note to Find Others in Your Area

Find others who like recreational trance

It's easy to do. Lots of folks have done it. They simply go to the forum Meeting Grounds and post a note.

What do you think it would it feel like to post a note that asks others in your area to say hello?

Since you're already imagining, lets keep going. I want you to imagine a second thing, if you like. And this one's a little more fun.

I want you to imagine there's a reply. I want you to imagine signing into WMM and discovering there's been a reply. And even before you read it - before you even open it - your heart rate beats a little faster as you feel excitement and curiosity.

And now that you've done some imagining, it's time to turn attention to your question...
    - Am I doing something wrong?

    - Am I not tired enough, trying to go into trance a way that doesn't work for me?
Those things are unimportant, Boredsomeone.

The portrayal of trance we see in cinema and television is hokey and unrealistic. In reality, the experience is lucid for most people. It's clear thinking that focuses on possibilities.

And this note invited you to imagine something, didn't it? It invited you to focus on possibilities.

    What you focus on...
    What you love to focus on and imagine doing...

    That's what your life turns toward.
Without trying, the direction of our lives changes as we imagining ourselves becoming or doing something we love.

Even when something scientifically impossible is imagined, it causes the mind to seek options and possibilities. And it's very cool to know our minds are wired to do that.

When someone asks you a question - even after you know the answer - your wonderful mind will briefly continue evaluating for other choices; other answers. it's very cool to know our minds do that!

So let your thoughts come and go. Move your body if you like.

And as you listen, imagine possibilities.

Imagine possibilities and be confident that your mind is wired to find the way that's right for you; the way that fits your life.
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Joined: September 21st, 2006, 12:00 am
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

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