Need some help on pushing it further

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Need some help on pushing it further

Postby Vyance » July 21st, 2010, 10:00 am

Hey guys first off i gota say i Love trancing, i wasnt sure wehter i was doing it at first but after a few months i think i got it pretty well down, I Love feeling that relaxed and although i love that bit im stil in a bit of a pickle.

you see i have been listening to files and i get so far with them but never have a "complete" experience, ill go a couple of weeks repeating the same file usually feminisation files and i get a sort of fuzzy likeness to what the file describes it will do but only when i really concentrate on it and at that only for very brife periods of time. im not angry im just jealous i really want these files to work and im feeling a little left out of the loop when i hear people saying that they are having a great time with the effects where as i only get a luke warm sensation out of them.

im just looking for some pointers on getting all the way there with the effects, push it over the cliff you could say, i dont know whats blocking me im ready to accept most of any of the files but somthing just seems to be in the way. i think if it wernt for my love of trancing then i would have left a while ago but there is still a big part of me wants these things to happen.

help a guy out please? any advice welcome. thanks x
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