Remembering the body of trance files

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Remembering the body of trance files

Postby wmm9 » October 30th, 2010, 7:15 am

Seems that no matter what I listen to, even files that tell me I won't be able to remember what was said during the body of the file, I still remember the entire experience and can recall everything that was said. So I'm wondering if I am going deep enough for trance to even work.

Has anyone here had really great success with files, despite being able to fully remember the entire time they were under every time, with no amnesia? Or am I just wasting my time and not in trance at all if I can remember the body?

----- About me:

I seem to get threshold effects from files, but it's always trivial to not follow any instructions, even after listening to a file twice a day for weeks. I understand trance is more about suggesting than forcing, and indeed some files do make me want things more than I previously did before listening, at least.

Been listening to files for years in all, usually in spurts. I'd say probably listened to a full file 300 or so times now, and heard probably ten different induction methods. Most effective to me is EMG's "pretty much all you need to do right now is just listen to me for a little while" one.

The deepest I've gone ... I get the heavy body feeling, I don't want to move and I want to listen, but I'm still able to think normally. I have to make great efforts to stop myself from thinking. Sometimes the words that are coming up later in a file will pop into my mind, or I'll think of how much time is left in the file based on the current words being said, or just think of any random thing. Can't help it.

I guess as a whole it feels more like the effects I get are basically me pretending things are working. I've been able to pop out of trance even at countdowns as low as 2, and it feels like I only complete the files after that for want of believing it can work. I don't feel anything from the count up to awaken, and I'm almost certain it's me manually acting more awake.

But sometimes it really does feel like I'm down pretty deep. I can perceive my eyelids twitching sometimes (never for a whole file, to be honest it steals my attention because I definitely feel it), and the suggestions are usually not resistible during the trance, even if they are kind of weaker than I'd like.

Is there some defining thing that happens where you go from remembering to too deep to remember? I know nobody can say what they were thinking or how they felt for a time they can't remember, but I do wonder what it'd feel like to be that deep to not be able to remember anything, at least at the threshold of it happening if anything.

My technique is to get as relaxed as humanly possible, and try to do everything I'm told without thinking of anything else. I've listened at all states of alertness: from wide awake to almost asleep, from morning to night. I can't relax anymore than I do, no idea what else I can try. Added my own binaural effects with theta and delta waves, tried deepeners (they bore me when the induction lasts too long and I can't go any deeper than I am anyway), etc.

Not going to try a real hypnotist. Not a people person for that.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » October 30th, 2010, 11:22 am

I believe it is imperative that you get your inner voice to be quiet. Especially if you want to experience hypnotic amnesia.

Look at it this way, when you are going to sleep are you paying attention that you are going to sleep? You know, all the little signs that sleep will happen soon. It would be very hard to fall asleep if you are taking inventory of the signs. YOU have to let go completely. Now, hypnosis is not sleep but the letting go part, at least for me, is similar.

As far as wasting your time, that's up for you to decide ;) Is there anything beneficial coming from the repeated listening?

Good luck mon',
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Postby wmm9 » October 30th, 2010, 8:17 pm

Thanks for the feedback :)

You know, all the little signs that sleep will happen soon. It would be very hard to fall asleep if you are taking inventory of the signs. YOU have to let go completely.

Hmmm. I've always had trouble sleeping, I have to lie down for two or three hours each night to actually fall asleep (it does not matter how tired I am initially), and can recall at least one dream sequence each night.

I doubt I could get to a dream-like state, short of leaving the file playing the entire night on loop, but everyone here says that doesn't help.

Is there anything beneficial coming from the repeated listening

Just an increased desire for the file to actually work fully, even for some of the files that I didn't 100% always want to work. Like being talked into something.

So I tell myself more and more that obviously I want something to work, but I'm still able to completely block suggestions if I try and test it to see if it's working.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » October 30th, 2010, 8:57 pm

Have you ever "felt" the induction working? Like when EMG starts to describe your feet relaxing... then your calves... moving up your legs... etc etc, do you FEEL that happening?

I myself sometimes lose feeling of my entire body in a progressive relaxation induction!

I also think that your trouble getting to sleep easily is somehow connected to your ability to "let go completely" for hypnosis as well. I read once that you should not go to bed for sleep until you are really ready go to sleep. Fortunately I have always fallen asleep quite easily(5 - 10 minutes).

I think in your initial post, the outline of the motions you go through to trance is spot on. But there must be a personality trait that has developed over years that is holding you back. Identifying that and correcting it will be key probably for a satisfying trance sessions. At the very least, you might learn to get to sleep easier.

I'm just trying to help mind you. I am by no means a professional.

All the best,
- uw_
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Joined: November 17th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby ocntrl » October 31st, 2010, 5:50 am

May I suggest you try my induction 03?
It is a different style and works well for some people that had trouble going deep in the past.
Also, feel free to contact me here or using yip to discuss your challenges. I am mostly interested in helping people that are getting desperate to experience a good trance, although it may require some time.
Posts: 186
Joined: January 8th, 2007, 1:00 am

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